I am going to be in trouble

Re: Re: Re: The gloves are OFF!

zipman7 said:

Perhaps I have a different view of flames than you do. To me, it is making insulting remarks about an individual's personality. What I did in the post you quoted was to comment on a thread you started that I feel has no place on this board. The GB is for that kind of thread. It has nothing to do with BDSM and is not even remotely like the other threads here.

If that is "flaming" to you then I am guilty. Is disagreeing with you on a public forum flogging? I think not. I used the Tony Soprano thread because it was the best example of a thread that just does not belong here.

And discussing this is not hijacking this thread either. WillowPuss made the following comment in her opening post:

I find it interesting that you consider this hijacking. I consider it responding to the original thread starter. I would apologize to WillowPuss if I thought for a second that I had hijacked this thread.

Congratulations! you not only got the last word in but you are as good a flamer as those you complain about. Much better than I would ever care to be, for sure.

Keep attacking me in public, please.

Re: Re: Re: Re: The gloves are OFF!

A Desert Rose said:

Congratulations! you not only got the last word in but you are as good a flamer as those you complain about. Much better than I would ever care to be, for sure.

Keep attacking me in public, please.


So, nobody here can question anything you post about without being accused of "flaming" you?

And perhaps it's not "getting the last word in" perhaps it's a discussion - you know, where two people each take turns "discussing" something.
No person has the right to say what does or does not belong here except for Laurel and Manu.


I read almost all of the back threads today... do you know whats funny?

There isnt anything different about them then than there is now. Change the names,same things.

Its just all SSDD.

Same Shit Different Day for the non King readers.

Contrary to popular belief,I do not consider bdsm a religion. Its a piece of me that I am learning about.

I like learning. I have read vast amounts about bdsm,I have done lots of studying.

I prefer to learn hands on,so to speak.

Reading these threads wont make me a better sub.

Reading about that The Sopranos guy makes someone wet wont make me a bad one.

I dont need constant reassurance that what I am doing is ok.

I would love to get opinions about alot of things,but not from here. I obviously dont fit in.

We "self-proclaimed subs" dont exist in any form in this board.

So ignore me and move on.

I am not changing who I am to try to "fit" in.
Re: Re: Re: The gloves are OFF!

zipman7 said:
I used the Tony Soprano thread because it was the best example of a thread that just does not belong here.

See, I disagree with that. I don't know why everybody is so afraid that this board will turn into a mini-GB. I don't see that happening.

However, by limiting interactions here strictly to bdsm, how can we learn about the whole person? We all have many aspects to who we are, and some of those shape our interests in bdsm.

Do you think it is any coincidence that so many female submissives dig Tony Soprano? Fuck no! We like him because he's dominant, aggressive, powerful and in control.

We are whole people, who share an interest in bdsm. Personally, I'm curious about everything about people, not just how they like to be tied up or wield a flogger.
lovetoread said:
No person has the right to say what does or does not belong here except for Laurel and Manu.


I read almost all of the back threads today... do you know whats funny?

There isnt anything different about them then than there is now. Change the names,same things.

Its just all SSDD.

Same Shit Different Day for the non King readers.

Contrary to popular belief,I do not consider bdsm a religion. Its a piece of me that I am learning about.

I like learning. I have read vast amounts about bdsm,I have done lots of studying.

I prefer to learn hands on,so to speak.

Reading these threads wont make me a better sub.

Reading about that The Sopranos guy makes someone wet wont make me a bad one.

I dont need constant reassurance that what I am doing is ok.

I would love to get opinions about alot of things,but not from here. I obviously dont fit in.

We "self-proclaimed subs" dont exist in any form in this board.

So ignore me and move on.

I am not changing who I am to try to "fit" in.

The description under the title of BDSM on the main Literotica Forum reads
Discussions of the BDSM lifestyle.

The description under the title of the General Board reads:
Want to talk about something not covered anywhere else? Try this board![

The reason is so that people can find what they are looking for.

