I'm selling my vote

l8bloom said:
At the risk of gushing, thanks for inviting me to your mad tea party. I feel all wiggly & stuff.
Um, wiggly is good. It would appeal to me, anyway, but then I tend to the simple.

Your av looks like some archived '34 Chrysler Airflow grills resting on arctic tundra. Ones that have been discolored over the years. 'Cuz it's like cold up there.

I could be wrong, though. I am often wrong.

Not-quite-so-subliminal message: Write more poems. We like good poems. You write good poems. Go Cubbies.
I'd like to join the adoring hoard and give the welcome wagon a little push.

I also endorse T-man's not-so-subliminal suggestion..............write more great stuff!
Are you guys angels? ... or just Fig Newtons of my imagination? Pretty soon I'll sound like a

Inner Editor: Show, don't tell, the reader.
Me: Oh! :eek:

*holds up an old vinyl LP in one hand*
*demonstrates safe handling of a razor in the other*

[I'm wearing a tutu since I am my own lovely assistant]

"Now don't look if this part makes you squeamish"


*places record on the old ca. 1985 stereo*

"Thank you, hic! thank you, hic!, thank you, hic!, thank you, hic!...."

:rose: :cathappy: and even
Tzara said:
Your av looks like some archived '34 Chrysler Airflow grills resting on arctic tundra. Ones that have been discolored over the years. 'Cuz it's like cold up there.

I could be wrong, though. I am often wrong.

Not-quite-so-subliminal message: Write more poems. We like good poems. You write good poems. Go Cubbies.

Yours is the closest guess yet. Here is your prize!

Ah, if you Google images for "dew line," you will see these giant objects. They capture data about weather. I don't know why Canada calls it the dew line. I know! I should go look it up, like everyone else.

But Saturday morning is slipping through my fingers like sand in a Twilight Zone hourglass. I have to scurry around & do things, quilt, write, make the hammond beans, bake up a mess of cornbread, before the merciless undertow of night grabs my ankle and pulls me under.

It's a nice place you'all have here ... see you soon ...


:heart: Cubbies!!!!!
l8bloom said:
Yours is the closest guess yet. Here is your prize!

Ah, if you Google images for "dew line," you will see these giant objects. They capture data about weather. I don't know why Canada calls it the dew line. I know! I should go look it up, like everyone else.

But Saturday morning is slipping through my fingers like sand in a Twilight Zone hourglass. I have to scurry around & do things, quilt, write, make the hammond beans, bake up a mess of cornbread, before the merciless undertow of night grabs my ankle and pulls me under.

It's a nice place you'all have here ... see you soon ...


:heart: Cubbies!!!!!

Glad you came by the forum! I loved the poem of yours I reviewed this past Tuesday and started reading more of your poems because you wrote so well. The A&P poem is one of the funniest I've read here is quite a while. And the production...well, I knew you had to at least have a home studio machine to do something like that. Wonderful stuff!

I'll look forward to reading more of your poems. :)

Oh, I almost forgot! Here's your tiara,


your scepter.


and your flowers:


The Maytag washer and dryer will be delivered next week. :D

Wow!! Maybe if I wear nothing but this, I can get my husband's attention. :D

Thanks too for your many kind words. I greatly appreciate the encouragement!

It's kind of like feeding the bears though; now that I'm encouraged, I'll probably write more. ;)
l8bloom said:
Wow!! Maybe if I wear nothing but this, I can get my husband's attention. :D

Thanks too for your many kind words. I greatly appreciate the encouragement!

It's kind of like feeding the bears though; now that I'm encouraged, I'll probably write more. ;)

There's method behind the madness here. ;)
