I hate feeling hurt because strangers don't want to sleep with me.

Originally posted by Gil:
Is there how the term "loose as a goose" originated?

Indeed it is, Master Gil. Although, I hope none of you are planning to bring in any of the other ornithological double entendres. You know, like 'my cock always wakes me up early in the morning', or, 'I like looking at tits through my binoculars'. Heh-heh-heh!

Originally posted by Gil:
I also was not a "chosen one"

What do you mean, man? You had a whole 'Why I Want To Fuck Gil' strand erected in your honour.
Originally posted by whispersecret:
Oh, great! Now people want to sleep with me because they feel sorry for me! I can see the new thread now: "Who deserves a nice sympathy fuck?" <wails, laughing>
firstly, Whisper, stop making me laugh when you are beating yourself with whatver that is ... put it AWAY girl, and do as you are told for once!

MM and Havoc are right - as the old Japanaese proverb say: proverb you can't have your cock and eat it unless you have no spine ...

You want people to put you on lists such as THAT list ... then you have to open up and flirt, not knock folks down. I wouldn't dream of defending my answer to that thread - it was a fun topic and I wrote a fun answer - well I enjoyed writing it anyway. You have always struck me as a person I'd like to meet in whatever RL is out there ... not least because you're going to show me your pussy and I am going to tell you it is beautiful and you are going to believe me! (Hah, so you remember that thread many months ago?)

and BTW my GF is 55 and sexy as hell, and easily one of the five most attractive women among my RL friends turned 60 last year and is still a real turn on. It ain't the age it's the attitude!
Havocman, you are absolutely right! I remember that thread. I'll have to go check it...

<chuckles wryly> Okay, I'm back. Ah, yes. I started the thread by predicting that it would deteriorate into volleys of sexual invitation within 15 posts. My prediction had nothing to do with shunning flirters like they had the pox. I was feeling a bit peeved because it seemed impossible to have a sustained conversation about a topic. Even lately, someone will ask a valid question and people go off on tangents and never do answer the poor sod's query. (Although the practice has died down a bit. :))

Near the end when you and Wordmage were playing around, I was, in retrospect, playing way too hard to get. As I have said in the past, I'm a self-analyzer, and I know the entire posture I took near the end of the thread originates from my inherent, lifelong need to be different.

As a child, if everyone was painting their macaroni ornaments gold, I wanted the alternate color. I wear things that are not in style, simply because they ARE in style and everyone else is wearing them. If I perceive the majority of women BBers as beautiful, of a certain physical type, and/or openly, outrageously flirtatious, then chances are that I'll find a way to portray myself in a different light. So in that case, being different was cutting my nose off to spite my face. I take responsibility for that now, Havoc. Thank you for pointing that out to me. <winks>

So, in reviewing the situation, I feel my need to be different from the other women is now appeased in ways that I won't go into here. Havocman, thank you for helping me see through your post that I am seen and remembered (at least by you) (down to my very moles!) as an individual.

So, sir, I can see I'll just have to denude my mound again so that my unique mole is again visible and clear off a nice large wall space. (A hay bale still sounds like it would hurt like a sumbitch.) Slap my back hard against that plaster. Make the pictures fall off their hooks. Take me as I yearn to be taken--with power and vigor and a deep and mighty shout as you cum. But if, as you ravish me, Havoc, you even once refer to me as "Rudolph" you'll be singing soprano until Christmas. <winks>

Fox, Roger, Gil, Merlin, bigdog, and Golden the Pearly Gates of this Chinese pixie are open to you guys too. My Commandments of Bulletin Board Conduct now include "Thou shalt have fun and flirt, knowing it is all in fun and no one actually expects you to put out if they knocked on your door with a suitcase and a can of whipped cream."

Now whipped cream, fresh raspberries, and a bottle of '97 Clos Pegase Reserve Chardonnay is a different story... :D

[This message has been edited by whispersecret (edited 05-31-2000).]
Jade, Sammyjo, (you guys are the best I really enjoy reading your responses because you hit it right on the money)

I commend you on your responses. I to feel the same way. I wasn't choosen on any list and thats okay because I know who I am and don't really care if anyone wants to imagine having sex with me. I have a wonderful man who tells me I'm pretty and a good person plus I probably have more sex than most who post on this board. Thats all I need. :)


[This message has been edited by SierraSky (edited 05-31-2000).]
To answer your question Whisper on why do people sign the name. Its called closure. If I don't sign my name than I don't feel that i have ended what I wrote. Don't you sign all letter you write, even though your return address is on the envelope.

That is if you put your return address on the envelope.


Plus I get to use an extra smile on the post.

[This message has been edited by SierraSky (edited 05-31-2000).]
Sierra darling, maybe you should call everyone back after you hang up from a phone call...just so they know you hung up! A closure kinda thing!

Love ya' darlin'! :D
Why Angelique I should have known that you would think of something like that to write, but I wonder if you wrote that from experience lol. But on a serious note thats what the word Bye is for you know closure. Get it!.

Bye, talk to you later, see you later, you get the point.

LMAO...you're pretty quick there Sierra! But your smiley has a strand of hair hangin' off the side of its' head.

As for me getting your point...thanks darlin', but I prefer male points. Hey, whatever floats your boat sweetheart...I'm not doggin' on ya' for your preferences!

Oops...almost forgot my "closure"
-Angelique :D

Hey, maybe that smiley thing wasn't an error after all...maybe THAT was supposed to be YOUR point! :)

[This message has been edited by Angelique (edited 05-31-2000).]
Whisper... I agree with ya girl.. writing is a great way to release those emotions.. and sometimes it does tend to strip you bare.. but its a good way to start the healing process

I wasn't so much 'hurt' (i guess i haven't been around long enough haha) just a lil miffed that i had been forgotten (the only way i can reason for being left off ALL the lists haha)

i was gonna just pout and not post.. but then i thought i'd 'play' the game too (get even hehe) .. guess now (well.. Ravenloft seems to think so haha) I'm gonna get my ass kicked hahaha

NICOLE!!!!!!! remember ... its all in FUN girlie hehehe
Whispersecret, getting back to the original thread of this post (hmmm... what was it again? oh, yeah...): It is my opinion that most men are scared shitless of an intelligent woman, no matter if she has the looks of a supermodel or Janet Reno. So it was no wonder you were not chosen as much as some of the others, because I think you are one of the most intelligent posters on this bulletin board, male or female. You probably just intimidate most of the men (and some of the women) on here with your knowledge and intelligence... and strength. Men are scared if a woman seems stronger in spirit than them, also. So starting this thread about how your feelings were hurt to not have been included on the lists may have been a good thing, in retrospect: Now, the men will know that you are human, too, and get hurt just as easily as they do (Yes, they DO hurt sometimes... they just don't let us women see it), and what man doesn't want to take a woman who feels neglected and hurt under his wing and try to make her feel better?

But then again, there's that part of me that agrees wholeheartedly with Sammyjo, LL, and others when I say: Why worry about what a stranger says (or does not say) about you? It's the people in my real life that I hope I make the best impression on... Sure, it's nice when you have someone online to chat with, to tell things to that you wouldn't dare tell someone in real life, but what these strangers think of me has no real bearing on me as a person, because they will never know the real me. And that's the way I like it.

Sincerely, See ya, Good-bye, Later...
Nice closure EOD, good to see ya posting again. :)

I can't speak for "most" men, but personally, I find intelligence at the top of my list of what makes a woman sexy! Strong and independent are near the top of that list too!

As far as Janet Reno, if I infer correctly from your remarks, although she is certainly in a powerful position, I DO NOT think that she is either particularly intelligent or for that matter competent. In my opinion, she is probably the worst Attorney General this country has suffered since Booby Kennedy!
And it's nice to be back, Gil... I still have the farm, BTW, but it may be up for sale soon, if you're interested (no betting on it this time, though!)

Yeah, I saw the Janet Reno thing coming a mile away, as soon as I typed her name! :D
Well, it certainly sounds like there have been some major developments going on in your life. Any chance you're going to fill us concerned and devoted EOD advocates in on this? Actually, I'm as curious as one of my new kittens.
good call, EOD; but I for one - elbowing Gil outta da way - also prefer strong and intelligent women; Mrs G is pretty much at the top of her profession and I have enormous admiration and respect for her as well as being - still - hopelessly in love and incapable of passing up a chance to kiss her... Reality is Whisper, the guys who may have spurned you or been intimadated by you - if they turned up at your door with that suitcase and whipped cream - you'd want to slam it shut; whereas on the other hand when I bowl up with a jar of those very ripe figs ... just point me in the general direction of that mole! now, whrre's my closure... damn, now there's fig juice leaking everywhere ... slurp!
June 1, 2000
Dear Everyone Who Is Reading This Thread,

Hi! Just thought I'd drop you a line. It's been, oh, a day or so since I last wrote you.

Of course I sign my letters even though the return address is there on the envelope. Mainly because it is proper form, and if you know me at all, you KNOW I'm very into propriety in written communication. ;) However, it's also important to sign letters because envelopes and letters sometimes become separated.

To each his own as far as closure. :)

"That is if you put your return address on the envelope." I get the feeling that you were sneering while you typed this, Sierra, but I'm not completely sure. Somehow Roger argued the same point but without the attitude that I seem to read into your post. If you did not mean to come across that way, forgive me. If you did, you succeeded.

Eve. <gives you a long and sincere smile> Thank you.


<clicks on the submit reply button and blinks> Did I just get slurped by someone with naturally blonde hair? And where did all this fig juice come from?
Here's my two cents on signing/closure: many posts are just that -- spontaneous, nearly conversational interjections addressed to the community at large. Some, on the other hand, are directed specifically at certain people and are de facto correspondence.

To my thinking, the former require no signing, but the latter may feel abrupt without them. I can't say that I am highly consistent in the application of this principle, but this is my rule of thumb.