While reading the Tony Soprano thread won't make you a bad sub, I think that for most people, reading the BDSM threads MIGHT make them a better one. It is different for everyone.
Historically, I think the board has always leaned towards either mostly fluff or headed in the other direction to mostly informational. Seldom do I see it in balance. Right now we're at the top of the fluff wave. But it will shift back. Some people will leave. Some will leave and come back. New people will come. Some will find acceptance in the little pockets of power clicks. Some will be fingernails across the blackboard.

What it will never be is what it was at the beginning. But I think there can still be threads of interest here. We all can exercise a little judgment about what we choose not only to respond to, but to even open.
Re: Re: Re: Re: The gloves are OFF!

Rubyfruit said:

See, I disagree with that. I don't know why everybody is so afraid that this board will turn into a mini-GB. I don't see that happening.

Ruby, the real fear is that we might have some fun here, as well as learn.

I see threads here that are of serious nature and I post to certain people religiously (i.e. Shadows and Ebony) but the silly, fun threads seem to be a draw.

Shame on any of us who want to provide some levity alongside the seriousness of BDSM.

Flame on, please. I am welcoming and enjoying it.

WriterDom said:
Historically, I think the board has always leaned towards either mostly fluff or headed in the other direction to mostly informational. Seldom do I see it in balance. Right now we're at the top of the fluff wave. But it will shift back. Some people will leave. Some will leave and come back. New people will come. Some will find acceptance in the little pockets of power clicks. Some will be fingernails across the blackboard.

What it will never be is what it was at the beginning. But I think there can still be threads of interest here. We all can exercise a little judgment about what we choose not only to respond to, but to even open.

Exactly, WD. Things change and cycle though various topic areas. I have taken to only opening the ones that interest me no, and leaving the others alone.

zipman7 said:

The description under the title of BDSM on the main Literotica Forum reads

The description under the title of the General Board reads:

The reason is so that people can find what they are looking for.

While reading the Tony Soprano thread won't make you a bad sub, I think that for most people, reading the BDSM threads MIGHT make them a better one. It is different for everyone.

You can ignore it.

There are more bdsm threads than Tony Soprano threads. Or you have aggressive monitors who shovel stuff out, but people get upset about that. You can split the forum and have a bdsm playground, but most seem to be against that.
Ruby and LTR....

Ruby and LTR - you are both ladies which I have always held in high esteem. Both of you have proven time and again to be witty, funny, caring, sensitve, and smart. In many ways there is a spark of envy within me because I simply can't do the easy banter as well and as interesting as either of you do. You both are a joy to read.

LTR, yes I know that it seems there are some who have the view that their way is the best way. Don't we all? I know I do, though I do try to keep reminding myself that it's a big world out there with lots of other viewpoints. It's hard sometimes, especially out here in cyber space. I have been here since you and Tiger first met, have watched your relationship progress and grow, and have been happy for you. I personally feel that you have much to contribute here - even if you say you are in "learning mode". Heck, most of us are. But learning or experienced all have a right to speak and be heard.

Now, I haven't followed every single thread here, but I've only seen a few "serious" posts from you. And they make me wonder why we don't see that side of you more often. Yes, I enjoy your wit, but I also enjoy knowing what you think and why. I personally would like to see more of that, should you decide to stay.

Ruby, what can I say? You da bomb, girl, and I've always thought so. I've met very few people with as sharp a wit as you, who can crank out the one-liners as easily as she can engage in indepth conversations.

I think the "fear" is that when people go to the GB they see a lot of "fluff" stuff, or flame wars, or over-indulgence in politics. Is this bad? It better not be, as I know I've engaged in my fair share! But I think folks here are looking for a more focused or concentrated discussion. And even in those serious discussion, along with the few "fluff" threads, I've come to know different facets of personalities here. It's inevitable.

