In Praise of YDD

Re: Re: one more ramble...

twelveoone said:
With all due respects (yeah, I know its a ramble), I see some logic disconnects here, first you say how the instructor got you to improve, then you slide into hatred for the shrewedness of YDD. Is he not doing the same thing?
As far as respect goes:
May be
06/23/04 by YDD
I don't see the paradox
are you computer not

What am I missing
This is a comment that YDD left on one of my submissions. It was writtem in 5 minutes, I was unconscious (or nearly so) when I wrote it. It was, however, written deliberately circular, disjointed,
and relied on both an obscure movie and concept. His comment told me that he tried to see it from my perspective. How clever of me to write something for an audience of one - hey I was unconscious. A well deserved 50.
My appreciation of YDD's effort, (already high) shot up 100 fold.
my ramble over

i simply said it reminded me of my instructor..who i didn't like much at first, until i saw objectively what he was doing, i still didn't care much for him on a personal level, but i had respect and appreciation for him from that day on.

here's another ramble..

if i constantly point out my daughters flaws without ever giving her praise..i'm going to destroy her confidence

is that any easier to understand???

ydd for all the wonderful critiques she does rarely says what a persons doing right. i can have appreciation for ydd without liking her personally. i get the feeling ydd is some big shot writer with the "right" to leave such critiques. but anyone who can't reach me on a personal level, who gives the feeling they are somehow better, is not someone i'm going to like.

i don't like ydd..this person has never given or shown me any reason to like her. but i do appreciate what she does here at lit.

btw, a ramble is a ramble, is a may hold tons of meaning or may hold none what so ever, and i was trying to be abit humorous about it all, but that doesn't seem to be important here..only PRAISING ydd for all ydd does.

which i find really ironic! cheers!
feeling slightly provoked..'s another ramble...

poetry to 95% of people is nothing more then something they read that holds some kind of meaning, or touches their heartstrings in some way.

it's not about form or elaborate usage of words, and it certainly isn't about how big of a word or how many big words a person can use to impress with intellect. you lose most people if it becomes all that.

i write simply, not for the 5% who see all that
but lose the other 95% because it goes way over their heads.
i have turned many many people on to poetry because i offered them something they could read and understand and most of all enjoy.

some people write poetry as a release, they'll never be a great poet, but i would never discourage them from writing, especially if it helps them learn to express feelings.

some hearts are fragile, it's hard to take a critic like ydd. i will never be a critic like some of you folk, but i will read here, and tell someone i enjoyed what i read..skip the commenting on something that i didn't.

sometimes, because i can see that someone is hurting with the poem they've submitted, i'll try to encourage. not about the poetry, but about the hurt or pain behind the not so pretty poem.

maybe in the end, it'll balance things out.

see ya!
feeling slightly provoked..'s another ramble...

poetry to 95% of people is nothing more then something they read that holds some kind of meaning, or touches their heartstrings in some way.

it's not about form or elaborate usage of words, and it certainly isn't about how big of a word or how many big words a person can use to impress with intellect. you lose most people if it becomes all that.

i write simply, not for the 5% who see all that
but lose the other 95% because it goes way over their heads.
i have turned many many people on to poetry because i offered them something they could read and understand and most of all enjoy.

some people write poetry as a release, they'll never be a great poet, but i would never discourage them from writing, especially if it helps them learn to express feelings.

some hearts are fragile, it's hard to take a critic like ydd. i will never be a critic like some of you folk, but i will read here, and tell someone i enjoyed what i read..skip the commenting on something that i didn't.

sometimes, because i can see that someone is hurting with the poem they've submitted, i'll try to encourage. not about the poetry, but about the hurt or pain behind the not so pretty poem.

maybe in the end, it'll balance things out.

see ya!
Re: feeling slightly provoked..

fawnie said:'s another ramble...

poetry to 95% of people is nothing more then something they read that holds some kind of meaning, or touches their heartstrings in some way.

it's not about form or elaborate usage of words, and it certainly isn't about how big of a word or how many big words a person can use to impress with intellect. you lose most people if it becomes all that.

i write simply, not for the 5% who see all that
but lose the other 95% because it goes way over their heads.
i have turned many many people on to poetry because i offered them something they could read and understand and most of all enjoy.

some people write poetry as a release, they'll never be a great poet, but i would never discourage them from writing, especially if it helps them learn to express feelings.

some hearts are fragile, it's hard to take a critic like ydd. i will never be a critic like some of you folk, but i will read here, and tell someone i enjoyed what i read..skip the commenting on something that i didn't.

sometimes, because i can see that someone is hurting with the poem they've submitted, i'll try to encourage. not about the poetry, but about the hurt or pain behind the not so pretty poem.

maybe in the end, it'll balance things out.

see ya!

I have never seen a comment by YDD in which he says that a person's feelings are wrong. From what I have read he merely comments on the form or structure of a poem.

Sometimes he can be abrubt and lacking a certain tact, I completly agree with that, but isn't part of the reason we all post here to get feedback? What good is it if everyone says that every poem is perfect? What are the ratings for then? If you don't want to hear that somebody doesn't like your poem, turn off the public comments.

