I tried to join CymTalk, but they wont let me in

geez the wars rage on ..

gets my 'fire' extinguisher:kiss: :heart: :rose:
Re: geez the wars rage on ..

Artful's dream said:
gets my 'fire' extinguisher:kiss: :heart: :rose:

I bet you look great in turn out gear, dream!


Can't we just leave this whole thing alone?

Oh, pretty please.

With sugar on top.

Whipped cream and a cherry too?


Nobody wins and especially not until everybody puts it behind them and moves forward.
CymCity: Two Subs for Every Domme!

Hi Chele;

I wasn't suggesting that you be saddled with any responsibility to speak for me. I'd instruct you as required were that the case.

Now as for saddling you up in Pony Grrl fashion, well, that's not my thing, but thanks for asking, kajira. I can see you getting tossed from a Gor site, by the way, as you're not nearly submissive enough for that lot.

Seriously though Chele, I wasn't addressing what I was saying to you in particular. You never even crossed my mind when I was typing. Please don't worry your bitter, sarcastic little head about it.


Given that PBW is specifically Banned from Cymgusta National & The Cymbianese Liberation Army, seeing his initials in the first paragraph of the first thread I opened by the CymTalk Poster of The Week naturally piqued my curiosity. I then realized that there is a lot of material there ported over directly, word for word, from here, and it struck me as funny, amusing.

Though some might find my amusement at the ins and outs of intellectual property law a wee bit odd compared to the in out in out in out of BDSM... it's the copyright issue lurking underneath the matter, the lighthearted mention of PBW at a place he is banned, and the visual of Dommes packing up wheelbarrows of florid phrases to hand truck past other porn sites to the new site for the luring and captivization of subs there that I find amusing.

Lastly, knowing that this couldn't even be discussed in CymCity without an explosion of over-the-top phony baloney PM's underscores the virtues of Free Speech and my thankfulness that they are now all in one place....two subs for every Domme!



SexyChele said:

And what makes you think your words are worth my time to repeat to anyone else, anywhere else? Oh, must be that alpha thing going on.

The only place I've ever experienced any "censorship" was at a Gor chat site. No where else - not here, not at any other web site.

And I don't have any people, Lance, so how can they be "mine"? As for me? I am free - free to do as I please, free to say what I wish. Seems you might be a tad bit more happy if you threw that monkey off your back. But then, you do so seem to enjoy it, don't you?
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Re: Re: geez the wars rage on ..

MissTaken said:

Can't we just leave this whole thing alone?

Oh, pretty please.

With sugar on top.

Whipped cream and a cherry too?

I think you can see from the tone of my last post that I've dropped it. I don't see any other option. If they have stolen my mojo, I don't have a time machine (Austin Powers reference). Either way... I'll just stay here the 60's and get groovy with it. <winks>.

Now... who wants to see my hairy austin powers-like chest? ;)

Who's your favorite Austin's Power's Character? Mine is Fat Bastard. LOL

I think Fat Bastard was inspired by the Scotish father in "So I Married An Axe Murderer", ("Heed! Pants! NOW!!") who was, in turn, inspired by Mike Meyers' dad.

But I like Dr. Evil best.
Lancecastor said:
I think Fat Bastard was inspired by the Scotish father in "So I Married An Axe Murderer", ("Heed! Pants! NOW!!") who was, in turn, inspired by Mike Meyers' dad.

But I like Dr. Evil best.

Oh hell yeah! I loved that movie. The dad was my favorite character in that movie too... with his mom coming in a close second. When she totally locks lips and gives Mike Meyers best friend the tongue, I just about laughed my ass off.

PBW "I wish I was Scottish..."
I bought a 30 inch strap on and we call it a woodie
(Cym City, here we come)
You know my boy isn't cherry but he's an oldie but a goodie
(Cym City, here we come)
Well, I aint got a penis or two hanging balls
But woodie still gets me where I wanna go
And we're goin' to Cym City, 'cause it's two to one
You know we're goin' to Cym City,
gonna have some fun
You know we're goin' to Cym City, 'cause it's two to one
You know we're goin' to Cym City, gonna have some fun,
now Two subs for every Domme
Lancecastor said:
I'm a cute les femme subbie over there.....and I think MzChrista wants me.

I'll get that toaster oven yet!

Does that mean you dressed up as a GIRL? I didn't know you were into cross-dressing Lance *wink*.

And doesn't "les" already imply you're a "femme"?

You seem to hang out at KT a lot, though. Might miss us, after all?

Sue ~ off to find that cute little les subbie for a dessert ~
Well of course I miss you all!

I never asked anyone to leave.

Despite the static and misinformation that clouds the truth, surely you remember all the times I asked to consider giving the Sticky here more substance, yes?

The sticky at KT has...more substance.

Surely you remember my calling for Anonymous Moderation?

And the General Board at KT has....an Anonymous Mod.

Please let me know when the "Welcome Home Lance Castor, KT Visionary & Founding Daddy Deluxe" party is scheduled.

I practically invented KT single handed, after all.


SexySusan said:

Does that mean you dressed up as a GIRL? I didn't know you were into cross-dressing Lance *wink*.

And doesn't "les" already imply you're a "femme"?

You seem to hang out at KT a lot, though. Might miss us, after all?

Sue ~ off to find that cute little les subbie for a dessert ~
Ok, so where is this super secret site? And what's the handshake to get in?

Cirrus said:
Ok, so where is this super secret site? And what's the handshake to get in?

I don't know where it is,...and I can only pass along info that I have heard. One needs to be a "Certified" *TRUE*, skin-to-skin BDSM'er, (either
male/female, Dom/me, Switch, or submissive), in order to get accepted.

