Iran Trying To Undermine Trump Campaign

I do.

You not being scared has no impact on anyone
Your base doesn't vote and as a result, you continue to have no influence outside of a few promises at election time.

Maybe work on that part.
The main aim is to get a separate Labor party. As I said, the Democrats and Republicans are a dead end for the real left, as they are dominated by big business interests and thus the interests of the very rich.
None of that negates what Russia and Iran are doing, and none of it is laughable. Feel free to aide them, though. I believe there is a term for that…

I believe the term is “traitor”, but that would require the dubious presumption that "Becky" has / had any loyalty to the U.S. to begin with.

Laugh away. We'll still persist and carry on. I'm not scared to be in a small minority, as long as the cause is just. The Democrats and the Republicans are a dead end for the real left, which Eugene Debs told the American people a long time ago.
The left the real left has a historic opportunity right now to forge an alliance with the Democrats and become a valuable constituency with leverage to enact real change for working people. But they’re throwing that opportunity away for performative antisemitism. It’s more fun to march in the streets and scream about Zionism than pass legislation.
At its root, people need secure wages/income, jobs, housing, food, drink, pay the bills, provide for their kids etc. Until all that is satisfied, it's too upper middle class or establishment to talk about universal morality. And the fact is, Democrats leave people in poverty and destroy their jobs. Bill Clinton gave us NAFTA and attacks on welfare, and Barack Obama sided with Wall Street in the years after the 2008 crash. They are the side that sides with the very globalist rich and the military industrial complex.

Self-education is what needs to be championed. I self-educated myself a lot. I had to grow up fast. In the era of the internet, it is easier to do this, but a lot of people just seem to dumb themselves down further.

NAFTA all things considered was a good deal and could have been better but that was the right call. We should be pushing for a better Mexico. I'm only so pissed about Bill's attacks on welfare but the economy was good, neoliberalism was strong and what was he gonna do? I'm not against globalism. I thin kthat is a very, very stupid war to fight. I hate to say Trump is right about anything but when he mentions things like Crypto 9which I do personally hate) and that we can either get out in front or we can be subject to the will of others that's the truth. Those are the options.

Self education is not a great plan at all.
The left the real left has a historic opportunity right now to forge an alliance with the Democrats and become a valuable constituency with leverage to enact real change for working people. But they’re throwing that opportunity away for performative antisemitism. It’s more fun to march in the streets and scream about Zionism than pass legislation.

Being against Israel isn't anti-semetic. Now if you want to make the somewhat accurate argument that this is not the time to value the lives of Palestinians over your own possible political future that's a hard thing to debate cus I don't believe you're wrong. I tend to be pragmatic before moral but lets be 100% clear abotu what we are talking about here. In 50 years when the minimum wage is maybe keeping pace with or slightly out pacing inflation and most of the people posting here are dead at least some grand kid will be able to rationalize that the the ONE state of Israel (cus make no mistake if this goes unpunished the West Bank isn't far behind) was worth that trip to Disneyland.

If it doesn't at least get me a Day one PS6 and maybe two weeks vacation every year I'm not really interested in what happens to my nieces and nephews kids. Not one bit so the morals are gonna win this one.
No, it's the truth. Tens of thousands of people dead in Gaza in less than a year, while Israel cuts off food, water and energy, after Gaza had basically been a ghetto/open air prison since 2005 or so. The genocide denial going on from the Zionists is simply breathtaking, the same sort of people who control (and have corrupted) powerful American politicians. To talk of "Russian interference" is simply laughable. Netanyahu getting standing ovations was sick. Seriously sick.
Maybe they should stop shooting missiles at Israel. :)
The main aim is to get a separate Labor party. As I said, the Democrats and Republicans are a dead end for the real left, as they are dominated by big business interests and thus the interests of the very rich.
Maybe they should stop shooting missiles at Israel. :)

Rebecca? You should maybe watch for attacks like this one from the right flank of your false equivalence ass. Just sayin.
Rebecca? You should maybe watch for attacks like this one from the right flank of your false equivalence ass. Just sayin.
Anybody got any idea what ^^^ is talking about? It's like Valley girl ebonics. :)
The left the real left has a historic opportunity right now to forge an alliance with the Democrats and become a valuable constituency with leverage to enact real change for working people. But they’re throwing that opportunity away for performative antisemitism. It’s more fun to march in the streets and scream about Zionism than pass legislation.
The real left maintains class independence from big business capitalist forces. Class collaboration is a dead end and a sell out of ordinary people. Zionism is an evil force which has bought and corrupted American politicians, and which is currently carrying out a genocide in Gaza in real time.

NAFTA all things considered was a good deal and could have been better but that was the right call. We should be pushing for a better Mexico. I'm only so pissed about Bill's attacks on welfare but the economy was good, neoliberalism was strong and what was he gonna do? I'm not against globalism. I thin kthat is a very, very stupid war to fight. I hate to say Trump is right about anything but when he mentions things like Crypto 9which I do personally hate) and that we can either get out in front or we can be subject to the will of others that's the truth. Those are the options.
How was NAFTA a good deal for anyone except big finance in places like Wall Street? It destroyed industrial jobs and left so many communities to rot. If anyone wants to know why President Trump became possible, then go back to those Clinton days, or back to Reagan.

Self education is not a great plan at all.
It has been great for me.

Rebecca? You should maybe watch for attacks like this one from the right flank of your false equivalence ass. Just sayin.
Are you a genocide apologist/denialist too? If so, you do disappoint me.
The real left maintains class independence from big business capitalist forces. Class collaboration is a dead end and a sell out of ordinary people. Zionism is an evil force which has bought and corrupted American politicians, and which is currently carrying out a genocide in Gaza in real time.