P.S. What I would really like is the ability to title individual messages (beyond the thread title). I suppose that using them would undercut both cases outlined above, but I guess that email has conditioned me to want to have them.
I made a post here, but decided to move it to its own thread. To read it, please see "A myriad valentine" on the general board.

[This message has been edited by felix (edited 06-02-2000).]
Originally posted by SierraSky:
Jade, Sammyjo, (you guys are the best I really enjoy reading your responses because you hit it right on the money)

plus I probably have more sex than most who post on this board. Thats all I need. :)


[This message has been edited by SierraSky (edited 05-31-2000).]

golly gee, you GO girl!!!

(Jade as much as I can be dammit!!)
hey whisper - normally you are much more precise .... so you should be aware it's naturally golden ... now that fig juice ... well over on some other thread I was busy slurping it out of AN Other's pussy and it kinda leaked out and dribbled over here ... But I'll clean up if you girls would all just stay horizontal for me ....

[This message has been edited by golden (edited 06-02-2000).]
Whisper, I know you and I can tell you right now, your hubby adores you. Even though he may not say it verbally, it's there every time I catch him looking at you. So I wouldn't worry if anyone else "picks" you or not. You have someone who cares very deeply for you.

If you like, I can have your brother give him some pointers in regards to compliments (just kidding... unless you want me to). Even though I'm short and chubby (that's an understatement) he never fails to make me feel as if I'm pretty.

You deserve to feel good about yourself, and if hubby needs to be told what to say then you should do just that. Sit him down, right now, and tell him what you need to hear. I'll bet he'd be more than willing to accommodate you with that one tiny request.

And cheer up. There are lots of us out here who think you are a very special person, even if we don't want to sleep with you. :)
Dear Lovely,
How true, how true.
There are moments in your life for good or for bad you do your best to impress a group of people you think are enjoying your attributes (or what you THINK are your attributes) when all of a sudden, WHAM, your slapped (and not in the good way!) with the realization that your not as special as you had wished. Here you are exposing yourself and doing the equivilent of preening and no one says "Damn...YOU I would like to take home and get locked in the house with for a week with nothing on but our smiles!"
And as an end note for those who did not put Lovely Latina on your list....
poor choosing gentleman, poor choosing.
Dear Lovely,
How true, how true.
There are moments in your life for good or for bad you do your best to impress a group of people you think are enjoying your attributes (or what you THINK are your attributes) when all of a sudden, WHAM, your slapped (and not in the good way!) with the realization that your not as special as you had wished. Here you are exposing yourself and doing the equivilent of preening and no one says "Damn...YOU I would like to take home and get locked in the house with for a week with nothing on but our smiles!"
And as an end note for those who did not put Lovely Latina on your list....
poor choosing gentleman, poor choosing.
Where are my glasses? Where are my damn glasses?
Okay. my mind is generally foggy, but today is a beaut! Please except my error in not noticing that that was Whispersecret's reply and NOT Lovely Latina. Sooooooo, if Lovely Latina HAD written that thats what I would have said. Aaaaaaand, not knowing Whisper I can, as humbled as ever, say I am certain she should have been atop anyones list as well.
I now will resume my post as worlds biggest moron!
Originally posted by SierraSky:
Jade, Sammyjo, (you guys are the best I really enjoy reading your responses because you hit it right on the money)

I commend you on your responses. I to feel the same way. I wasn't choosen on any list and thats okay because I know who I am and don't really care if anyone wants to imagine having sex with me. I have a wonderful man who tells me I'm pretty and a good person plus I probably have more sex than most who post on this board. Thats all I need. :)


[This message has been edited by SierraSky (edited 05-31-2000).]

Thanks!!! And that is exactly how it should be. I think real life is definitely more important than this. And if I had to choose between having someone I love tell me they want me and having some person I don't know tell me they want me...I think the obvious choice would be real life.

Is this real? Well, I am assuming you all ARE real people, but I am quite sure that most of you aren't the way you portray yourselves on this board.

Do we really know each other? I would say that there are some people that I know better than others, but come on people...

I know of a guy who met this woman online. They started to get serious, and decided to meet. Then he realized that maybe he wouldn't be attracted to her. Maybe she wasn't as "real" as she seemed. He ended up calling the whole thing off.

My point here is this...it is nice to hear that your written words have turned someone on enough for them to say they want you...but real life is much more complicated than that, there are many other qualities that come into play...unless you are some whore who fucks on sight...and if this person still wants you after they meet you and spend time with you, that is great...but I try not to read too much into all this "I would fuck so and so because they are....", it sounds like a high school game.

If one needs their ego stroked that much, they need more help than anyone on this board can possibly give them.
Sweet Whisper, I wasn't picked either, but there are three women on this board that I would love to seduce, and you're one of them. It didn't bother me, that no one picked me, although it would have been nice.

But at the end of the day, I know, like you, there is someone at home who loves me, and that means more to me than a mention in some thread, that is pure fantasy.
