Intentionally writing an unlikable character

I think most of my characters are well liked, but I introduced a new character in my latest chapter that I plan to make a total asshole. His debut scratched the surface. My main antagonist is also a real piece of shit.
Meant to get back to you on this earlier in the Unlikable Characters post as well.

I also thought you handled the Non Con portion tastefully. I'm gennerally not a fan, BUT I'm okay with it in a story as long as it's not glorified. And I think you did a good job of NOT glorifying it while still maintaining LEs standards on the subject.
Moving this discussion here so as not to pollute the "Comments" thread.

Thanks! I thought long and hard about including the rape scene, but decided it was intrinsic. The reason why it just about works, I think, is that Rulk isn't someone most of us would identify with. Murderer, thief, all-round loser and backstabber. That creates some distance between the reader and Rulk's experiences.

Also, like you say, I did my best not glorify it. The effect on Gienna is clear. I downplayed Rulk's physical pleasure, even the orgasms are just the bare minimum. This helps to maintain the distance.

I also made sure not to include any details of what the Suffering does to Rulk. The implication, based on Lit's rules, is that he *doesn't* get to enjoy it.

In fact, a lot of the story was about leaving things out. If I wrote a WIWAW, it would be "what I didn't write". There's the fact that Rulk gets trapped between two packs of ghouls. Karma for leaving the dying man for them to find, as well as others before the story. Then there's the implication that the dagger knows Gienna already, which makes its role in the rape scene even creepier. In my head canon, the demon was a former lover of the Queen's - perhaps even Gienna's father.

I also had to restrain myself from giving Rulk a happy ending. I thought about having the rat bring him a golden button from the Queen's cloak, or even a parchment describing how to summon a demon. In the end I just left him with the rat as his only friend, which is probably what he deserves.

Despite the nastiness (and apart from a single 1 rating), readers seem to like the story, or at least appreciate it. And considering how far it is from the usual fare here, even in SF&F, I'm very happy with that.
In the end I just left him with the rat as his only friend, which is probably what he deserves.

I thought the rat thing an interesting touch. Rulk is ruthless and awful to his fellow humans but shows compassion for a rat. Great dichotomy there.

Although I'd like to think the rat winds up giving him the plague lol.

Also, like you say, I did my best not glorify it. The effect on Gienna is clear. I downplayed Rulk's physical pleasure, even the orgasms are just the bare minimum. This helps to maintain the distance.

I think the fact it's a fantasy story helps downplay it somewhat. I know I had an interesting tap dance around a non con scene i wrote in another Angels And Demons story, Riders On The Storm.

I basically had a rapist get raped by a She-Demon while he in turn is sodomizing his non consenting partner and co-conspirator.

Trying to fit that into LEs rules about "they have to enjoy their rape" was an interesting challenge, but the story got published without me having to edit so I suppose I pulled it off lol