I miss...

I miss Lizzie Borden, Cattypuss, Homburg, OSG, JMohegan, 00Syd, Lord Steve and many others.

I've been feeling woefully nostalgic for the past couple of days and in that vein I've read some old threads. There are some real gems floating about this place. :)
I miss Lizzie Borden, Cattypuss, Homburg, OSG, JMohegan, 00Syd, Lord Steve and many others.

I've been feeling woefully nostalgic for the past couple of days and in that vein I've read some old threads. There are some real gems floating about this place. :)

I miss intothewoods* and Lilybart, who are both foodies and whose shenanigans in the nightcap thread were great fun.

Yes, I know that itw sometimes pokes her head in but it's not the same.
I'm not a fan of bumping my own threads, but considering the latest isolated blurts, I thought it's appropriate.
I miss the way he handled me, and I miss the trust we had for each other, and most of all the intense chemistry, effection, and devotion. I can't imagine ever replacing him.
KoPilot always had really fun kinks that I could relate to.
Oh so many posters are on my miss list. Stella_omega, eastern sun, keroin, daddy2mylilgirl, ataxia, OSG, netzach, cattypuss, and loads of those who posted earlier in the thread.
Yes, both of them. šŸŒ¹

They contributed a lot of texture to the boards. And they both had - Keroin still does, because she's kicking - a sense of who they were, and let that shine through in their posts.

Yep :(

Bet you don't miss BLoved! :D

I'm actually in the small minority who was sorry to see that guy go. For one thing, he had a unique point of view and made things dementedly entertaining. He was a lunatic romantic at heart, I thought: a D/s Don Quixote. It was easy to get sucked in, though, and become frustrated and burned out refuting or contesting his posts. He was exhausting.

I'm not sure I have had as much fun (or sadistic pleasure) on this board as when I got him to take the bait by lamenting his cruelty during our tragic, drunken BDSM tryst in that fleabag Memphis hotel. He kept insisting it never happened and refuting the details and it was just absolutely delicious!

Ahhhhhhh. I am smiling so much remembering it.

Actually, it really happened.
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I was just reading the DGE appreciation thread and that was mentioned! Those were the days :D