
twelveoone said:
for starters, I have questions about these

Just like Venice
by annaswirls

any other burgers for the grill?

so what's your question?
Anna is cleaning up the desktop, looking for the original
wondernig which color coded folder to put it into and wondering when the hell Tara is getting here, and maybe she can stop at Eve's to clean up her dust bunnnies but not before she comes to take care of us

wonder if she will alphabetize my spice rack

hmm I could sell the pictures of that

twelveoone said:
for starters, I have questions about these

Just like Venice
by annaswirls

Dust Colony
by WickedEve

Road of Judgement
by Tathagata

any other burgers for the grill?
I just realized that you said you have "questions." I've already explained the whole poem... and not very well either. :D
WickedEve said:
I just realized that you said you have "questions." I've already explained the whole poem... and not very well either. :D
well eve, this may be a half baked idea on my part, I thought people may learn how to write better if the could ask the writer why they made some of the choices they made as to regards writing. Since I regard you as one of the premier writers here (or whoever ghost writes for you) I figured you would submit to a round of questions regarding..., like whatever possesed you to use a form for this.
There was a bit discussion about this.
Besides, I for one, wouldn't mind a bit of a glimpse into the workings of the mind of WickedEve, er, as regards to poetry.
Anybody compliment your new AV yet?, well let me join the list.
BTW I planted a hypnotic suggestion in "Chairs..." I see it worked, I can cross that one off the list of major things to do.
:rose: :rose: :p
twelveoone said:
well eve, this may be a half baked idea on my part, I thought people may learn how to write better if the could ask the writer why they made some of the choices they made as to regards writing. Since I regard you as one of the premier writers here (or whoever ghost writes for you) I figured you would submit to a round of questions regarding..., like whatever possesed you to use a form for this.
There was a bit discussion about this.
Besides, I for one, wouldn't mind a bit of a glimpse into the workings of the mind of WickedEve, er, as regards to poetry.
Anybody compliment your new AV yet?, well let me join the list.
BTW I planted a hypnotic suggestion in "Chairs..." I see it worked, I can cross that one off the list of major things to do.
:rose: :rose: :p
Hypnotic suggestion?
Do you have any other questions about my dust?
WickedEve said:
Hypnotic suggestion?
Do you have any other questions about my dust?
"Eve, you will use the thermometer", it was subliminal printing, there may have been something else, anything happen around midnight?

Dust? I've never heard called that before.

Eve- I'm posting Tath's "Road to Judgement" (he was kind enought to consent) tommorrow for grilling, I'm trying to write a nice intro, so I need to get out of here- I keep seeing his AV - I keep thinking of Planet of the Apes for some reason.
twelveoone said:

Eve- I'm posting Tath's "Road to Judgement" (he was kind enought to consent) tommorrow for grilling, .

and since I'm new at this I fucked up the formatting
Tara, Anna
let's see how this works, in a more stuctured manner, with a thread for each, and use this for suggestions recommendations, etc, hopefully, we can get somebody with a bit of formatting (anna) talent to do the next one
SeattleRain said:
so what's your question?
Anna is cleaning up the desktop, looking for the original
wondernig which color coded folder to put it into and wondering when the hell Tara is getting here, and maybe she can stop at Eve's to clean up her dust bunnnies but not before she comes to take care of us

wonder if she will alphabetize my spice rack

hmm I could sell the pictures of that

twelve questions, for annaswirls
1 - would you be so kind as to submit to an open ended questioning of the poem as Tara and Tath did?
I'll save the other 11 for the poem.

You name has been mentioned three times. You are also one of the most enigmatic writers here, and also eminently grovelworthy.

I would like to use this thread, for suggestions as to who we should question, comments, and a bit of coordination. I think this is a good idea, but by no means do I want this to be my show, hoping in the near future to pass it off to someone more intelligent than I.
Go for it!

And quit grovelling. It is very difficult to pay attention to the questions while I am thinking "quit groveling!"

I have not written a poem in 2 days and look I cannot even be witty or schmart in a post.


annaswirls said:
Go for it!

And quit grovelling. It is very difficult to pay attention to the questions while I am thinking "quit groveling!"

I have not written a poem in 2 days and look I cannot even be witty or schmart in a post.


I shall quit groveling and start shoveling.
Via email, Angeline and patcarrington have agreed, and I am in the process of contacting others.
Up next in a day or two: Interact 2 annaswirls
I just have to figure out something nice and thoughtful to say (and that is so tough for me)

Via email, Angeline and patcarrington have agreed, also jd4george;
for Interact 3

for the next one, does any of you brave souls want to do a line by line explanation, of why each line was written that way, I realize this is a lot of work, thats why I want a volunteer.

Barring that, perhaps an explanation of your writing philosophy.

Or continue with one poem?

any other ideas?

I will play the second and intro
Re: Ideas

twelveoone said:
Via email, Angeline and patcarrington have agreed, also jd4george;
for Interact 3

for the next one, does any of you brave souls want to do a line by line explanation, of why each line was written that way, I realize this is a lot of work, thats why I want a volunteer.

Barring that, perhaps an explanation of your writing philosophy.

Or continue with one poem?

any other ideas?

I will play the second and intro


(this is probably an error in judgement on my part) but:

i would be willing to do a line-by-line of the poem i posted today,
"the vocabulary of change" / i just wrote it and both it and its inspiration are very fresh in my mind /

i would also be willing to answer questions, of course /
Last edited:
I'd be willing to do a line-by-line of any poem I've posted here, I guess, if anyone wants to see one.

Re: Re: Ideas

PatCarrington said:

(this is probably an error in judgement on my part) but:

i would be willing to do a line-by-line of the poem i posted today,
"the vocabulary of change" / i just wrote it and both it and its inspiration are very fresh in my mind /

i would also be willing to answer questions, of course /
you're up, I'll email an intro, for approval, then coordinate post times. I would prefer something from the (excuse the expression) boneyard, as I think the links are then stable.
Start writing, first question pre-post, as you are doing line by line, what changes would you make,1.) post that after the wrap-up,2.) then any other changes you think of during the grilling. Maybe it will show some impact by audience feedback.
How does that sound?

DeepAsleep, can you pm me, with permission for future use.
Re: Re: Ideas

PatCarrington said:

(this is probably an error in judgement on my part) but:

i would be willing to do a line-by-line of the poem i posted today,
"the vocabulary of change" / i just wrote it and both it and its inspiration are very fresh in my mind /

i would also be willing to answer questions, of course /

I just read it. :heart:

I'm on that thread like skin.

Do it. :rose: