Is my sigline obnoxious?

Hey sweet, I like your stats give me a call maybe we can hook up or something? :rose: (Uh Oh, wrong thread)

If I didn't know you I would say your siggy is out of proportion. For you it is almost like an extention, it is what makes you, you!

I can say at least you don't have any flashing beacons or movies running like some I have seen. I would also say if there was not so much to read you would stand a better chance of someone actually looking at the details. Maybe you could rotate some of the information daily or weekly.

I know, so much good stuff linked to express how one feels to others it is hard to part with any of it. But other than those who have a direct intrest in you, there is a good chance it is easier to skip your entire post than deal with the congestion.

I've come to like the silly stuff people crowd into a post, that might just be me. But I do tend to ignore the people I do not know. ;)

And of last I hate the friggin dancing :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: It is so anoying!
I filter out sigs that don't interest me, so no - it doesn't really matter to me how big your sig is. I will say this though - The excerpt from 'The Stranger' makes me want to go back and read it every time I see your sig :D
raphy said:
I filter out sigs that don't interest me, so no - it doesn't really matter to me how big your sig is. I will say this though - The excerpt from 'The Stranger' makes me want to go back and read it every time I see your sig :D

Thanks raphy!

I'll definately keep that in:)


"Tell me, have you ever thought of having sex with a perfect stranger?"

"Y-yes, but-"

"Shh, don't worry. It's going to happen, you don't really have a choice. I'm calling the shots. You just do what you're told and everything will be fine, got it?" His voice was soft and reasonable yet his words were anything but.


Sweets, your PM box is full (again!). I just tried to send you a personal Happy New Year greeting. Hope 2004 is good for you.

love, Perdita :heart:
Well, no one seemed to be too offended, but I trimmed it down to make it a little more precise.

I'm guessing KM still won't like it, cuz she seems to have a predjuce against all quiczzilla images, but you can't please everybody all of the time:)

Of course, it won't matter when I go underground to more fully develop my alter ego...
perdita said:
Sweets, your PM box is full (again!). I just tried to send you a personal Happy New Year greeting. Hope 2004 is good for you.

love, Perdita :heart:

I've tossed out a thing or two, and I'm sorting through the rest.

Happy new year 'dita!

And happy new year to all!!!!
This world is full of variety. If we all conform to one person's version of life, it isn't our life any more, it's theirs.

Do what you wish with your sig line. I see nothing wrong with a long one, one full of graphics or one that say more than the post itself. Lit might have a problem with band width down the road, but until then, go for it!

If someone is annoyed at something like this, they may need to look into Paxil or Zoloft or maybe even Prozac. Come one, folks. There are more important things in life to bitch about than someone's sig line. :)

(gets off soap box and walks out of the room)
Your sig line is too extensive

Now, since that is out of the way, I want to take you, adore you, have you bear my children, and let me idolize you for decades.
Re: Your sig line is too extensive

redrider4u said:
Now, since that is out of the way, I want to take you, adore you, have you bear my children, and let me idolize you for decades.


Well, the idolize part anyway. Why only decades?
