Internet privacy?

On the more sexual sites I use a pseudonym, but on several social medis I bo by my real name and as far as posting pics of a sexual nature I keep those to be as unobtrusive as possible, I do have family and friends online who are not accepting of my interests. But I do google my real name from time to time, and sometimes post the results, apparently I'm a mormon,I got arrested for causing disturbances at universities, I'm a jazz musician, I died in a motorcycle crash, and I teach physics! I am none of those obviously. But with the internet I do try to be careful with what I post under my real name and all of my other interests, I don't have saved on any computer or mobile device just in case I pass on in the near future.
I will no longer send pictures. One thing I have never done and will never do is webcam (sexually speaking). I do not need someone capturing a webcam video and uploading it to an amateur porn site. It surprises me how many people will webcam, especially when they show their faces.

I only cam with people I've known for awhile and keep on my clothes. Most 'cam' sessions are friends and I goofing off in an innocent manner.

I've had all kind of crazy things in a search for myself, even some rumor stalker sites saying everything from me having over 80 personalities, being a prostitute (REALLY laughable), a sex offender (since when does writing erotica make one a sex offender? LOL), addicted to Oxycontin (which I've never taken in my life), and ride around in a Hoveround all day(I never had or currently have any use for a wheelchair - where do people get this stuff?!)...just to name a few outrageous things.

Funny thing is people who wrote such nonsense never met me personally, so yes, the haters and crazies run amok.

Apparently stalkers are very bored or jealous and don't have anything better to do with their lives, but I'm lucky most of my friends and colleagues don't take such garbage seriously because they took the time to know ME and my work.

I do use different usernames for certain accounts, but that's only to keep them separate so I know which account goes to what social network or message board...but 80 personalities? There aren't enough hours in the day!:D
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It has never really bothered me. I'm neither forthcoming or super secretive about it. While my first name isn't the most common, (Nothing like Mary or Jennifer or something along those lines). It's not something way out in left field that only I have. I'm a pretty open person, and am not embarrassed about what I do here or otherwise. I'm pretty sure that most people I'm familiar with would identify me based on my flippant nature or my "talking/typing" type. If any one person pays close enough attention and are relatively observant, you'll be able to pick out people based on their typing style (in an online sense); as each person has a style and mannerisms that are specific to them.

And I find myself mildly entertained by the notion that half of my on-line presence is done now via my mobile. Which is a bit freakish for me, because those are so easily traced. Ie - last time I was on an out-of-state vacation and my husband randomly started tracking my phone and called to tell me where I was at. Easily enough for him because they're on the same account, but a wee bit of a skin-crawling feeling just to know that information is so easily accessed.

To each their own. Then again, I'm relatively confident in my own self that if some creepo were to show up at my front door step I could most likely handle myself. Hopefully that bit of arrogance won't be my downfall someday.
There is no such thing as 'internet security'.
If someone wants to find you, they will.

On a side note: has anybody here thought about what might happen if they were to suddenly pass away? Do you have a contingency plan for your personal computer (realising that everything you've ever done on your computer is filed away in there somewhere)?
What about extremely personal items like toys?
Do you really want your mother/sister/brother/children finding these things?

...but what would it matter? Certainly no issue to you... think about it. Re. your personal items, well if you had a giant blow up rubber chicken it may provide a few laughs but I doubt a collection of toys would raise an eyebrow.

Do you believe you are so different to every one else? :)

I have hand written letters saved from previous lovers going back a very long time ago and saved emails and documents. While I may not necessarily choose to share them now I don't think they would cause much a stir to any one. My computer is fairly locked down... and I password protect certain files and folders. If I pass away the embarrassment would be only on the person who decides to crack those password areas open. If they see something that embarrasses them, they can only blame themselves.

Google Chrome offers Incognito mode (browse in private) for those worried about people closer to home going through internet history.

Like many here I have different usernames for different levels of identity I care to expose, but I have only ever had one Lit identity. (sorry flat earthers)

If you digitise anything it can easily be copied and shared. Computer repair shops don't just save private images of the rich and famous.

If you have any regrets about posting something online and believe you have solved it by taking those posts/pictures down... go to and type in any website address to see how that site looked like in the past.
The comment on if someone wants to find you they will I call bullshit on. For that to be the case you would need some interesting access to ISP information to do this. Hell to even figure out the person's ISP you would need a few things to get this done.

I tend to find that many people on the Internet do not know what to be paranoid about.
The comment on if someone wants to find you they will I call bullshit on.

...but if the subject is about general privacy what about the number of occasions we get emails from friends who have had their FB accounts and associated email accounts hacked... some generic message about "hey visit this website" etc

While most of those hacks will be automated, the information is now stored in a database somewhere of a username and matching password. How many times has that person used the same combination across many social media/email/forum accounts.

What information is stored in anyone's hotmail account etc

These are all general things to look out for...

I recently had a fall out with a person in my day to day life. I suddenly got a FB request to chat from what appeared to be an attractive person who had mutual friends. I look at their online identity - it was vague... "who are you?" "Oh we met at that festival" "I don't recall, remind me" the person then dropped a name of a person I was at the festival with. I got suspicious and backed away... a little effort and I discovered it was the person who I had the falling out with. There was enough clues in their FB account, and yes I followed through on a couple of google searches. Things tied together and confirmed who I thought it was.

I also found out this was not the first time they had tried the same trick.

General questions to everyone:
Who has friended you on here or FB? With trust built, what information have you divulged? How many males have sent compromising photos of themselves to attractive open women (who are really big hairy bloke lurkers)?

We see threads and threads here of gullible people eagerly following stolen photos. Answering, with such earnestness, the emotional questions from a person who has only posted once. Pages of outpourings and advice. How many of those will be lured into a pm exchange?
Oh, I almost forgot, the links in my signature point to what can happen when people on Literotica try to invade someone's life outside of here.

If you think the Salem witch trials were something of the past... just take a look.
I tend to have large issues with Face book and the information people load into that system. I never do understand why someone would place their phone number online and address and so forth.

I have run into Cyber bullying before I remember seeing a thread where someone was threatened to show up at someones house because they were a master hacker blah blah blah. I challenged him to track me down after calling him a few interesting things. To date he still has not shown up.

This is why I don't like when people are over the top when it comes to Internet security as that tends to be a common with bullying targets.