I Want to Get Raped Ch. 02

Yes. I've got three stories all at about 60% done, but I worked on this one today. I hope to get it closer to done this week.
I know, it seems to take me longer and longer for me to complete stories, but maybe that's a good thing.

This is weird - yesterday, a person who identifies herself as a woman from Britain (and a grandmother no less) favorited the one Non-Consent / Reluctance story I have. It's been sitting there for three years, so I have no idea how she found it or what motivated her to read it. I reread it to see what I had done, and it is a comedy because the "rapist" (the boyfriend of the "victim") is so inept and reluctant. The girl concocted the whole plot down to the exact location - which she insists has to be outdoors, at night.
