Is it too early to start thinking about Halloween costumes??

Resurrecting this thread.

Whatchya going to be for Halloween 2018?

The attached pics are me and Mr. cookie from 2014. :heart:

My hair lit up! :cattail:
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I'm too lazy to look for Halloween stuff so I'll just keep quoting fun stuff from this thread. :rolleyes:
Did you see my pic in the "what's your mood" thread?

I set the bar low for my limits. :rolleyes:


I unsubbed from my own thread. Cant remember why, now. :rolleyes:

I'll stalk though. You always have the best pics. :heart:

I have stuff on my mind! :p You?
Probably not enough. Nobody does.

But I'm sure that in a pinch rubbing your face with Cheetos will bring the desired effect!

As long as you don't mind risking skin cancer. :p

There's no way in hell that stuff isn't toxic in some fashion.

Edited to add that for years I greeted trick-or-treaters at our door while wearing a President Nixon mask. Eventually not even the young parents recognized the face and thus weren't frightened. :(
Not nude! Haha

Sir and I live a CMnf lifestyle so Halloween is one of the few times I am allowed clothing when Sir has friends over for a gathering.
I is not usualky much clothing but last year I wore thigh length stripy black and orange socks, makeup and a witches hat. I had a broom with a dildo on the end of the handle
Edited to add that for years I greeted trick-or-treaters at our door while wearing a President Nixon mask. Eventually not even the young parents recognized the face and thus weren't frightened. :(

Recently I read a new book, intended for high-school readers, which tried to explain something by analogy to Saturday Night Fever.