I have put Lance on ignore

Re: Can we redecorate now?

Lancecastor said:

I like that 3 headed polar bear line.....

The womenfolk here are fond of avoiding conflict by running away and sulking.....then hammering you en masse later.

I could postulate in Cym-like psychobabble about what that means....but in the end, it's none of my business.

The grrls will either come back and play nice...or they will come back angrier....but they will be back....no doubt with a spiked thingy for my head.

Meanwhile....can we redecorate?

Lance "Maybe Something in Mauve Leather Over...Here" Castor
I don't know if I'm being included in this "en masse" of women because I don't post here often, but Ijust want to say one thing.

The reason I got pissed at lance was because of his lying on personal ads and being proud of it. I hadn't seen any of his posts prior to the ones in the thread I started. That was the ONLY thing I believe I attacked him on.

Before that, I was actually in agreement with him on the idea of not cutting off all contact with the guy in question on my thread.

Since then, I have seen many posts of his denigrating the women on the BDSM forum. He made a post in the Dom thread, the thread here, and on others. He says he wants to stop the bickering, but he's the one bringing it on. With a post like the one he made in this thread, can anyone expect some of the women here NOT to get incited by it?
Re: Re: Can we redecorate now?

lilminx said:

I don't know if I'm being included in this "en masse" of women because I don't post here often, but Ijust want to say one thing.

The reason I got pissed at lance was because of his lying on personal ads and being proud of it. I hadn't seen any of his posts prior to the ones in the thread I started. That was the ONLY thing I believe I attacked him on.

Before that, I was actually in agreement with him on the idea of not cutting off all contact with the guy in question on my thread.

Since then, I have seen many posts of his denigrating the women on the BDSM forum. He made a post in the Dom thread, the thread here, and on others. He says he wants to stop the bickering, but he's the one bringing it on. With a post like the one he made in this thread, can anyone expect some of the women here NOT to get incited by it?

Sometimes I bring it on.

Sometimes it's brought on me.

Sometimes I insult and mud-wrestle with others.

Sometimes I am insulted and let it go.

Sometimes I do dumb things.

Sometimes I do smart things.

Sometimes I do bad things.

Sometimes I do good things.

My view of you?

I find myself wishing I could erase all my posts and just say "hi" to you.

Tabula rasa.

Instead, I must stand by my bright, stupid, truth, lies, gentle, mean snapshots and slivers of Me and say...yep..you're right...it's all Me.

Re: With all due respect

WriterDom said:
So a big 3 headed polar bear made you click on this thread and read it?

I'm not going to harp on it, but I don't think you have a right to tell anyone not to respond.

edited for whatever reason.

I don't flippin' know.

I was going to try to flirt with WD and got it all messed up!

MissTaken said:
The original post wasn't necessary as cym and I have discussed.

Lance, your response wasn't necessary either. In fact, cym can't read it, so what is the point?

Well, putting someone on ignore means that you still have to see each time someone quotes the ignored poster in a reply which happens so often here that the ignore feature is really not that effective.

So everyone stop quoting Lance from now on.

And lance, don't quote yourself as a guest. THat's cheating.
Mental note...

WriterDom said:

Well, putting someone on ignore means that you still have to see each time someone quotes the ignored poster in a reply which happens so often here that the ignore feature is really not that effective.

So everyone stop quoting Lance from now on.

And lance, don't quote yourself as a guest. THat's cheating.

...to self:

1. ignore myself
2. dont quote myself
3. no being my own guest

got it
My thoughts,and yes I am allowed to have them is this.

I am a mod on another board. 3 of them to be exact.

If I was to argue,talk down to,get into a fight with,touch a post that didnt go against the TOS that is posted,or ignore anyone, I no longer would be a mod.

I'd be kicked off.

Its in the agreement when you become a mod.

Doesnt Lit have a TOS for mods?

Or are they supposed to know how to act?

Just curious,mind you.
Thank you.

lovetoread said:
My thoughts,and yes I am allowed to have them is this.

I am a mod on another board. 3 of them to be exact.

If I was to argue,talk down to,get into a fight with,touch a post that didnt go against the TOS that is posted,or ignore anyone, I no longer would be a mod.

I'd be kicked off.

Its in the agreement when you become a mod.

Doesnt Lit have a TOS for mods?

Or are they supposed to know how to act?

Just curious,mind you.

I haven't advanced the discussion of Moderation as well as I'd hoped these past several weeks, because I got caught up in the fire, so thank you for speaking to terms of service.

Important stuff for the Board.

