In Defense of Grammar

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One I haven't seen in a while here is "definately" which REALLY annoys me.

Here's another one that absolutely drives me bonkers: "Should of"

Should of, while if you say it aloud it may sound like "should've," doesn't exist. It's should have. Also, while typing my first sentence I realized another common misuse. Technically, "out loud" isn't correct, the word is "aloud."
A Local Craig's List Posting Needs a Little Editing

"1st off no diseases i am totally clean just had check up last weeki want to stay clean

so if you have diseases please be smart and DO NOT RELY

title says it all--i want a NJ"

I suppose the need for sexual release had overcome his more discerning eye.
(OK Kat, I hope didn't screw up this one!!!!)
In Devense of Grammara

I don't believe we have covered this yet.

Nuclear vs. Nucular. Drives me nuts to hear the word mispronounced. We had a very recent President who did this regularly.
Some people just can not spell, but are highly intelligent. It is wild to read text from my GF who is a college grad and highly accomplished, but misspells everything. It's actually really cute to me.

I am an editor. One of my regular authors is dyslexic. That can be interesting.
I'm not sure how I didn't stumble across this thread before. I just have one thing to say. Whenever someone tries to claim that grammar, punctuation, spelling or any type of correct English language usage is irrelevant, I like to give them this example.

Yesterday, I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse.


yesterday i helped my uncle jack off a horse.

Let's face it... Even on literotica, bestiality's a no-go.
Congratulations! You found the error that I intentionally planted!

Seriously, I cannot believe that I made this error but I never claimed to be infallible.

That's a pronunciation issue, Kat. Americans misspell the word due as 'do' all the time, because they pronounce it 'do'. British people pronounce 'due' as \'dyü\, and thus no confusion arises.

Not taking a crack at any Americans here. There are plenty of examples that go the other way, too - I'm just saying that there's actually a logical reason why people misspell due as do and it's due (haha) to the way we say it.

Our speech affects our spelling, especially in the English language where you can't always be sure that a word is spelled phonetically.
I am on a porn site, not a grammar site.

Unless it is something like the thread at hand, I could honestly care less.

If you have issues with spelling get Mozilla Firefox. It has a spell checker built in.
(it doesn't have a grammer (lol) check though...)

Some of us like our erotica to be intelligent.

Brainless porn does nothing for me.
Okay. I'm gonna stop spamming the thread now. Language is an issue that's exceptionally close to my heart. For me, there's nothing more important than the demonstration of intelligence through correct language.

Language is the primary medium by which we communicate, especially online. Our personalities, our public faces, our very /selves/ are shown to others via the words we use, the choices we make in sentence structure, the way we spell (or don't), and a hundred other things.

If you don't put in the effort to spell and use correct grammar, you're going to give everyone the impression that you're unintelligent. Whether you are or not is irrelevant, because that's the impression you're giving.

Am I a language snob? I most certainly am, and I am proud of being so. Words have power, and they always will. Making the correct choices when using them is what elevates us.
Okay, one more.

p.s. Oxford commas (serial commas), in my opinion, are only useful for avoiding ambiguity. For me, it's nice to know that the English Language does have a construction that avoids the ambiguity that can be generated by the 'standard' rules of list-writing. Like everything else in our toolbox of grammatical toys, it's just another rule that takes care of a few exceptional cases.

Now I'm done. Honest.
I hear people say that in face to face conversations, not just in online exchanges. I've heard guys talking about having prostrate problems and it confuses the hell out of me.

See, this is why context is so important. Old men have prostate problems. Young men seem to have prostrate problems, especially on college campuses on Saturday nights. Now if the old man is a big drinker, your guess is as good as mine!

(I love this thread, by the way...)