No, I'm not going to point to a specific thread, because some threads simply do not interest me and/or I have nothing to contribute, so I stay out of them. End of story. I think the concern is when threads that stray from the focused attention of what this forum was set up to do, and those threads begin to become the majority, people see the GB repeating itself here. Is that "fear" rational? I don't know. I do know that I like to engage in both the GB and here, but I would like to see this forum a little more concentrated on the topic it was set up to discuss.

Anyway, that's my .02.
It was all in fun, ya know? Get it? It's been viewed over 450 times. I think SOME people see the humor.

What's the big deal? Oh I know, some of us aren't being serious enough.

I have assumed the postion- Flog me and flog me more.

Don't read me, don't post to my threads. What difference does it make?

Take WD's advice, ignore me. No on second thought, don't do that... I enjoy the flaming.
Flame on......

WriterDom said:

You can ignore it.

There are more bdsm threads than Tony Soprano threads. Or you have aggressive monitors who shovel stuff out, but people get upset about that. You can split the forum and have a bdsm playground, but most seem to be against that.

Yes I can ignore it and I wasn't saying that anyone should move it. When I am in the mood, I go over to the GB. That is what it is for.

I was voicing my opinion on the subject from the original post on this thread.
Ebonyfire said:

Exactly, WD. Things change and cycle though various topic areas. I have taken to only opening the ones that interest me no, and leaving the others alone.


I feel the same way.

In terms of different points of view -- agree to disagree -- that's my personal stance. Whether or not I agree with someone's view on something I respect each person as an individual.

Respect seems to be a problem for some. To each their own. Some feel they aren't being respected and they are sensitive to that. If someone doesn't respect you -- move on. Don't engage. Btw, I think open discussion and communication is always important -- even in disagreements. But know when it's best to walk away -- for those who feel deeply upset about these things. Protect yourself -- that comes first.

No matter what, I still respect that each person as a right to a voice here.

And to me there is no "right" or "wrong" way for the board to continue.

But -- I have to say this again. The people who feel strongly about the direction of the board in terms of making it a focused discussion of BDSM -- they need to -- right now, start threads that are an example of what they want. (If I didn't have a bad cold -- I'd be more active practiscing what I'm preaching.)

Look at all the people on this thread who *care* -- I don't see one person who doesn't. Even if there are disagreements.

*Everyone* should start the kind of discussion threads that relate to what they feel they need or want to give here. Begin there -- and see who participates. That is how the board will go on. What appeals to who is here.

Perse :rose:
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This post is his not directed towards any one person

What about when you are reading a serious, heart felt thread and suddenly there a high jack from two or three people bantering on and on about something that had nothing at all to do with the topic at hand?

No I didn't open the Tony thread. But I do open so many of serious interest that devolve quickly because it kills the entire mood of why the thread of stared in the first place.

Sometimes it's next to impossible to get a thread back on track when people are more concerned about their freedom to type rather than simply using a little common courtesy.

I quit.

The point never was flirting or seriousness. It was the fact you (and thats a general you for all of ya) decided, what a poster should or shouldnt post.

Just remember that those conversations were probably the only thing that kept the thread alive. It would have dropped off of the page most likely.

Okay then I'm done here.

Ya'll win.

Have fun.

I'll be on the fluff threads. Since I rarely if ever join on the deep conversations,other than to bump up threads,you will not have to see me.

Go celebrate. Have a good time.

Think of me fondly,k?
Re: This post is his not directed towards any one person

Astrid said:
What about when you are reading a serious, heart felt thread and suddenly there a high jack from two or three people bantering on and on about something that had nothing at all to do with the topic at hand?

No I didn't open the Tony thread. But I do open so many of serious interest that devolve quickly because it kills the entire mood of why the thread of stared in the first place.

Sometimes it's next to impossible to get a thread back on track when people are more concerned about their freedom to type rather than simply using a little common courtesy.

It is an interesting point Astrid. (BTW -- Hello, nice to see you here, I've enjoyed you posts Astrid -- please call me Perse.) :)

Astrid, can I give offer up another way of looking at this?

You, me, *no one* can control what other people do.

