I am going to be in trouble

Ebonyfire said:

Exactly, WD. Things change and cycle though various topic areas. I have taken to only opening the ones that interest me no, and leaving the others alone.


Actually I have been doing this for some time... I made decision when the previous flame wars happened and people left the board that I would read only those threads that I found of value. (And you can read into that all and anything that you want)

I am not going to participate in threads of people that I view detrimental to my well being.

You see... what many people don't understand was that this was never entended to be "fun". This was an educational forum where people could meet and discuss real life experiences of BDSM.

I left the GB a long time ago because what has been happening here was happening there on a regular basis and I did not care for it. It was just not for me.

Now I am intelligent enough to realize there is an ebb and flow to everything and there was bound to be some stretching as this forum grew and more people became aware of it.

Time will tell whether WD and Eb are right or not and things settle down to some kind of normalcy. I am not leaving. I am going to wait it out.

In the mean time, I am with Miss T. It would be nice if everyone was civil to each other and we all took a moment to read what we write before we hit the submit button. And it would also be nice if everyone thought about the threads they were starting and the impact it would have on others before starting...

In other words, you know those things we learned in kindergarten..... just civility and manners... that is all....
i'm really sorry 'critter, but it's kinda out of my hands here. i sure never wanted to attack you, but doo doo IS flying off me in all directions, and there's no point in cleaning up right now.

Maybe ever. Thanks for heeding the warning. i'm not myself quite. BUT i am feeling better than i have in quite a while. It's as if i've been constipated for weeks and NOW i know which way to point myself for relief.
