i need your help

Hey cym, Willowpuss was playing with her food and Bluemouse stuck her tongue out at you behind your back.

Want I should cane them?
We could threaten to tickle offenders with a rather fetching pink feather :)
Okay, so while cym's on super-sub mode and pleading with you all to do this, I'm gonna play bad-cop.

This is a community, and everyone's got a part. Our part is to take out the trash, try to keep the atmosphere friendly, and provide a good example as much as we possibly can in terms of etiquette and respect for others. Your part is so follow the very few rules, and let us know when others don't. We do our best, but we aren't omniscient and can't read every post. And you aren't doing anyone a favor by using the "Report Post" feature; it's part of being in a community.

Simple, right?

But thank you, all the same, for complying. :rose:

RisiaSkye, BDSM Forum Moderator.
Okay, i did my part.

Are there rewards involved in this project? Cym grounded lexie from candy bars for not following directions, so i think those of us that do deserve something equally delicious.

MzChrista said:
Hey cym, Willowpuss was playing with her food and Bluemouse stuck her tongue out at you behind your back.

Want I should cane them?

mmmmmm ~ ill have to do that more often!!


and please, call me Mo ~ its easier ~
blue ~mo~ use ...
just a little thing Artful gave me that i like lots and lots...


nice to see so many from michigan, too
my friend's mum ran a b&b once, and they had a huge great dane.

one morning, my mate went into the dining room to serve breakfast and there was a HUGE great dane sized turd on the carpet.

The guests sat there desperately trying to ignore this huge smelly thing. my mate entered the room, dropped an upturned bowl over it, and carried on serving breakfast.

moral? the english are WAY too repressed.

back to the toybox...
tassie said:
the english are WAY too repressed.

Yep ... and I can picture it so well.
Everyone sitting round, waiting to be served and wondering just who is going to mention it first.

And there is that awful dread of 'what does one say?'
What do you call it and remain polite?

The English are getting a little better though.

Sometimes we will even be really brave and complain about service (or the lack of it) ... like, "Excuse me please, but may I possibly .... "

Ya gotta love us really!
Okay... count me in, but I want one of those nightsticky things, too...

I have a pair of nipple extenders that I can trade.... or this new flogger that I just made...
Always here to lend a helping hand!

Then, if anyone has a hand that wants to help, I would happily bend over and take my spanking now!

I want to know if anything was served in a bowl. I would have laughed cornflakes out my nose.

tassie said:
my friend's mum ran a b&b once, and they had a huge great dane.

one morning, my mate went into the dining room to serve breakfast and there was a HUGE great dane sized turd on the carpet.

The guests sat there desperately trying to ignore this huge smelly thing. my mate entered the room, dropped an upturned bowl over it, and carried on serving breakfast.

moral? the english are WAY too repressed.

back to the toybox...
how funny would that have been?

i shall find out and report back!

Can i have a quick go with a whippy cane if there's one in there? not tried that before...
This forum and the people on it have been a very positive force to me, and I will do anything I can to help.
cymbidia said:
The forum is suddenly growing at a really astounding rate. There are so many new people and so many new threads that it's getting hard for me to keep up, to do the maintainence kinds of stuff i'm supposed to be doing before i get to play.

(No, no no, i'm not winding up to rant or bitch or rave or moan or complain or whine again. I'm over that (for now). Relax. ;) )

I need your help.

You know the rules, and if you don't go read all about them on the sticky at the top of the list of threads on the BDSM Forum front page. If you won't go there and do that (and there's some good info in that place besides the five rules we have, btw) here they are:

BDSM Forum Rules
1. No spam
2. No personals ads
3. No posting of another's personal information
4. No posting of your own private email address
5. No threats

If you see someone who has obviously and clearly violated the rules, please send the mods off a quick notice of that fact, okay? Down at the bottom of every single post made to every single thread is alittle link that looks like this: Report this post to a moderator. Click on that link and the wrong post will be reported to all three of us automatically. We'll get it in email. Easy. Simple. Fast. Effortless (for you!).

I know that keeping the special flavor and intently real life focus of this place is as important to the vast majority of you as it is to me. I'll do my part, as will the other mods. Will you help, too, please?

Thanks so much.
BDSM Forum Moderator

(edited for spelling, again. My nemesis. Just where the hell are voice actuated computers anyway? My life will be vastly improved once they hit the market.)

amen to voice actuated computers cymbidia...the time is coming darlin'...and none too soon for me
happy to help!

(as long as i dont have to wear one of those silly cop hats, or those ugly shoes! well the shoes ARE kinda shiny, maybe they r ok)
Ww've suddenly got a crowd of personal-ads-disguised-as-forum-posts again, boys and girls and bois. The other mods and i really appreciate the efforts some of you are making to alert us when you see a post that violates one of our very few forum rules.

A special thanks to those who so generously press the Report This Post To A Moderator link when they come across posts that simply should not be here.

Thank you most sincerely.
More than willing to do my part. <looks hopeful> May I whip the offenders, btw?? Are there prizes for the most bad posts turned in by one person in a day.;)

Goddess Helena said:
More than willing to do my part. <looks hopeful> May I whip the offenders, btw?? Are there prizes for the most bad posts turned in by one person in a day.;)


I am afraid your offer may do more to entice than to deter them.;)
Well, you just know.....

....that if I see any of that Rule Violating going on....I'll be there!

Power to the Sticky!


cymbidia said:
Ww've suddenly got a crowd of personal-ads-disguised-as-forum-posts again, boys and girls and bois. The other mods and i really appreciate the efforts some of you are making to alert us when you see a post that violates one of our very few forum rules.

A special thanks to those who so generously press the Report This Post To A Moderator link when they come across posts that simply should not be here.

Thank you most sincerely.
you got that right!!

CarolineOh said:

I am afraid your offer may do more to entice than to deter them.;)

enticing,exciting,hell spanking is da bomb!! geez does that mean I gotta go break a rule 1st tho? bummer..:D :rose:

I ,Dream do "solemnly swear to faithfully execute..hey wait just a darn minute..execute?? no way but yes CYM ,ANYTHING I can do to help ,count me in ok?:rose: