I don't pick my nose


I dreamt I slept in Mozambique,
your skin gray beneath my blue-tear veil.
Rapid eye movements still shudder me--
Abu Dhabi is no restful zone in dreams

How many landscapes must I lay between us
til you no longer reach me with whispers
hissed through flickered ocular lines.

I was your inamorata,
a Monet wisteria, pendulous clinging
on your arm--my papa of plenty.

But now the tenderness of May breaks
like a winter bough, laden heaped with cold money
purchased by your December flashed ice


taken off what everyone else suggested also...
Thank you

I have considered all the fabulous suggestions. And they are great!
For now, I have narrowed it down to this:

Once Kept

And now I dream in Mozambique,
your skin gray beneath my blue-tear veil.
These rapid eye movements still shudder me--
there is no restful zone.

How many landscapes must I lay between us
till you no longer reach me with whispers
hissed through faulty lines.

I was your inamorata,
a Monet wisteria, pendulous
on your arm--my plentiful papa.

But now the tenderness of May breaks (But now the bloom of May breaks)
like a winter bough laden/weighed/heaped with cold money (winter's bough cold laden)
and your December flesh. (purchased by your December flesh/heart)
Once Kept

Now I dream in Mozambique,
your skin gray beneath my blue-tear veil.
These rapid eye movements still tremble me--
there is no restful place.

How many landscapes must I lay between us
till you no longer reach me with whispers
hissed through faulty lines?

I was your inamorata,
a Monet wisteria, pendulous
on your arm, my plentiful papa.

And now the tenderness of May breaks
as if but a winter's bough
cold laden with love bought
by December's obsession.
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Lauren Hynde said:
Mozambique doesn't have that great a fibre optic network either.

Forgive me, I'm just catching up with threads ... but this really made me laugh!


Lauren, you are a woman of hidden depths (your apparent depths being already considerable).