How was NAFTA a good deal for anyone except big finance in places like Wall Street? It destroyed industrial jobs and left so many communities to rot. If anyone wants to know why President Trump became possible, then go back to those Clinton days, or back to Reagan.

It has been great for me.

Are you a genocide apologist/denialist too? If so, you do disappoint me.
🙄 Gaza is not “a genocide”.
🙄 Gaza is not “a genocide”.
Yes, it is. We went through this yesterday. Gaza as an open air prison/ghetto since 2005 or so, food, water and energy cut off by Israel since last October, the massacre/wounding of tens of thousands of people, a lot of them children.

The people who deny this, or support this, are sick.
The real left maintains class independence from big business capitalist forces. Class collaboration is a dead end and a sell out of ordinary people. Zionism is an evil force which has bought and corrupted American politicians, and which is currently carrying out a genocide in Gaza in real time.

How was NAFTA a good deal for anyone except big finance in places like Wall Street? It destroyed industrial jobs and left so many communities to rot. If anyone wants to know why President Trump became possible, then go back to those Clinton days, or back to Reagan.

It has been great for me.

Are you a genocide apologist/denialist too? If so, you do disappoint me.

Trump became President because racism is THAT fucking strong.

NAFTA was between us, Canada and Mexico. Most of the jobs you are talking about went to China primarily but also India. Globalism is inevitable and we shouldn't be fighting it but lets keep the issues in their specific compartments.

We increased our trade ties withour neighbors. We should have pushed harder to include fucking Cuba but still.

Reagan is a fucking monster. Almost every modern issue can be blamed on him.
Trump is dong a great job of losing all by himself. Iran should just stand back and watch it happen.

Iran trying to sabotage Trump's presidential campaign: US intelligence​

Tehran using 'vast webs of online personas and propaganda mills' against Trump​

By Andrea Vacchiano , Jake Gibson Fox News
Published July 29, 2024 3:47pm EDT

U.S. intelligence officials believe that Iran is trying to sabotage former President Trump's presidential campaign through online influence operations, according to a press briefing on Monday.

Speaking to reporters, an official with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) said U.S. spy agencies "observed Tehran working to influence the presidential election," likely because Iranian leaders want to avoid increased tensions with the U.S.

The official didn't directly say that Iran was trying to undermine Trump, but that American spies "haven’t observed a shift in Iran’s preferences" since 2020, meaning that Iran was still targeting Trump.

During the briefing, an intelligence official also said Iran is utilizing "vast webs of online personas and propaganda mills to spread disinformation," in addition to different online campaigns.

More here:

One wonders how many here are working with the Iranians or being duped by them to undermine the Trump campaign. How about that Rob have you bumped into any Iranian agents in your daily bar hopping?
None of this really makes sense. Russia has obviously done everything it could to get Trump elected each time, and Ol' Babydoll Hands continues to bend over and spread his cheeks for Putin. Why would Iran, one of only a tiny, Trump-sized handful of countries to still back Russia, try to help Kamala? I'm not saying Iran wasn't behind the attack. I just don't understand the end game.
None of this really makes sense. Russia has obviously done everything it could to get Trump elected each time, and Ol' Babydoll Hands continues to bend over and spread his cheeks for Putin. Why would Iran, one of only a tiny, Trump-sized handful of countries to still back Russia, try to help Kamala? I'm not saying Iran wasn't behind the attack. I just don't understand the end game.
U.S. Intelligence? January 6? Leonard Peltier? Most of the planet wants to fuck Trump.
None of this really makes sense. Russia has obviously done everything it could to get Trump elected each time, and Ol' Babydoll Hands continues to bend over and spread his cheeks for Putin. Why would Iran, one of only a tiny, Trump-sized handful of countries to still back Russia, try to help Kamala? I'm not saying Iran wasn't behind the attack. I just don't understand the end game.

Much like Trump’s relationships, Russia’s and Iran’s relationship is very transactional: There is no genuine warmth / friendliness between those two countries. (And many Muslims hate Russia.)

Iran has its own agenda when it comes to the U.S., and Russia isn’t really in a position to scold / leverage the Iranians when it comes to the Iranian’s preferences in U.S. elections.

Ultimately, Iran obviously has more of a grudge against Trump than any Democratic candidate, because Trump assassinated Iran’s national hero, Qasem Soleimani, and he attempted to collapse Iran’s economy.

However, that ^ doesn’t mean Iran has any great love for Kamala Harris: Kamala Harris will undoubtedly maintain strong ties with Israel and continue to blunt Iranian ambitions when she is elected President.

Much like Trump’s relationships, Russia’s and Iran’s relationship is very transactional: There is no genuine warmth / friendliness between those two countries. (And many Muslims hate Russia.)

Iran has its own agenda when it comes to the U.S., and Russia isn’t really in a position to scold / leverage the Iranians when it comes to the Iranian’s preferences in U.S. elections.

Ultimately, Iran obviously has more of a grudge against Trump than any Democratic candidate, because Trump assassinated Iran’s national hero, Qasem Soleimani, and he attempted to collapse Iran’s economy.

However, that ^ doesn’t mean Iran has any great love for Kamala Harris: Kamala Harris will undoubtedly maintain strong ties with Israel and continue to blunt Iranian ambitions when she is elected President.

Huh. A logical, well-reasoned post for once on here. I'm sure you will be flamed mercilessly by the MAGA droids on here because 'merica or something.