So, if you (or anyone -- take the *you* in what I write to apply to anyone here) are bothered by the way a thread is going off on a tangent -- isn't the most proactive thing to do to just find a way of bringing it back to the original topic at hand?

Rather than getting upset or irked or annoyed -- because the thread is not going in the way *you* feel it should. (Remember -- that's all your own judgment and opinion -- your way, anyone's way is not the right way because there is no "right")

Then if you want it to be different -- you can chose not to stew and do something.

And I mean that for whomever is bothered by that sort of thing.

Personally, if I hijack a thread -- I try to bring it back on topic.

And, lol, just to make a point -- perhaps we should bring things more closely back to Willow's original point *or* accept that thread is moving on -- going forth from what she began and provoking meaningful discussion.

See, even this can be looked on as a hijack of sorts. It's all in your point of view.

And believe me -- I hear what you're saying. I'm just offering up another perspective to consider. And it's fine if it doesn't work for you, it's not meant personally -- just as a matter of discussion.

Perse :rose:
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No one is telling anyone what they can post or not.

I suppose this is more along the lines of how some of us would like the board to look.

It won't happen.
When you gather an group of people together who are as diverse as we are, there are bound to be as many different "visions" of the board as there are people.

My only issue is belittling others. That is all I would LIKE to see stop, but realize I have no control over other's manners.

I hope that my two cents is considered to be rather objective. I am cym's friend and can enjoy some fluff with Lance.

I do not support 100 percent of either of their posts or tactics.

If you like fluff, do fluff.

I like a bit of both.
Ya'll need to lighten up. :) Just goshing.

I see both sides of this argument as being valid. Yes there are some of us that want to get down to the nitty gritty of BDSM and we don't want any of the playhouse crap in here. And no fliriting. And gawd forbid laughter. Get it the fuck outta here. I think that is fine and dandy. I really do.

There are also some of us that love to learn and we like to have fun with it. We need that laughter and playfulness in order to keep from getting bored. We need it to stay sane. If it's not there we'll just ended up leaving or we'll be a lurker forever. And forget about us providing input.

So, both sides are definitely very valid. I think we all must realize that we come from varied backgrounds with varied wants and needs. If you can't see that then you are being very narrow minded. The only way an endeavor such as this will succeed is with compromise. Being a hard ass and locking things down tight is just going to drive people away. And being too chaotic will never result in anything getting done.

I just hope we can all see that and strive to work together.

Happy BDSM'ing.

Just a small note...

The truth is that i'm not fighting anymore. i've become a troll.

The forum we knew is gone, there's no way to recreate that atmosphere here again. Maybe that's not bad at all. Perhaps we'll try the experiment again somewhere else. Much was learned and that's the victory.

But you cannot grow orchids in the middle of the parking lot at Mall of America. It's too bad that people lurked and felt that they were being excluded, but mistakes were made.

For me, from now on the place is only good for one thing. A good old-fashioned shit fight. Lance may have brought life to the place, but the fact remains that he killed a LOT.

i'm not fighting FOR anything anymore. i'm just slinging shit. "When in Rome". Lance worked his heart and soul out to give me the right to speak freely. yippee!
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WillowPuss said:
I have just done something that I should not have done.

I have just let my emotions and temper get the better of me.

I lashed out.

Because this place that I care so much about, the place where I found acceptance, where I could learn safely from real people about real experiences, has been watered down to such an extent that it hardly exists anymore.

I logged on this morning as I usually do ... and on the first page there were just seven threads that were actually about real BDSM topics. Just seven that might expand my learning a little - a mere seven.

Fot those among us who are trying so hard to keep this place real and on target ... thank you from the bottom of my heart.

For those of you who want there forum a weak and watery place - I wish you well. I hope it fullfills your needs. I am sorry - but it just doesn't fullfill mine.