Still....I do wish that he would be a little more coinsiderate of poeple's feelings. Poets tend to be senestive people by nature and, even if it wasn't his intention,words can hurt.
Re: feeling slightly provoked..

fawnie said:'s another ramble...

poetry to 95% of people is nothing more then something they read that holds some kind of meaning, or touches their heartstrings in some way.

it's not about form or elaborate usage of words, and it certainly isn't about how big of a word or how many big words a person can use to impress with intellect. you lose most people if it becomes all that.

i write simply, not for the 5% who see all that
but lose the other 95% because it goes way over their heads.
i have turned many many people on to poetry because i offered them something they could read and understand and most of all enjoy.

some people write poetry as a release, they'll never be a great poet, but i would never discourage them from writing, especially if it helps them learn to express feelings.

some hearts are fragile, it's hard to take a critic like ydd. i will never be a critic like some of you folk, but i will read here, and tell someone i enjoyed what i read..skip the commenting on something that i didn't.

sometimes, because i can see that someone is hurting with the poem they've submitted, i'll try to encourage. not about the poetry, but about the hurt or pain behind the not so pretty poem.

maybe in the end, it'll balance things out.

see ya!
Ramble and (counter?) ramble
1.) agree
2.) couldn't agree more, from what I've seen of YDD's comments, I would guess YDD agrees
3.)Agree, kind off, matter of percent, damnsite better than an audience of one
4.) I don't know about that one.
5.) I haven't been here long, the only time I've seen YDD rip into people are when they are "regulars" and have already got 40-50 "I really loved this, this really scratched the ass of my psyche" comments already, because YDD doesn't submit, he isn't playing the kiss ass game - he is good, he is real. As to your comments, everybody has to decide what to do, I respect you for your choice. I don't like anon, and I'm not happy with voting and no comments. The goddam thermometer goes to 0, never seen anyone get it. (I always thought it would be me-just leave a fucking name and comment)
6.) You are a nice person
Wasn't my intent to trigger 3 responses from you, as you see, I agree with most of what you said. I want YDD back, that's all.
Re: Re: feeling slightly provoked..

twelveoone said:
Ramble and (counter?) ramble
1.) agree
2.) couldn't agree more, from what I've seen of YDD's comments, I would guess YDD agrees
3.)Agree, kind off, matter of percent, damnsite better than an audience of one
4.) I don't know about that one.
5.) I haven't been here long, the only time I've seen YDD rip into people are when they are "regulars" and have already got 40-50 "I really loved this, this really scratched the ass of my psyche" comments already, because YDD doesn't submit, he isn't playing the kiss ass game - he is good, he is real. As to your comments, everybody has to decide what to do, I respect you for your choice. I don't like anon, and I'm not happy with voting and no comments. The goddam thermometer goes to 0, never seen anyone get it. (I always thought it would be me-just leave a fucking name and comment)
6.) You are a nice person
Wasn't my intent to trigger 3 responses from you, as you see, I agree with most of what you said. I want YDD back, that's all.

in spite of my candid too!

twelveoone said:
You caught me twice - dead on - almost scared me, how does he know?
Twice, ok, I disagree.
What I would give for another 50, just to see the words of the greatest of all reviewers.
YDD - I miss you - and thank you once again.
I would like to add to this list, two others who left critcal comments, and caught shit for.

Perks - who avoided my stuff like the plague "I don't know what the fuck he's talking about", I believe she said once, about one of mine in new poems. Well, damn, honest. I did like to read her comments on others, and wished I could be good enough to be torn apart...

TaraBlackwood22 - my polar opposite, whom I love, who I argued with many times about the future of English, but always supplied me with another viewpoint on things.

somewhere, somehow, if this is seen, accept this as an expression of respect and regret that you are no longer here.
I miss those too. Aways honest, never aplogetic, and very valuable to me as a poet who wants to grow.

But most of all, I miss their goddamn kickass poetry.

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YDD Where Are You?

Having just spent quite a bit of time and great effort judging only two poems, I am beginning to have more respect for YDD. How did she (I believe YDD is female) have the time or concentration to do all the reviews she did? An amazing effort, even if I most often did not agree with the style or content of the critiques.

Does anyone know what happened? Is anyone still in contact with YDD? - Last I remember there was something about a health problem and the need to finish a project?? Anyone know more?
I hope YDD is well, and just mad at us, not sick somewhere and out of touch. :rose:
last PM i sent to YDD, sat there for a month, was never answered and then just disappeared. wherever, whomever, I hope YDD is doing well, i also miss those critiques...:rose:
What I liked.....

was YDD could tell you the deal w/o writing a book about.
And he or she was usually right.
Re: Re: Re: one more ramble...

fawnie said:
ydd for all the wonderful critiques she does rarely says what a persons doing right. i can have appreciation for ydd without liking her personally. i get the feeling ydd is some big shot writer with the "right" to leave such critiques. but anyone who can't reach me on a personal level, who gives the feeling they are somehow better, is not someone i'm going to like.

