I Demand An Immediate Retraction And Apology

What cruel, vindictive asswad moved this monstrous pile of garbage to the GB? :mad:
Cripes. This thread is not part of the time/space continuum and I don't appreciate this kind of thing.
We should all demand payment for even thinking of reading all that manure...never been so glad to hit ignore...my head almost hurts...
After that excruciatingly flaccid and floundering philippic I demand that you apologize for calling yourself a writer.

We're supposed to clear up after the BDSM lunatics now?
I declare a GB War!

Make those dommy bitches pay just like the Playground did!!
Nope, try again.

I was trying to figure out who hell were all these people.

Must be a crack in the space time continuum...

because I knew it waaay too early in the week for Drama.
Good to know there's someone at Lit more fucked up than LT.

The thread is funnier if you start with the GB posts.
What cruel, vindictive asswad moved this monstrous pile of garbage to the GB? :mad:

I'm sorry, but I know some here are much more experienced in handling these type people, especially when they threaten to get Lit closed down for a range of excuses ranging from hurting her feelings by not agreeing she is superior and always right to supposed child porn. I did think long and hard about it, but we also have a few other threads of the same ilk from the same person to try and deal with, as do the AH forum, so I thought I would place the one here which really had nothing at all to do with BDSM in the hope between all of us, she might finally get the idea of what free speech is about and why, and that Lit does an excellent job of upholding free speech. My sincere apologies but I had confidence in your skills and ability to deal with or ignore it all.:rose:

I'm sorry, but I know some here are much more experienced in handling these type people, especially when they threaten to get Lit closed down for a range of excuses ranging from hurting her feelings by not agreeing she is superior and always right to supposed child porn. I did think long and hard about it, but we also have a few other threads of the same ilk from the same person to try and deal with, as do the AH forum, so I thought I would place the one here which really had nothing at all to do with BDSM in the hope between all of us, she might finally get the idea of what free speech is about and why, and that Lit does an excellent job of upholding free speech. My sincere apologies but I had confidence in your skills and ability to deal with or ignore it all.:rose:


Don't give me that shit. We don't throw our trash in your yard, kindly fuck off and deal with your own crap.
And your sig line is an eyesore.