I hate to rant...

I cannot train at any other time than 9pm. My body has adjusted to that time over the years and that is when my motor units are ready to fire!! If I MUST train at an early part of the day, I'll usually go kind of light unless I can really feel that I will have a good day.
P-Lifter: First, sorry to hear that that girlfriend you were posting about a few months ago didn't work out. But sounds like you're past that, and that's good. Second: Chill out dude! You're almost done! Seriously, I think you're just venting because you're in the home stretch and the unrelenting daily grind is getting to you finally. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and for 60 seconds imagine yourself a year from now. All this will be behind you forever. I went through much the same thing you did, working through college and then grad school. It sucked. Work-school-work-school and no play 24/7 for years. But it's only temporary, and in your case, you are very, very close to the finish line. I remember studying on the beach one year on Memorial Day (my school's term ended late in June). All around me were people drinking beer and playing volleyball like it was a beer commercial, and there I was in a beach chair with a PILE of textbooks and notebooks. What a geek I must've looked like, but I went to the beach because I couldn't take it at home in my crappy basement apartment or in the library for one more day. And as I sat there, I thought, "Well, at least at this time next year, I'll be playing volleyball too." I didn't see my friends for years, didn't have time for a girlfriend for years, barely saw my family... it was a real grind. But it was for a good cause: my self improvement, and although it seemed like it went on forever, it was only temporary, and it was worth it. One day you'll look back and know that it was worth it for you too. Hang tough compadre. You're almost home.