I Demand An Immediate Retraction And Apology

I wonder why you took the time to delete all your posts in other threads before you subjected us to this textual diarrhoea, worried we might realise what a sham you are?

Nobody is interested in your trolling, don't you have school in the morning? Run along now.
Oh man.

This is one seriously ill person. Lots worse than I had imagined and I think even worse than Des had.

If I were god or the boss, I'd tell you all to back away from this individual... seriously, she's scary sick.

I have just gotten started for the day, and read 2 lines of the first post before getting the gist and deciding it wasn't worth reading the rest, or responding...perhaps the news I delivered that all she has typed and deleted here is still on the computer, is not possible to remove, and accessible for legal reasons if she wants to make trouble for Lit by threatening to have it closed down, or any posters here was too frightening and sent her into a spin and heightened the fight response misguidedly. Must say though, if the attorney has to get tips from the posters here, doesn't sound very accomplished...and yes, one does wonder why the real dominatrix married partner isn't the one to get involved...perhaps another one lacking the accomplishments and experience to claim to be who they are supposed to be outside of the fantasy, maybe all part of the fantasy which makes it all the sadder.

I am with ADR here, and though you are all free to do as you wish and I support that as free speech, I figure if no-one responds anymore in any way, there will no longer be anything for her (or her alts) to respond to...surely boredom would set in wouldn't it if no-one reacted or responded to her, sort of made her invisible? I know, I am forever the optimist, but it might be worth a go...think about it, life could return to near normal, we could have discussions that are worthwhile again, we could place it in the annals of Lit history as 'the time pg came to Lit', we could be us again.:)

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Princess, you may want to check in with Ray Gordon (the Philly-based newsloon, not the UK-based author), he could give you tips on intensity, breadth, and endurance of nuttiness which you currently clearly lack. It's clear that without outside help you're just going to be a one-forum wackjob, and will never make the big leagues of serious internet lunacy.
Okay people, time to stop feeding the drama.

Obviously this is a person who has no intention of living in peace, and practices posting flame-bait in the tradition of the General Board.

SO, put Princess in the iggy bin with dollparts and be done with it.


Nuff said.
When was the last time you referred to your father as daddy?

i do and always have, and im not a minor. but im probably the biggest daddy's girl there is, so that might have something to do with it.

Nobody is interested in your trolling, don't you have school in the morning? Run along now.

nope. school is out for the summer. potential "hence the influx of troll".


ok, im done now.
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I wonder how regular the asylums allow the patients time online.
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Princess, you may want to check in with Ray Gordon (the Philly-based newsloon, not the UK-based author), he could give you tips on intensity, breadth, and endurance of nuttiness which you currently clearly lack. It's clear that without outside help you're just going to be a one-forum wackjob, and will never make the big leagues of serious internet lunacy.

When she finishes ripening in the Kook Garden I can try to lure her/him/whatever into alt.usenet.kooks where he/she/whatever can be properly nurtured to flourish into all the Whackjob He/She Can Be.
I can't say as I've ever used the ignore button.

I had hoped I never would actually.

*starts looking for it **
I read about half a paragraph and even then it took a lot of effort. That is perhaps the most horrific writing style ever.

I think that this whole thing of us being exposed to this person or persons is a sick experiment in sadism.

We are all the object of a joke people. :eek:

She still needs to get down and suck my cock.

This is a classic troll. First you come on to a board and antagonize or inflame someone, everyone if possible. Alts to keep the fire stoked. Then you threaten legal action. Then you create yet another drama with the nonsense we see here. It's classic internet trolling--and not very good trolling at that.
Sounds like someone's off her medications. Ah, another sockpuppet added to the Ignore list. :)
I have just gotten started for the day, and read 2 lines of the first post before getting the gist and deciding it wasn't worth reading the rest, or responding...perhaps the news I delivered that all she has typed and deleted here is still on the computer, is not possible to remove, and accessible for legal reasons if she wants to make trouble for Lit or any posters here was too frightening and sent her into a spin and heightened the fight response misguidedly. Must say though, if the attorney has to get tips from the posters here, doesn't sound very accomplished...and yes, one does wonder why the real dominatrix married partner isn't the one to get involved...perhaps another one lacking the accomplishments and experience to claim to be who they are supposed to be outside of the fantasy, maybe all part of the fantasy which makes it all the sadder.

I am with ADR here, and though you are all free to do as you wish and I support that as free speech, I figure if no-one responds anymore in any way, there will no longer be anything for her (or her alts) to respond to...surely boredom would set in wouldn't it if no-one reacted or responded to her, sort of made her invisible? I know, I am forever the optimist, but it might be worth a go...think about it, life could return to near normal, we could have discussions that are worthwhile again, we could place it in the annals of Lit history as 'the time pg came to Lit', we could be us again.:)


My attoney and I can't wait to depose you sweetie. Is the coffee good in Amsterdam? Guess I can determine that for myself :D
Get A Life

PG for your own sake as well as the rest of us that post here, please move on. Forget it. The amount of negative energy being created is overwhelming. Its not healthy for you or anyone else. Life is a wonderful thing, it is fleeting. Do not waste even one more minute chasing imagined demons.
theres a new alt in the AH. creatashemale's boyfriend or something

Well, it’s off to Santa Barbara for a great day of shopping…If you and your owner decide to go to the Lit convention, then if you beg, I might let you kiss my ass. Oh, there is only one Princess. You can find that too as you lick my boots :)
What an incredible
and bizarre thread to discover on the GB.
Good luck with your lawsuit - meanwhile, I am putting you on ignore.

Oh, and if you have a lawyer who advised you to sue on the basis of what was posted, I suggest you get a new lawyer because they sound clueless and you are about to waste a lot of money. Or... you are just blowing hot air.

Either way, say hello to LT. :rolleyes: