I have put Lance on ignore

An open apology to cym and the forum

I keep mulling over what I might have done or said to help make things better during the recent conflict.

I have thought about where the right words may have been hiding from me or the right course of action.

I have privately and now publicly am apologizing to cym. She had, has had and always will have my support. How does cym merit this show of support from me, personally? She has been a true and honest friend. She is as true and honest with herself as she is with us.

However, my apology to her is based upon what I may have done differently to ease her pain, to help her feel wanted here. I dont' know.

Perhaps I didn't post my views publicly or privately often enough or loud enough?
Perhaps, I should have joined in the confrontation?
I don't know. My focus during recent days was to try to keep some semblance of normalcy and focus to the board that didn't involve the conflict. I felt that by adding voice to the conflict publicly, I could only make matters worse, not better. Perhaps, I was wrong.

Does Lance know that I don't agree with his stance on all things? Yes. If I wasn't clear enough in my posts, the answer is here.

Does cym know that I support her? Yes. Does she know where I may have felt she could have posted differently? Yes.

Did I disagree with others as well? Yes. Did they know it? Yes.

No, while some may think I was simply trying to be a peacemaker fluffhead, it isn't so. I did the best I could trying to keep the Forum on solid ground, trying to provide support and light to those caught in the crossfire. It didn't work.

Hence, my apology to everyone.

I realize that one person can't make the Forum a safe place for open discussion.
I realize that I do not wield the sort of power here that would mean that I could resolve issues with one post.
However, I do feel I share in the responsibility for where things fell apart as hindsight is 20/20.

To anyone I have let down? I am truly sorry.
However, I am not leaving.
I will continue to work toward a return to the ideologies that lead to the inception of the board.
I will continue to do my best as I have always tried to do.

I am asking everyone here to join me in looking forward and not backward.
Some of us may grieve cym's departure. I know that I am.
Part of grief is hope and movement, toward a better future.

I am heading that way. Please accept my apologies and move along with me.

My only peace is that the people involved know where I stood, what my concerns were and that my intentions were and are always good intentions.

My post here is for my own benefit as I wanted to clear the air. No responses are necessary.

Be well.


It saddens me to read this; I for one will miss you. You have been a good friend here. I hope you will stay in touch.

DRxBlue said:
Being inclined to speak only if i can find something nice to say...

i am glad to have met you people, i'll no doubt look in from time to time and keep in touch with some of you...

It's been a pleasure and an education..

That about does it for me.

See ya
Another casualty

Blue, I'm with monster. I'm sbb you've decided to leave. I would ask you to stay, if I didn't know better. You have your reasons, and I won't question them.

I will miss your funny and insightful voice here.

OneDramaQueen said:
I have finally gotten here. But am I too late?


I love the Moderators.

They are beautiful and wise in their ways.

Lance "Stepford" Castor
I love the Moderators.

They are beautiful and wise in their ways.

Lance "Stepford" Castor
Last edited:
oh geez... I don't know if you have a deluted (sp?) sense of reality or are just being funny or just being confrontational... but you are entertaining. :)

Lance, dear?

You sound like you are slipping into sub space!


just lightening the mood all!
I can't help it... after seeing MissTaken's new AV... I just wanna bury my face in that cleavage... does that make me a naughty boy? <chuckling>

P. B. Walker said:
I can't help it... after seeing MissTaken's new AV... I just wanna bury my face in that cleavage... does that make me a naughty boy? <chuckling>


Nope. That's what make ya normal, my friend.

Lancecastor said:

Nope. That's what make ya normal, my friend.


Aw shucks... I thought maybe I'd get a spanking for being naughty... lol. First time for everything. :)

Well, I have it on good authority....

P. B. Walker said:

Aw shucks... I thought maybe I'd get a spanking for being naughty... lol. First time for everything. :)


....that if you're in the wrought-iron bed business , you've got a shot....

