sometimes, i wonder

you know...sometimes, i wonder and i think it's true when it comes to this board. you people are trying real hard to fit in. that's really pathetic.i mean..look at Dcl..he just wants to join the jargon of punking me like everyone else so that he would be in everyone's good,, why don't you people try to be yourselves for a change..start thinking by yourselves instead of trying to fit in !
Alright, Earnestlover.

Can you tell us a little about yourself? Why you are here? What it is you want to gain from being here? These are just honest questions. I'm curious because from most of your posts I have no idea how to answer you. And I'm just wondering about these things.

i just wanna be !

hi !
never mind where i am from . i try to post something nice and then.these people just redicule me..they are really pathetic would be a lot more fun if we really discused and complimented each other instead of just kickin ass !

so.why don't you be a bit more for me..i am still me, i don't join with anyone to make fun of the other !
Please excuse my ignorance but is tantric sex worth the effort?

I just plain don't know since the sum total of my experience in that area is having read about it a little.

Please insert personal experience/anecdote here:


Tantric sex was actually a way devised by a parallel group to achieve spriritual bliss through sexual union(maithuna)...and this involves a considerable expertise.
Is it worth the effort?
Tantric sex was developed, along with other practices, to promote physical well-being and spiritual enlightenment. I'm certain that people who practice it for those goals, instead of having really awesome sex, believe it well worth the effort.
Here's the difference

Well, actually.people don't understand the difference between Tantra and other forms of sex.Tantra is an alternative route towards transcendence....there is no real raw sex involves more of concentration and derives it's principles that are parrallel to "Hatha Yoga"..actually, the real sex comes from the teachings of KAMASUTRA , a big book or an ancient sex manual.So, the difference between Tantra and Kamasutra is not properly understood and the whole thing is being sensationalised without any of the slightest clue !
Have you studied this subject or is this a passing interest for you? No offense intended. Totally serious here. I have lots of passing interests, but like I said, they're passing. With your last post, you actually got me somewhat interested.

So what's the difference betweeen tantra and tantric sex. How does regular sex differ from tantric sex? I don't know anything about this. BTW, I really appreciated the capitalization and punctuation in your post. Keep up the good work.
Expertise said:
Please excuse my ignorance but is tantric sex worth the effort?

Jeeez, I don't know is it? Only you can answer that one Expertise?
Okay now..

April said:
Have you studied this subject or is this a passing interest for you? No offense intended. Totally serious here. I have lots of passing interests, but like I said, they're passing. With your last post, you actually got me somewhat interested.

So what's the difference betweeen tantra and tantric sex. How does regular sex differ from tantric sex? I don't know anything about this. BTW, I really appreciated the capitalization and punctuation in your post. Keep up the good work.

Thanks ! There is a difference between normal sex and tantric sex..well, practiclly speaking, you have normal sex for pleasure and you sre just spontaneous and have some fun..but in Tantric sex..there is a lot of Concentration, meticulous preaparations..and the goal is to use the Orgasmic spasms as a springboard to achieve a state that is identical to that obtained from intense meditation. Tantric sex is not all about candles and is an ancient practice and has sprung from yogic practices..and if you are looking for god sexual techniques..then Kamasutra is the answer !
Tantric sex can be simply put as a sexual path for transcendance.So, it is not all that fancy stuff about good sex that you keep hearing about. Anyone can have good sex by being slow and creative !