I'm back...

Thanks Pops. I think he would have enjoyed that more than watching the dubbed version of the Swedish film The Immigrants, about a group of Swedes who emigrated to USA during the 1800; which was on the hotel telly.

I warned him I would do this to him. Don't blame me if he didn't believe me!
They dubbed that movie?? I didn't know that! Ugh, can't people learn not to dub unless it's cartoons? I so prefer subtitles...
LP69: I agree w/you, but then there are some films that are dubbed so badly they're actually fun to watch; rather become a genre in themselves.

Flicka, you're too much and I still miss you.

Even though I'm here now..?

Speaking of dubbed films, a very funny Swedish stand-up-comedian (Adde Malmberg) made a hilarious monologue on that subject. Among other things, he pointed out that in Italian movies, they talk very much, and their lips are almost never still, whereas in German movies, they bark out a word here and there, and then shut up. Henceforth, it looks kinda funny when an Italina film is dubbed into German, and you see Mastroianni flap his lips like a helicopter propeller, but only let out a sharp "Achtung!", just as it's also funny to see a German actor open his wide for one second and then close it, and still manage to get out a whole sentence like "Per Verona c'è un treno di mattina che parte da Orvieto alle otto e trentotto, ma deve cambiare a Bologna."

However, the best part is to see John Wayne enter a saloon, walking slowly and heavily up to the bar, and then saying, in a crisp and clear Norwegian: "Morn da, gutter! Opp med henderne deres!" :D :D :D
Svenska-mou, if I don't see a post from you in less than 24 hours I miss you.

I like your examples. When I'm in Europe I enjoy watching American TV shows dubbed into German or Italian for the incongruity of the images and characters I know.

You mentioned Marcello and my heart skipped a beat. Thank you. :heart: I miss him always.

My worst dubbing experience ever was when I sat through a whole episode of Roseanne, listening to a high pitched 18-year-old voice speaking French.:(