i love i mean like u

my son had a teacher whose last name was Condon (so you can imagine ...); his friend has a Mr.Cake, and there was a math teacher called Mr Pratt when i went to school - bless 'em. isn't life hard enough? lol.

maybe they got off on public humiliation, though, in which case maybe it was their ideal job, that or martyrdom.
my son had a teacher whose last name was Condon (so you can imagine ...); his friend has a Mr.Cake, and there was a math teacher called Mr Pratt when i went to school - bless 'em. isn't life hard enough? lol.

maybe they got off on public humiliation, though, in which case maybe it was their ideal job, that or martyrdom.

One of our friends has the surname Condon I wonder if they are related?
i see the original poem is still up here - perhaps a mod could get around to removing it?