Important things learned

Desdemona said:
Rose, I've been away attending to some family matters so I am late to this conversation. I have learned some new things that I would like to share.

Until lately, I thought that I would never be able to adjust to sharing a Dom. Somewhat unexpectedly, I find myself in a poly relationship. Yes, some days, I do feel the stirrings of jealousy that sneak in and cause me discomfort. On those days I struggle with my feelings about this relationship and about Him. I have also learned that talking it out with Him is very helpful (He always seems to know when I'm having a tough time and doesn't allow me to avoid the discussion).

I am learning to share this man who was first and foremost someone I considered my friend for many months and only lately has become much more to me. I have developed a good friendship with one of the two other subs and am hoping to do the same with the remaining woman.

I have learned that this man has so very much love to give and that He can cherish each of us for our differences as well as our similarities. The love He has for the others does not diminish His feelings for me. He has been open with me from the beginning about the others. There has never been any secret about what He offers or about what He expects in return.

Some of you have mentioned that you feel you must be the alpha sub. At this point, we don't know if there will be an alpha among us (yes, I know this is unusual, but we are figuring out what will work for us). For now, we seem to be on pretty equal footing. Time will tell and I am content to wait and see. As long as we are happy together, I'm not sure it makes any difference.

He is not what I was looking for, yet I am so very fortunate to have been found by Him. He is teaching me new things about myself. I agree, you must be true to yourself, but if you are open to new possibilities, you may be surprised. I certainly have been. Although it is hard sometimes, I see this as an adventure and would not miss the journey for anything.

Well, good for you Des. I have missed you a lot. And I am glad you are finding this a journey worth the effort.

I just don't know if I can be the way. But your thoughts on this have been very enlightening for me. Thank you, pal.
A Desert Rose said:
Well, good for you Des. I have missed you a lot. And I am glad you are finding this a journey worth the effort.

I just don't know if I can be the way. But your thoughts on this have been very enlightening for me. Thank you, pal.

Sweets, I have missed you too. I don't know that it would work for you either.... just offering my perspective based on my own recent discoveries. I know that you will find the best solution for you. Some parts of our journies are difficult, at best. I hope the road becomes easier for you.
I have learnt that there are days when I cannot do anything right and should have stayed in bed.

* blows kisses at ADR *

I hope your week has gotten better, sweetie. :kiss:

Helena :rose:
A Desert Rose said:
I have found that some people take things written here too seriously


some people here take serious things, too lightly.

I have learned that I can do both, here and in real life.

I try to recognize which end of the mood scale I am on so as to take things realistically rather than too lightly or too seriously.

Sometimes, we gals can be sensitive and having friends and lovers who understand our moods and needs is wonderful!

But yes, there are times when things said on the forums hurt, and other times I can giggle and chuckle it off!


*waves to Des*

And Mistress Helena? Anyday you wake up and need to stay in bed, let me know. I might serve you nicely, permitting you to hide in comfort :)
Hi Miss T. You have a very good point about how our moods can affect how we respond to posts here. As I said to Georgia Girl last night, sometimes we're adrift on the sea of hormones.
lorddragonwolf said:
des glade to see you back.

Hi sweety. I never really went away. I just didn't have anything to say for a while so I lurked.
Desdemona said:
Hi sweety. I never really went away. I just didn't have anything to say for a while so I lurked.

oh and i thought you where stalking me for that was me stalking you. um no officer i was not looking into her windows.
lorddragonwolf said:
oh and i thought you where stalking me for that was me stalking you. um no officer i was not looking into her windows.

LOL Gee, I didn't know you cared. :p
lorddragonwolf said:
i got used to spitting soda all over my computer screen when you made some good one liners.

I trust you keep a squeegee handy. :p
Here's what I have learned

this week.

I cannot be second or third. I have to be first and only because I place too much value on myself.

And I won't settle for less than that.
You can't trust people to be who you want them to be, but you can always trust people to be themselves.
Re: Here's what I have learned

A Desert Rose said:
this week.

I cannot be second or third. I have to be first and only because I place too much value on myself.

And I won't settle for less than that.

Rock on, sweetie!

A hard realization to come to grips with, but knowing what you need and want is half the battle.

I know I can't be second or third as well. My Kindergarten report card said "She doesn't share well with others!"

I wouldn't judge anyone who could, but for me, it would never work.

hugs to you....

I am only a click away if you want to talk. :)
Marquis said:
You can't trust people to be who you want them to be, but you can always trust people to be themselves.

Very true words. There is no changing anyone.

And you can't make people feel something they don't. No matter how much you want it.

What a roller coaster life is sometimes. And how wrong we can be about our perceptions. I thought I knew things that I have since found out I didn't know.

I was wrong about how much he cared for me. You take one step and one day.
Re: Re: Here's what I have learned

MissTaken said:
Rock on, sweetie!

A hard realization to come to grips with, but knowing what you need and want is half the battle.

I know I can't be second or third as well. My Kindergarten report card said "She doesn't share well with others!"

I wouldn't judge anyone who could, but for me, it would never work.

hugs to you....

I am only a click away if you want to talk. :)

Like minded people seem to find each other, don't they? I am glad we are friends. ;-)