Lance "Meet The New Dross, Same As The Old Dross" Castor
Re: Update

RisiaSkye said:
Those of you who have problems with cymbidia as a Moderator will be relieved to hear that she has requested to be removed from the post. As I understand it, she's already gone, and her name will be removed whenever Laurel reads and responds to her request.


Her request passed the house, however was hung up in the senate committee. With the coming elections, we don't expect any movement on the issue till congress meets after the new year. She could withdraw her resignination at any time, but her office is not taking calls.
dixicritter said:
I'm only posting here to hopefully set the front page back to normal.

I find that Secret Squirrel stuff nasty and cowardly. People who cant stand up and be counted for what they believe are the lowest critters around.

That being said, Hillary Rodham Clinton is a great handle.

I find that Secret Squirrel stuff nasty and cowardly. People who cant stand up and be counted for what they believe are the lowest critters around.

That being said, Hillary Rodham Clinton is a great handle.


I'm with you, pal. State your opinion, be brief and be concise and like Art, own your words. Otherwise, you are unimportant and no one will take you seriously. :heart:
Lance I sincerely hope that you do not think that this critter is the one that posted that crap. Please allow me to set the record straight, and as I stated in my other post....I only posted the post before this one.....NOT the Hillary one. If I have something to say, I will say it with my own ID.....never as a guest or unreg.

It bothers me for the front page to be screwed up, and that was the fastest method I could think of to fix it. It was either that or bump a bunch of threads.

thank you for understand this, and forgive me if I have misunderstood your post.

No Dixi, I didn't think it was You, silly goose.

It's the same person who's been doing all the other chicken shit mean stuff to Cym's threads the past few nights, I'd imagine.

"chilled double vodka" and "Hillary" seem to be one in the same, which points to yayati and the other Vodka, but of course it's easier for us to figure out if oswald acted alone.

Whoever it is doesn't like Cym much, it seems, or is just a troll.

Better not to feed the trolls, as this thread, with all its bile and snot, is now back on top.

And somewhere out there, people are wondering if it was you..but they are more likely wondering (I'd bet) if it's me.

It's insidious shit, and sews discontent.


dixicritter said:
Lance I sincerely hope that you do not think that this critter is the one that posted that crap. Please allow me to set the record straight, and as I stated in my other post....I only posted the post before this one.....NOT the Hillary one. If I have something to say, I will say it with my own ID.....never as a guest or unreg.

It bothers me for the front page to be screwed up, and that was the fastest method I could think of to fix it. It was either that or bump a bunch of threads.

thank you for understand this, and forgive me if I have misunderstood your post.

It was a good scrap...Cymbidia is one crazed masosub extraordinaire; a real yowler.
Lancecastor said:
It was a good scrap...Cymbidia is one crazed masosub extraordinaire; a real yowler.

I enjoyed watching you twist tails in those days, making the piggies squeal. Prime mental sadism, as I see it.
The mindfuck is the best fuck of all, in my view.

Just look at Intrigued over on the GB....a masosub in full flight.

It's like your newpaper article makes clear; it's the revulsion that gets them wet.

Latin vanilla romance is like that too...lots of pushing away in faux anger, lots of grabbing and tossing her around in mock disdain.

And the nice boys wonder why they finish last.

It's because grrls get hottest to fuck hard after a fight.
Lancecastor said:
The mindfuck is the best fuck of all, in my view.

Just look at Intrigued over on the GB....a masosub in full flight.

It's like your newpaper article makes clear; it's the revulsion that gets them wet.

Latin vanilla romance is like that too...lots of pushing away in faux anger, lots of grabbing and tossing her around in mock disdain.

And the nice boys wonder why they finish last.

It's because grrls get hottest to fuck hard after a fight.

stokes a stubbly chin

you speak wisely. are you publicly persecuting this intrigued anywhere for public amusement?

I always get her confused with image, the hippy witch, who I rather like.
Image is a doll; Intrigued is a masosub menopausal mess.

Each has their own charms.