I will now go back ... trying hard to pick conversations and threads I can post to with thought and intelligence. I have no wish to banter semi-vieled comments with anyone. I have no inclination to flirt with anyone - I wouldn't dare to be so disrespectful of my relationship. I will try to continue to have fun with my friends ... but it seems a really empty hollow place suddenly.

I will show Master this thread tonight - and also show him the other posts I made. I do not expect He will be pleased - and must accept the consequences of my actions.

<rant over>

Willow, i hope you actually come back long enough to read this.

You spoke only the truth in your posts. Sometimes it's painful to do so, but do so we must.
WillowPuss said:

thanks for your post.

I like fun.
I quite like fluff.

What troubles me is totally inappropriate behaviour, nasty comments, and flames at every .........ETC

Dave - I am sorry - this turned into another rant.
It is not directed at you personally, and I apologise if it seems that way.

Willow, no apologies necessary. Thank you for your candid opinion (and MissT too). Hmm..I am now in head scratching mode ! On the serious side, there are many things I would like to say to the Forum in general. On the humerous side, I feel that a little 'cheering up' would be in order...but this may not be the best time. I will be back after pacing the floor and thinking carefully before I open my mouth as it were. Pity others can't do the same !! (Not addressed at anyone in particular).

Willow..hang on in there. There don't seem to be many of us from UK on this board. We have to stick together and stiff upper lip eh wot old chap ?

Re: Just a small note...

DRxBlue said:
The truth is that i'm not fighting anymore. i've become a troll.

The forum we knew is gone, there's no way to recreate that atmosphere here again. Maybe that's not bad at all. Perhaps we'll try the experiment again somewhere else. Much was learned and that's the victory.

But you cannot grow orchids in the middle of the parking lot at Mall of America. It's too bad that people lurked and felt that they were being excluded, but mistakes were made.

For me, from now on the place is only good for one thing. A good old-fashioned shit fight. Lance may have brought life to the place, but the fact remains that he killed a LOT.

i'm not fighting FOR anything anymore. i'm just slinging shit. "When in Rome". Lance worked his heart and soul out to give me the right to speak freely. yippee!

Blue, I'm really sad to see this response. I do hope that you'll have a heart with those of us who really want to stay here and discuss BDSM topics. I don't agree with everything anyone here has done over the last couple months, myself included. I've done and said things I'm not proud of either. From what I've seen, shit slinging only provokes more shit slinging, until before long that's all that's going on.

I realize you are upset right now. I am too. I ask you my friend (if I can still call you that) not to make this place any more depressing. I understand you have the right to post whatever you want, as do any of us here. This is a request from me, and not something I expect to get an answer on. Thank you for at least reading this.

What do you see in future? Lance "settling down" and being his funny good guy self, once all those bad people stop picking on him.

Do you think he'll resist the urge to ruffle somebody's feathers, to dig into someone's ribs, to bit by bit drive one person at a time to distraction just to amuse himself.

That's what he does...he's so FUNNY though.

That shit pile is pretty tall, it could topple in any direction. DUCK!

You don't know me, although, I have read your posts with delight since deciding to lurk here in the shadows, oh so long ago.

I read your post with sadness that such a unique and kind voice was feeling silenced.

As, I told Dixi on my own thread, never forget your value or worth.

When you come back to read this (hoping that you will), I hope that you are able to decipher the good words that people had to say about you. Let the negativity go. It is not worth your time.

Be confident that you are respected for the unique voice that you bring, and that though change can bring great pain, it can also bring growth.

Wishing you all the best in your continued journey with Robuck,

Honestly, Blue, I don't care what Lance does. I'm not responsible for him this week....nor ever for that matter. I have chosen to ignore his sarcastic remarks from now on.

As for trying to attack me, that's well within your right. I've admitted I'm not innocent in this whole mess. However, I am trying my best to move forward and past the "shit".

And No, I don't find what he does funny, I find it hurtful and totally unnecessary, not to mention childish. These are just my opinions, not that they matter. I don't have any thoughts on what the future holds at this point, nor would I venture a guess.

Thanks for the warning.
