I love what you've done with the place

A mate told them the numbness started at my head and was working its way down.

yeah, you need mates like that :D

i have to ask, for the brit contingency here ... what's a corn dog, exactly? we know about hot dogs, but you've confused me, even with the pic :confused:
Only the greatest culinary creation since man harnessed fire!

Picture a three-way (you're smiling already) of the finest food stuffs known: ground dog-ends, batter, hot grease. Now put it on a stick for convenience!
Only the greatest culinary creation since man harnessed fire!

Picture a three-way (you're smiling already) of the finest food stuffs known: ground dog-ends, batter, hot grease. Now put it on a stick for convenience!

dog ends? :eek:

fag butts???? in batter???????? fried????????????????
Chippyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy you cannot say fag butts to an American!!!!!


cigarette ends, then... seems like his highness means sort of like a battered sausage or saveloy in batter. hmmmn. i do like a nice hot saveloy :cool:
Have I mis-britisized? I thought dog-ends were food scraps.

This guy?
who on earth is riding him with a mouth the size of half her face?
skeery spice? or is she canadian? i ask because in south park, the canadians are always portrayed with the split heads!

This guy?
skeerier - i don't think the brits have ever seen him onscreen like that! he looks a proper old perve

Mary Tyler Moore.

Who, ironically, is immortalized in downtown Minneapolis.

we've only seen her as someone far more modestly dressed and hailed by a little pussy... think it was the mary tyler moore show, donkey's years ago