i'm new here

aerofreak said:
well, first, i'm not exactly sure why my other reply got posted twice... i swear i didn't do it, but oh well.

well, this may be a dumb question, but who is the troll? me or someone else? as you can see, i'm still a newbie here & i'm a little lost.

That is not a dumb question at all. Trolls are posters (who frequently post as unregistered) who go around making mischief and stirring up shit. They tend to choose someone and stalk them and post all kinds of crap about them or to them on the threads. The best way to handle trolls is to not respond to their presence at all. In other words, don't feed the trolls. They get tired of their games if you don't give them the attention they seek.

BTW, sometimes your replies will post twice if the server is slow and you hit the submit button twice in an effort to make things happen. Don't worry about it. It happens to almost everybody from time to time.

There are no dumb questions. Ask anything.