I Dare You to Take Your Clothes Off


Thanks WE,

I couldn't think of anything sexy ta write so I went with a little self mutilating humor. I'm gald ya liked it!

Good Poem Good Guy!

Loved the humor! I was very tempted to write a poem in which i not only took off my clothes, but also my skin and organs, walking bonily away. I may yet. Thanks for the laugh!

Not to be nosey or anything but are you gonna donate any of those organs? :)

Thanks for the words.


Well, maybe I am, but not because I want to see ya nekkid, Lauren. Actually, I just want to see what you do with the concept.

GG2, that poem was hilarious. You should submit that (don't forget to give it a good title).
Body Organs for Sale?

Well now GG

I'm keeping the brain--the rest will be at the yard sale on Saturday. No early birds.
GG -

Your poem was so cute! The reality of stripping.

- Judo

Angeline, you can have the brain. I was thinking about bidding on some of the other "parts".......:).

Karma (or JUDO/WE/Angeline) how do I submit this thing?

Thanks again for the comments.

Re: Hmmm......

Goodguy2 said:
Angeline, you can have the brain. I was thinking about bidding on some of the other "parts".......:).

Karma (or JUDO/WE/Angeline) how do I submit this thing?

Thanks again for the comments.

You must login to your member page from the main Literotica Erotic Story and Picture Index (there's a link on top of that page: Submit or edit your profile: Login | Sign Up )

In there you'll find a link that says Submit Work.

Just follow the instructions. ;)
One can never get too many instructions or slutty sonnets, that's what I've always been told...
Slutty Sonnets?

OMG! Ladies, I have virgin ears! I don't know what I'd do with a slutty sonnet...........mmmmm.

Thanks for telling me how to do the submittal. Now, I just need to submit I guess.........

Sonnet Slut's Sonnet Declaration

(for my sister sluts, Lauren.Hynde and WickedEve)

"Oh, what to do with sonnet slut's vain mirth?"
A question bid to ears for years and years.
To cast her quaking laughs or tender tears?
With ease and care, take her for what she's worth.

She bends so low to catch the eyes that stare.
She spreads her knees out wide to show off pink
And with a wry filled grin, she gives a wink
To land a tongue or two up lips cleft pair.

"A slut am I!" acknowledges the sigh
As moans rise quick to drown out judgements' lie.
A pounding fuck will give the crowd a high
And then we'll see who cares if sluts love pie.

I bid, "Are you so brave to serve your meat
To sluts who crave it five upon the beat?"
I bid, "Are you so brave to serve your meat
To sluts who crave it five upon the beat?"
Dammit, Judo!

You're going to scare off the new guy! That sonnet's too hot for virgin ears! :D

You're a freak of nature! How long did it take for you to write that?
I'm Skeered......

Will someone hold me...........down

Have a good weekend. JUDO, great work!

Lauren, will you scare me? BTW, I like your eye's in your new pic......oh wait, those arent your eyes........

TTY next week

Lauren.Hynde said:
You're a freak of nature! How long did it take for you to write that?

I wasn't really keeping track. It took me probably fifteen minutes for the first stanza, I really got stuck, but the rest came rather quickly after that.

Probably a half-hour to 45 minutes, something like that.

- Judo

PS - Oh, and the new guy's not scared, he has a fetish he won't admit to. (hee-hee!)

Oh! And Sonnet Slut's Sonnet Declaration now posted.
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You are a freak of nature, Judo. I think I've mentioned something like that before. It's not natural for a gal to be cranking out poetry this fast. And it's not fair to the rest of us that the poems are so darn good. From now on you must spend, at least, an hour and 3 minutes on each poem. It's a new Judo law that will be enforced on this board. :p
WickedEve said:
From now on you must spend, at least, an hour and 3 minutes on each poem. It's a new Judo law that will be enforced on this board.

Wait a minute, this is starting to sound like a Western - fastest words in the west, etc.

And that is not a Judo law, that's a Wicked law, if I ever saw one.

Hmmm...what rhymes with Wicked?

- Judo
Eve! If she comes back in 20 minutes or less with an amazing poem named "Wicked Law" or something like that, I'll go there and slap you! I mean it! :p
JUDO said:

Wait a minute, this is starting to sound like a Western - fastest words in the west, etc.

And that is not a Judo law, that's a Wicked law, if I ever saw one.

Hmmm...what rhymes with Wicked?

- Judo
Stick it? lol
Rybka, don't talk about my woman that way! I'll have to hurt you... oh, wait a minute. If she had a dick head... hmmm... that could be interesting. :D
Lil o'le me started a fight?

Can I watch?

As for telling about my fetish, you'll have to ebat it out of me.........and then, I still may not liberate it!


Can't really play today........
difficile est satyram non scribere

Möbius Strip

Teasing from afar, I seductively undress.
Thin linen mist conceals my true desires,
As jagged breathing cries for your caress,
Wet pulsing figure, expert touch requires--

Thin linen mist conceals my true desires,
Hands roam beneath a white unbuttoned shirt.
Wet pulsing figure, expert touch requires.
I play with myself, the embodiment of flirt--

Hands roam beneath a white unbuttoned shirt.
Amid two heartbeats, a nipple comes to view.
I play with myself, the embodiment of flirt,
Tantalizingly slow, I strip naked for you--

Amid two heartbeats, a nipple comes to view
As jagged breathing cries for your caress.
Tantalizingly slow, I strip naked for you,
Teasing from afar, I seductively undress--