If I say

Here's an odd association, but potentially interesting: birthday.

My mate's is the 24th. Xmas birthdays suck, as anyone who has one can attest. (I got lucky - mine's in July, but I watched my poor sister, who was born on Dec. 23rd, suffer through "combination presents" and other indignities through her whole childhood)

So every year on the 24th, we always have an all-day open house birthday party that is guaranteed to be a completely x-mas free zone, for anyone who needs a break from that.

and then of course there's that one guy whose birthday is ostensibly being celebrated round this time...


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unpredictablebijou said:
Here's an odd association, but potentially interesting: birthday.

My mate's is the 24th. Xmas birthdays suck, as anyone who has one can attest. (I got lucky - mine's in July, but I watched my poor sister, who was born on Dec. 23rd, suffer through "combination presents" and other indignities through her whole childhood)

So every year on the 24th, we always have an all-day open house birthday party that is guaranteed to be a completely x-mas free zone, for anyone who needs a break from that.

and then of course there's that one guy whose birthday is ostensibly being celebrated round this time...



Yes indeed, they do so suck, especially when you're young and the birthday ends up seeming to be a minor footnote to the holiday. A year after I was born my sister was born on the 29th, which made it even worse for both of us as we neither had that special day observed. We ended up with our birthdays being "celebrated" together on the 27th.

But I did turn it into a positive when I got older and took the view that for my birthday, everyone's filled with good cheer — y'all are celebrating my birthday whether you know it or not!

Yet there's another downside I've noted for the holiday season — those relationship breakups that happen. It's like getting a personal lump of coal. That's a tough one to get over.

If I concentrate Christmas
it devolves into incompleteness
no matter how I add it up
the sum is always less than it's parts

not enough giving
too much dissatisfaction
incorrect choices
whining voices

the result of being blessed
with more than you need
a lack of appreciation
for what is received

gimme gimme Cocobop
I only want some sanity
to see justice of a sort
work rewarded with a roof

some shelter, some softness
clothing, comfort, closeness
to those you love
and above all peace
cold weather
slow times in business(i Work in a restaurant)
spending too much money

Okay, not all of my thoughts are negative...

spending time with family
seeing my kids faces on Christmas Day
days off from work!!!!!!!
Christmas bonus time( wooohooo)
ending a horrible year, and time for a new beginning
my birthday is in a couple of weeks... wait, maybe that is a bad thing!
When I was young (yeah many moons ago) lads used to break up with the girls to avoid buying them christmas presents!
December (Winter) the death of the Great Goddess. (I'm reading Graves again) Solstice, Renewal :)
I wonder if there is a 'Fear of New Year' or a 'Fear of Christmas' there are so many other phobias around (luckily I don't have the 'Fear of Computers' one) .... how about Noelspentoutophobia .... anyone on here got Erotophobia? I guess not!
spices , the smell of ginger and allspice,nutmeg and cinnamon
my grandmother making plum pudding
sledding down the " mountain" up the street
hymns and church and feeling really close to God
trying to be good for a whole month
the sears toy catalog
snow forts
itchy hats the smell of wet wool
shaking young pine trees and letting the snow fall all over us
breaking ice off the frozen river and running along the bank watching the
" iceberg" we created
the manger with real straw in it
drunken Christmas shopping with Dave

reading " A Christmas Carol" and " A Christmas Memory"
Tathagata said:
spices , the smell of ginger and allspice,nutmeg and cinnamon
my grandmother making plum pudding
sledding down the " mountain" up the street
hymns and church and feeling really close to God
trying to be good for a whole month
the sears toy catalog
snow forts
itchy hats the smell of wet wool
shaking young pine trees and letting the snow fall all over us
breaking ice off the frozen river and running along the bank watching the
" iceberg" we created
the manger with real straw in it
drunken Christmas shopping with Dave

reading " A Christmas Carol" and " A Christmas Memory"

No dildos? I underestimate you. I was sure you'd be focused on Evie's response. :D
An African December in Canada

Drawn back or thrown back,
December is a month of watching
relentless driven shopping.
Watching. Watching the drive
to give, to belong, to engage
the collectivity, to be at peace
with all. Watching
the wiley fox herd the hungry hens
through the turnstiles and past
the checkouts to piling debt.

Debt that will disengage,
drain compassion, drive divorce.

Watching, wanting to touch,
as the month grinds on,
the tired faces of panicked planners
fearful the day of peace will falter
for lack of some forgotten purchase. Watching
with dawning feelings of concern
for them, grateful I don't have to:
Don't have to rush;
don't have to spend;
don't have to run with tears
and anger stirring below in growing desperation.

Suddenly, its Christmas. The streets are quiet
in whispering snow and everyone I know
has disappeared into their family reunion.

Alone, I feel the peace of absence
and long for tumultuous company.

Ack! Not Bill the Cat!!
Poet & philosopher supreme!
