I tried to join CymTalk, but they wont let me in

Re: Susan

SexySusan said:

I didn't say you do, did I? Of *course* you don't need validation to pursue what lifestyle so ever ... You just need to be "validated" in order to post ...

I didn't mean to tell you to behave, either. I merely was saying that you need to act/behave according to the rules if you don't want to be kicked out. If guests at my house would jump on my bed with their shoes on and dropped their cigarettes on my carpet, I'd kick them out too. There are rules here. And if you don't want to "behave", then I will ask you to leave. Maybe "behave" is not a good word. English is not my native tongue.

I think we agree on more than just one thing. I don't know what I did to offend you, Dream. Whatever it was, I apologize, though.


Sorry You took my post as "offensive,it was not intended as such .
You have always been an open and honest person to me..
I go by the rules in this Forum as I do at anyother I would CHOOSE to post at ,period .. I was merely expressing MY feelings about WHY I ,personally will NOT be posting at Kinktalk,even If i DID get invited to go there(snowballs chance in hell) lol,there would be No way I could EVER feel welcome there and thats a FACT,I wasnt born yesterday...I MAY BE a bit NAIVE about some things in this world ,but THAT certainly is NOT 1 of them:D

Sorry if my post caused you any dismay ,honestly ,I was only expressing MY feelings and viewpoints as I am allowed to at LITEROTICA..:rose:
you always have been

with me ,Susan:D have a great day and.. hope you truly ENJOY yourself at the "OTHER' WEBSITE lol as for me,Master and I both are quite "COMFY' here at Lit ... hehe:D damn only 8 more months from Oct 10th and I'll be back in Arkansas in His loving arms again .. *sigh*

Unregistered said:
No, you don't have to be a skin2skin BDSMer to get in. How do I know? Because I'm not, and I know others that aren't either, for sure.

Please, Art, accept that it's not that simple.

Susan,...there are many people I hold in my mind with great respect. YOU are one of them. My earlier post was INDEED a "Tongue in Cheek" post. I intended no harm in it.

We all know it is a topic that has ruffled a few feathers,...but trust me on this,...my feathers are smooth, and I know yours are also. I for one, (but there are many others), am very happy that many of you over~there~,...still post over ~here~.

As far as my earlier post is concerned:

"I don't know where it is,...and I can only pass along info that I have heard. One needs to be a "Certified" *TRUE*, skin-to-skin BDSM'er, (either male/female, Dom/me, Switch, submissive, or vanilla), in order to get accepted.

Not really sure about how one goes about being certified,...maybe some of the members over ~there~,...that continue to post over ~here~,... will enlighten you."

Another Literotica friend informed me, SHE was invited to join over ~there~, and she was vanilla. So I apologise for posting MISINFORMATION. I intended no harm, and I have no axe to grind with KT,...or it's posters. :rose:
I think this is bullshit.

Everyone here stop making posts about Cymtalk (or whatever it is called this week) and quit trying to bait the people that go to both places.

And everyone that goes to both boards... stop trying to pick fights.

It's over and done with. These little bullshit posts are stupid and don't solve a damn thing... and not to mention, they are just low class.

If you feel you have to post... stop... back up... and go bang your head on the wall for a few minutes. If symptoms persists, repeat as needed.

PBW <Beating the beast over and over> "Die you bastard... DIE!"

sorry had to edit for misspellings and poor grammar.
Last edited:
I think you mean bait. Speaking of bait, I bought what I thought were regular nightcrawlers and when I got to the lake I found out they were fluorescent green. The fish didn't seem to like them much either. Just give me those ol time nightcrawlers.
Well, WD,

Would searching your yard with a flashlight yield any juicy night crawling things?

You have been getting some rain, right?

i remember catching night crawlers at night and throwing them in a coffee can as a kid.

Very cool!


*Good post, PBW. *
WriterDom said:
I think you mean bait. Speaking of bait, I bought what I thought were regular nightcrawlers and when I got to the lake I found out they were fluorescent green. The fish didn't seem to like them much either. Just give me those ol time nightcrawlers.

You can always set your sprinklers to run for an hour or two around 3 am... then get up early and go get the worms.

Or... if you saw Godzilla... car battery and two metal stakes.

WriterDom said:
I think you mean bait. Speaking of bait, I bought what I thought were regular nightcrawlers and when I got to the lake I found out they were fluorescent green. The fish didn't seem to like them much either. Just give me those ol time nightcrawlers.

Flourescent green? Where do you live, man?
Remind me not to go there.
shouldve been edited for..

P. B. Walker said:
I think this is bullshit.

Everyone here stop making posts about Cymtalk (or whatever it is called this week) and quit trying to bait the people that go to both places.

And everyone that goes to both boards... stop trying to pick fights.

It's over and done with. These little bullshit posts are stupid and don't solve a damn thing... and not to mention, they are just low class.

If you feel you have to post... stop... back up... and go bang your head on the wall for a few minutes. If symptoms persists, repeat as needed.

PBW <Beating the beast over and over> "Die you bastard... DIE!"

sorry had to edit for misspellings and poor grammar.


Sorry You saw somethin that was so obviously Not there PBW ,at least not in MY post,I have a right to my opinion and simply expressed it ,sorry if it "offended you" ,geez .. Artful's (I didnt mean to step on His toes ) dream:rolleyes:
Re: shouldve been edited for..

Artful's dream said:

Sorry You saw somethin that was so obviously Not there PBW ,at least not in MY post,I have a right to my opinion and simply expressed it ,sorry if it "offended you" ,geez .. Artful's (I didnt mean to step on His toes ) dream:rolleyes:

I think if you read my post again, you will see that I have addressed *everyone* not just you. Nor did I point any anything specific in other people's posts. So, if you don't feel my post pertains to you and your posts, please simply ignore it.

Take it easy.


Ensure you register with an over 18 birthdate and an e-mail unknown to protagagonists over there and you are away.

as long as you OBEY the rules

I'm too naughty

Re: kinktalk.com

pierced_boy said:
Ensure you register with an over 18 birthdate and an e-mail unknown to protagagonists over there and you are away.

as long as you OBEY the rules

I'm too naughty


Wouldn't this be considered spam? I mean it is advertising for a different forum, yes?

PBW "No, I'm naughtier"