I have to disagree with you there. I got some wonderful positive feedback on most of my poems YDD reviewed...

Edited to add:

I also got two poem titles, one that he/she directly suggested and one that was not....:p
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Re: Re: In Praise of YDD

twelveoone said:
I would like to add to this list, two others who left critcal comments, and caught shit for.

Perks - who avoided my stuff like the plague "I don't know what the fuck he's talking about", I believe she said once, about one of mine in new poems. Well, damn, honest. I did like to read her comments on others, and wished I could be good enough to be torn apart...

TaraBlackwood22 - my polar opposite, whom I love, who I argued with many times about the future of English, but always supplied me with another viewpoint on things.

somewhere, somehow, if this is seen, accept this as an expression of respect and regret that you are no longer here.

you wish, sometimes they appear,
if you are not gone, hello Tara
Re: YDD Where Are You?

Reltne said:
Having just spent quite a bit of time and great effort judging only two poems, I am beginning to have more respect for YDD. How did she (I believe YDD is female) have the time or concentration to do all the reviews she did? An amazing effort, even if I most often did not agree with the style or content of the critiques.

Does anyone know what happened? Is anyone still in contact with YDD? - Last I remember there was something about a health problem and the need to finish a project?? Anyone know more?
I hope YDD is well, and just mad at us, not sick somewhere and out of touch. :rose:
welcome, and agree, I hope YDD is well
Okay, please fill in a newbie about who this YYD person is :rolleyes: Sorry, all. Is that a full name or just initials? I haven't read everything here but is this person a writer too? Can you put up a link so I can see his or her feedback. Thanks!
Christina O. Leigh said:
Okay, please fill in a newbie about who this YYD person is :rolleyes: Sorry, all. Is that a full name or just initials? I haven't read everything here but is this person a writer too? Can you put up a link so I can see his or her feedback. Thanks!

For a short time, March-ish to April-ish, someone going only by "YDD" commented on every single new poem with a curt critique. Shortly thereafter the life cycle of the forum swung in the direction of "critique is unfair because I write for myself." YDD took the brunt of the complaint (probably) without ever knowing it. Pretty soon people were even writing poetry about it. Shortly thereafter, YDD commentary began to fall off drastically.

The only poem I can readily find with a YDD comment is one of my own (I'm a slow writer), and it might not count because I wrote it, like others at the time, to address the controversy. But search your favorite poet by date - anything around then at one time carried a YDD comment.
By Reltne

Duming down for YDD
Wandring Y ewe Pict on me
I yam butt, a simple poet
If U've talent
Why naught show it
Won thing aye no
Yew sure can throw it :eek:

Christina O. Leigh said:
By Reltne

Duming down for YDD
Wandring Y ewe Pict on me
I yam butt, a simple poet
If U've talent
Why naught show it
Won thing aye no
Yew sure can throw it :eek:


Critique is critique. Can it be wrong if it contains a grain of truth?

The most impressive thing to me about YDD's run is that, even when directly addressed as above, the comment never strayed from the poem.
thenry said:
Critique is critique. Can it be wrong if it contains a grain of truth?

The most impressive thing to me about YDD's run is that, even when directly addressed as above, the comment never strayed from the poem.

When YDD vanished, this community of poets suffered a great loss. Every writer here who was serious about their words valued him, and benefited from his uncompromising love of truth and his deep understanding of poetic form and purpose.

He made me better....much better. He praised me and slapped my face, and never ever lied.

In the hope he reads this, I just wanted to say "Thank you" to him again, and give him a kiss.

Re: Re: Re: In Praise of YDD

twelveoone said:
you wish, sometimes they appear,
if you are not gone, hello Tara

Hello back, old friend. :kiss: I see you are still as kind-hearted as ever.

I got the file you sent. I'll let you know. :rose:
A lot of people complained

Because YDD didn't present a body of work for others to read, refer to or whatever. He made a wise choice in doing this, I can vouch for that. After reading his (I always believed YDD was a he) critiques I knew he knew his poetry. I felt he was much more of a friend to the poet than the multitudes of people heaping false praise on an otherwise mediocre poem. I too wrote of YDD:

I Know YDD

For someone truly interested in refining their work, YDD was a powerful asset.

jim : )
Re: Re: Re: Re: In Praise of YDD

tarablackwood22 said:
Hello back, old friend. :kiss: I see you are still as kind-hearted as ever.

I got the file you sent. I'll let you know. :rose:

A big smile
to see your hair again

I would smile
to see Perks'


But I would have the grin of a child
to have YDD slap me down again
for sloppiness

he was the best
tarablackwood22 said:
When YDD vanished, this community of poets suffered a great loss. Every writer here who was serious about their words valued him, and benefited from his uncompromising love of truth and his deep understanding of poetic form and purpose.

He made me better....much better. He praised me and slapped my face, and never ever lied.

In the hope he reads this, I just wanted to say "Thank you" to him again, and give him a kiss.

Tara, this looks so much better in bold. I agree with everything, except the kiss part (for me)