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Croctden said:
Plus it made me a man
I was wondering how that happened, did you after reading the library suddenly had sex change operation?

Just kidding but I am curios about that statement.

NemoAlia said:
Oh, duh... Silly me. A long time on the uptake. I was just recalling WriterDom's concerns about his thread in the Cafe, and I ASSumed that the discussion was still open. Never mind... carry on. Wonderful job, Anelize!

Thank You, Nemo :rose:

Just for the record....The WriterDom issue was a misunderstanding which was very quickly resolved between he and I. I do not request that threads be moved out of the Cafe simply to be eligible for the Library, obviously (see previous post). The whole WriterDom issue is opened and shut in Should threads not "fluffy" enough be moved to bdsm talk?

I appreciate everyone's commentary here, particularly the comments made about repeating threads. Thank you for your insight Temptress and Justina.



darth vader helmet?!?!?!? LOL!!