Re: With all due respect

WriterDom said:
So a big 3 headed polar bear made you click on this thread and read it?

I'm not going to harp on it, but I don't think you have a right to tell anyone not to respond.

Okay. Okay.

I told you, WD, I wouldnt' respond to this on the boards as I didn't want to prolong the slug fest. My response may do so, but I can't let it sit.

Basically, my statement was intended to say that personal comments and slurs should be kept private and off the boards.

In so doing, we can prevent replication of some of the flame wars that happen on the GB. It is everyone's choice as to whether we have flame wars here. IF we chose to ignore the comments or chose not to make them, we prevent the board's disruption. If continue to feed fodder to those who are enjoying the conflict, we all lose. It is everyone's choice.

As for my telling people what to post. I phrased my request as a question, although I didn't get the question mark in there.

No, I wouldn't dream of telling anyone what to say. But, after recent months needed to say something. I am sorry I didn't do a great job of being clear.

Now, once again, I am going to go discuss BDSM issues and play with my friends.

hugs to all
lovetoread said:
My thoughts,and yes I am allowed to have them is this.

I am a mod on another board. 3 of them to be exact.

If I was to argue,talk down to,get into a fight with,touch a post that didnt go against the TOS that is posted,or ignore anyone, I no longer would be a mod.

I'd be kicked off.

Its in the agreement when you become a mod.

Doesnt Lit have a TOS for mods?

Or are they supposed to know how to act?

Just curious,mind you.

Yes, if you move a post to another forum you get removed before you get a chance to respond why you did it. But if you ask to be removed your post is deleted. That's the only TOS I know.
WriterDom said:

Yes, if you move a post to another forum you get removed before you get a chance to respond why you did it. But if you ask to be removed your post is deleted. That's the only TOS I know.

Thank you for answering. ;)
This is WHAT?

This is my first post as I am a new "member" here. I am a bit confused because I thought this is a BDSM area. At least that is what I am looking for.
I don't want to understand all this business about Lance (whomever he is) or this ignore stuff.
Maybe someone here could just direct me to the BDSM area?
Thank you for your attention.:kiss:

A Desert Rose
Re: This is WHAT?

A Desert Rose said:

Maybe someone here could just direct me to the BDSM area?
Thank you for your attention.:kiss:

A Desert Rose

ADR,...hope you don't mind me shortening your ID to ADR.

First,..let me welcome you to the REAL BDSM Forum.
We are always happy to have a NEWBIE join us. May I first direct you to the *Sticky* thread at the top of the Forum page,...just click on the following link. :rose:


A Desert Rose said:
Maybe someone here could just direct me to the BDSM area?
Thank you for your attention.:kiss:

A Desert Rose

You may wish to read and post at the following link for NEWBIES:


Otherwise,...read the threads that interest you,...post on any thread you wish to,...or if you desire,...start your own thread.

BTW: Please just call me Art,(easier to type)and once again,...WELCOME to our Forum! :rose:
Thank you very much, Art. Those links are very helpful.
I am looking forward to meeting new and interesting people here.
A Desert Rose
Everyone is capable of a point of view but we slow the board down by sharing it constantly.

Can we respect difference and move on?

Thank you.

PS. Don't fucking argue with me over this as it annoys me greatly when we focus on crap.

PPS. If you really have the urge to reply, have the guts to start your own fucking thread and let this one die.
Re: Can I just say that...

Dr. B Evil said:
...I love lilminx's new AV? :eek:

Thanks! :)

By the way, I am done with bickering; I've made my peace, and I have to say that I am very sad to see Cym go. She is a wealth of knowledge and experience, and for her to feel like she was driven out of here saddens me. I wish that things could just get settled and this board could be used for its original purpose- to inform and have discussions about BDSM.

Those of you who have problems with cymbidia as a Moderator will be relieved to hear that she has requested to be removed from the post. As I understand it, she's already gone, and her name will be removed whenever Laurel reads and responds to her request.

Those of you who knew her when she was sharing her experience and helping people find their way will likely be saddened to hear that she's gone.

Ambivalence has come to define my relationship to this place.
Such is life.
MissTaken said:
I am very sad that it has come this juncture.

add my sadness to the mix as well. I've learned alot from Cym and respect her no matter what's come about.
It saddens me to think that she felt no other recourse but to leave. I did indeed learn quite a bit from her, and her presence will be missed.
Sad is not the word i would choose...

Being inclined to speak only if i can find something nice to say...

i am glad to have met you people, i'll no doubt look in from time to time and keep in touch with some of you...

It's been a pleasure and an education..

That about does it for me.

See ya