"Imagining Saddam's Trial"

Weird Harold said:
When I heard the description of the hole they dug him out of -- 6-8 feet deep and wide enough to lay down in -- I thought that it was too bad they didn't fill that grave as soon as they found it.

In hindsight, that would have been the best solution but they first had to make sure they had the right guy. Plus, there might have been information on other fugitives and maybe even info on the elusive WMD.

perdita said:
Thanks Mr. G. for the apology, but you need not give me one. Yes, I'm sure the various muslim communities, Iranians, Kurds, et al, have quite barbarous punishments in mind, but I would not rebuke them if that is their way of thinking in their culture. It is the civilized, freedom and life-protecting Americans that disturb me when I hear barbarity being proposed.

regards, Perdita

Ofcourse people are upset with all the cruel murders and tortures that he is responsible for,that's why they have problem thinking clearly. I think that it's not a cultural thing, this wanting to hurt Saddam like he has hurt thousands and thousands of families, it's just human nature.

But people who have not been directly injured by his regime, such as Americans, Swedes, Brits, etc, should stay calm and rational, and not sink to his level.

Otherwise, we'll be just like les tricteuses during the French revolution, those women who sat in front of the guillotine, cheering as the nobility got their heads chopped off.

There are aspects of our human nature that we should acknowledge but strive to rise above.
Svenskaflicka said:
Ofcourse people are upset with all the cruel murders and tortures that he is responsible for,that's why they have problem thinking clearly. I think that it's not a cultural thing, this wanting to hurt Saddam like he has hurt thousands and thousands of families, it's just human nature.

But people who have not been directly injured by his regime, such as Americans, Swedes, Brits, etc, should stay calm and rational, and not sink to his level.

Otherwise, we'll be just like les tricteuses during the French revolution, those women who sat in front of the guillotine, cheering as the nobility got their heads chopped off.

There are aspects of our human nature that we should acknowledge but strive to rise above.

Very nicely put, Svenskaflicka. Just what I wanted to say, only you said it better......Durn it. *sigh*

Whisper :rose:
Just think of the cost of the trial compared with a cost of an "accidental" bullet.

Svenskaflicka said:
But people who have not been directly injured by his regime, such as Americans, Swedes, Brits, etc, should stay calm and rational, and not sink to his level.
So true. I just want to add that not all of his victims cry for blood either. I have spoken with several of my friends, who are exile Kurds. All have family missing or have been tortured personally by Saddams minions.

Send the fucker to the ICJ tribunal in Hague, is what they say.

There he will be publically assused and humiliated for an extended period of time, by an institution that doesn't have as much personally invested in the issue as the US. Since ICJ have no emotional baggage with the old Iraqi regime, their trial would be fairer, and therefore, Saddams crimes would be proven beyond all doubt.

Then let him rot in jail until he die, preferrably with a full webcam coverage. Killing him would just create another martyr. Humiliate him to death, they say. Feed him pork. Stuff like that.

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Icingsugar said:

Then let him rot in jail until he die, preferrably with a full webcam coverage. Killing him would just create another martyr. Humiliate him to death, they say. Feed him pork. Stuff like that.



That's horrible!

Seriously, I'm against death penalty, even when it concerns a bastard like Saddam. If we execute a man in cold blood, we are no better than him. I say, put him in prison for the rest of his life, and make him work hard. It won't bring back all the people he has murdered, it won't heal the wounds he has inflicted, but atleast that way society would get something back.
Maybe we should exile saddam to a far away and isolated brutal work camp island with many wild hogs on this particular island. Where the pigs and saddam can feed on fruits and grain. And when saddam finally dies the pigs can feed on him!! this would be a special terror to him like boxlicker101 has said.

MR. Gibson' sexy tales!
Boxlicker101 said:
Weird Harold said:
When I heard the description of the hole they dug him out of -- 6-8 feet deep and wide enough to lay down in -- I thought that it was too bad they didn't fill that grave as soon as they found it.

In hindsight, that would have been the best solution but they first had to make sure they had the right guy. Plus, there might have been information on other fugitives and maybe even info on the elusive WMD

Intellectually, I know that flling in the hole as soonas they found him would destroy a lot of needed information, but I don't have to anticipate the coming circus with glee.

Emotionally, I'm disappointed that he's going to receive humane treament and a "fair" trial followed by the inevitable life sentence (if the western countries who consider the Death Penalty barbaric get their way.) I'm notlooking forward to many years of stupid people blowing innocent people up and/or trying to trade hostages to force his release.
Saddam should be tried quietly by a military tribunal. There should be no publicity, no cameras, no interviews with lawyers, nothing. He should be given all the courtesy extended to the Nuremberg defendants, i.e. none. Once a verdict is reached it should be carried out quietly with as little fanfare as possible. If aquited he should be released, if prison time he should be quietly jailed, if death he should be quietly executed.

The Saddams of the world live for aggrandizement, publicity and fame. He should be denied all of that. It won't happen, but it should. The greater show you make in this trial the greater his stature becomes, especially among Arabs. If you haul him in front of the cameras and humiliate him you will only be making it worse for American troops trying to keep order in Iraq. These men and women have already performed magnificently and now are dying in the thankless role of police men. A role for which they are not trained and are ill equiped to handle. Anything that is done that makes thier job harder or puts thier lives at more of a risk is unconcionable. A show trial for Saddam would do just that.

Colly, I have come to rely on your sanity and sobriety, just wanted you to know.

Perdita :heart:
Death Penalty

Not all western nations are against the death penalty. It is still practiced in most states of the United States and by the federal government. A majority of Americans favor the death penalty and would probably vote to reinstate it, even in states where it is illegal.

Even if someone opposes the death penalty, this should be an exception. Not so much because of what Saddam has done, but to keep him in prison will give his supporters a rallying point and, as Weird Harold points out:
Emotionally, I'm disappointed that he's going to receive humane treament and a "fair" trial followed by the inevitable life sentence (if the western countries who consider the Death Penalty barbaric get their way.) I'm notlooking forward to many years of stupid people blowing innocent people up and/or trying to trade hostages to force his release.

I still think he shouold be turned over to Kuwait to face criminal charges. He would be convicted and put to death in short order, with no embarrassment to anybody. Iran wants him also and he would get the same treatment there but I think Kuwait is better. They were 100% victims, and it was more recent. I think either Kuwait or Iran would be better than taking a long time in Iraq or turning him over to the World Court since it would be quick and as merciless as Saddam has been.
I originally thought we should let the family members of all saddams victims have a crack at him. like the victims mothers but that is ridiculous because their would be a zillion and two of them and they would all have to wait on a very long line. we cannot do it that way with saddam.but I have read in some iraqi, iranian, or maybe some other muslim faith that it is written in law_ that a person has a right to get revenge on a murderer for killing a close family member. I have read about this in a magazine article just 2 years ago. I have read about a muslim murderer who was caught and the police bought him bound and tied in front of a lady who was a female relative of the killers victim as she then took a dull knife and cut his head off slowly. She then held his head up in front of a crowd triumphantly for all to see after she sliced it off! Now that lady got some personal revenge and justice. won't you say folks!:)
While I chear the capture and prosecution of Saddam, I too hope that it is done quietly, with little or no fanfare.

As long as this man has the opportunity to publize his thoughts, rally his loyalists, or just plain exist, his followers will continue to risk the lives and safety of armed service men and women from all nations in iraq.

Colly, very well said!!!