Not really sure about how one goes about being certified,...maybe some of the members over ~there~,...that continue to post over ~here~,... will enlighten you. :rose:
Lancecastor said:
Well of course I miss you all!

I never asked anyone to leave.

Despite the static and misinformation that clouds the truth, surely you remember all the times I asked to consider giving the Sticky here more substance, yes?

The sticky at KT has...more substance.

Well thank you for the compliment. We worked hard at that sticky, you know. I'm glad you like it.

I only remember you saying people should do what the sticky says. I don't remember you saying "give the sticky more substance!". But I can't read all you post, you know ...

Surely you remember my calling for Anonymous Moderation?

Sorry, no, I don't remember that either. But I was on vacation for three weeks, so I missed the big hooplah over here.

And the General Board at KT has....an Anonymous Mod.

It does? Well I haven't seen any... wait a minute. Just because you don't know a person doesn't mean s/he is Anonymous, Lance. ~grin~

Please let me know when the "Welcome Home Lance Castor, KT Visionary & Founding Daddy Deluxe" party is scheduled.

I practically invented KT single handed, after all.

But we had that party last week! I can't believe you missed it! ... oh no ... and we didn't even notice you weren't there ... that's gotta be tough ...

Cirrus said:
Ok, so where is this super secret site? And what's the handshake to get in?

The site isn't super secret. It just isn't ready yet. It's not even oficially online.

And there is no handshake to get in either, sorry to disappoint you. You just have to sign in ... oh, and don't use "Lance" or "Lancecastor" as ID, that might help. :D
Re: Cirrus

artful said:

I don't know where it is,...and I can only pass along info that I have heard. One needs to be a "Certified" *TRUE*, skin-to-skin BDSM'er, (either
male/female, Dom/me, Switch, or submissive), in order to get accepted.

Not really sure about how one goes about being certified,...maybe some of the members over ~there~,...that continue to post over ~here~,... will enlighten you. :rose:

Sure ... my pleasure.

No, you don't have to be a skin2skin BDSMer to get in. How do I know? Because I'm not, and I know others that aren't either, for sure.

Please, Art, accept that it's not that simple.

But your main interest has to be skin2skin BDSM, and not online role-playing. It doesn't matter how much experience you have got.

All that it takes is to sign in, and await validation. And if you behave, you won't be kicked out. Voilà.
Chut. Those above posts was me. I must have been kicked out while I went for coffee ... wait a minute. Does that mean I'm not welcome at lit? ... :D
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SexySusan said:

I'm wondering how you feel about Monster's instructions on how to post at Lit as a Member of *Cymtalk* ? (reproduced below for you)


* Please don't respond to any bull posted over there about Cymtalk. We don't need to worry what they think of us. Getting us upset and defensive is the game plan for those who would do that. The way we conduct ourselves here will be the only defense we need.

* We need to be positive about Literotica. It's generally a very good place and has a lot of good things going on. We have a lot of good friends there, and we don't need to alienate friends. It's also bad form to criticize people that aren't here from there. We need to act like everyone there is a good citizen here, whether or not they actually are. Our business here is taking care of each other here.

* Please don't go to other boards talking up the merits of Cymtalk. It's just going to cause trouble at the other board. That's not what we are supposed to be about. It, too, is bad form in my view.

I agree with his views. I think it's poor form and bad taste for you to be here saying these things, Sue.

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imagine all the people ... living in a world of peace
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I'll pass on the opportunity to enlighten you Sue. All the best in your journey!


SexySusan said:

What *exactly* did I say that's poor form and bad taste? Please, enlighten me, oh Great Lance-I-Have-The-Ultimate-WisDOM-Castor ...


edited because I don't think we need to read all of your post again
~all you need is love, love ... love is all you need.
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Re: Re: Cirrus

Unregistered said:

Sure ... my pleasure.

No, you don't have to be a skin2skin BDSMer to get in. How do I know? Because I'm not, and I know others that aren't either, for sure.

Please, Art, accept that it's not that simple.

But your main interest has to be skin2skin BDSM, and not online role-playing. It doesn't matter how much experience you have got.

All that it takes is to sign in, and await validation. And if you behave, you won't be kicked out. Voilà.
My main interest IS skin to skin BDSM ,however I dont want or need VALIDATION from THAT website or Any other to pursue it..
I am NOT a child to be told to "behave' and I will post where I TRULY have thae FREEDOM to post ,right here at Literotica,tyvm...

I agree with 1 thing however,thats TRUE,it simply should NOT matter how much experience you have got ,just that you have the WILL,the MOTIVATION ,to learn ... JMHO...:rose:
Re: Re: Re: Cirrus

Artful's dream said:
My main interest IS skin to skin BDSM ,however I dont want or need VALIDATION from THAT website or Any other to pursue it..

I didn't say you do, did I? Of *course* you don't need validation to pursue what lifestyle so ever ... You just need to be "validated" in order to post ...

I am NOT a child to be told to "behave' and I will post where I TRULY have thae FREEDOM to post ,right here at Literotica,tyvm...

I didn't mean to tell you to behave, either. I merely was saying that you need to act/behave according to the rules if you don't want to be kicked out. If guests at my house would jump on my bed with their shoes on and dropped their cigarettes on my carpet, I'd kick them out too. There are rules here. And if you don't want to "behave", then I will ask you to leave. Maybe "behave" is not a good word. English is not my native tongue.

I agree with 1 thing however,thats TRUE,it simply should NOT matter how much experience you have got ,just that you have the WILL,the MOTIVATION ,to learn ... JMHO...:rose:

I think we agree on more than just one thing. I don't know what I did to offend you, Dream. Whatever it was, I apologize, though.
