Is There a Dr in the House?

Re: B..b..b..but i'm not REALLY a Doctor

DRxBlue said:
You people...i guess i HAVE been among the missing lately. i know that when i left it was with a bit of sadness, but i found SO much joy in the world outside of Lit that i forgot for a moment how many DEAR and wonderful people i'd stopped playing with regularly.

Things seem to have settled down a bit...there's something to be said for that... Willow has inspired me to post a line or two here and there. First with her job, and then sacrificing her anal virginity, i'm sure, just to get me interested in the forum again.

In the interest of keeping the dear doctor posting, I volunteer to take one up my butt too.;)

That's "Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts"...

Caroline! So nice to see you! i suppose Sam would be willing to help you make such a sacrifice, just to make you happy?

i'll try to keep posting regularly to "save you from such a fate". (at least to keep from feeling like it's MY fault, should you decide to go through with it...if you haven't already)

You're wonderful,
Blue said so
Meanwhile, at the Doctor's ...

You're gonna make me better? What makes you think you can? Actually, I've been more than just good lately ...

You stole my line! That's so not fair! I came up with that abbreviation!

DRxBlue said:
That's "Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts"...

Caroline! So nice to see you! i suppose Sam would be willing to help you make such a sacrifice, just to make you happy?

i'll try to keep posting regularly to "save you from such a fate". (at least to keep from feeling like it's MY fault, should you decide to go through with it...if you haven't already)

You're wonderful,
Blue said so

I have to confess to a bit of disingenuousness. My backdoor virginity is but a distant memory.
But I can roleplay!
Re: MzC said she was keeping a leash with my name on it...

DRxBlue said: are one of the main reasons i came back to the forum. i really have developed the most profound respect and even affection for you from afar, since you first showed up here.

i missed my old friends to be sure, but seeing so many wonderful people coming in to the forum, i wanted a chance to interact with you all. Let's interact! OK?

This is awfully nice,

Wow! Dr. Blue -- you just made my day! What a lovely thing to say...I look forward to seeing you posting away again on here. :)

BTW -- Oh, hell yeah -- I'm ALL for interacting. :D

P. :rose:
Okay! i admit it! i'm a THIEF!

Susan is right...she DID make up that acronym, but we have been chatting rather a LOT lately.(that's what i was doing much of the time, while i was away)

You HAVE been very good Süsse! i will try to make you better, but you seem pretty hard to beat already.

NOOO! i won't beat you! It's just an expression! (she sometimes doesn't "get" American idioms, or maybe she really IS afraid that i'll beat her, funny she hangs around this forum with a fear like that...hmmm)

i didn't mean to steal your saying, but i thought it was worth spreading around. Forgive me?

:rolleyes: Puppyeyes

(fixed it)
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Oh blue ... you know I can't resist your puppydogeyes ...

I just *hafta* love you, no matter what you do ... If anyone can make me better, it'll be you. Or SpectreT. Or maybe both of you? ... getting carried away, sorry.

Why do I hang out here with you guys? I don't wanna be beaten, I wanna beat! An also, the only way to overcome fear is to face it!

:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

It's Sue for you, Blue
UPDATE:-Thursday, August 29th, 2002

BDSM-"Wired" Services-

As Blue ENTERED, the ladies went wild. Pushing and shoving,...each one panting to get nearer to the infamous Dr. of reknown.

Forum Moderatorswere placed on alert throughout the early morning hours. Traffic was somewhat JAMMED on the Anal St. entrance as Blue swiftly and surely made his way through to the HEART o f the squirming mASSES.

With practiced ease, he dispensed his prescriptions to the fevered women and, as the DOMino effect began, they fell at his feet, one by one. Toppling over at finally obtaining the prescribed dosage.

Nowhere in Lit history, has there been such an AWe inspiring event. Women chained themselves mercilessly to posts by the dozen, MILLIONS scrambled to at least see the wonderful Blue, but fear kept them from the posts.

Laurel and Manu signed on extra SERVERS to aid in the overloaded situation. Due to the mASSive response, even now, they sit nervously awaiting another unprecedented SURGE in participation.

Fearing the worst is not over, and they may have NEED to throw another *switch*, they have subSCRIBED to yet another server anxiously waiting for the CLIMAX to cum.

Copyright 2002 The BDSM "Wired" Services. The information contained in the WS news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The BDSM "Wired Services". No active hyperlinks have been inserted by WS.
Shaking with laughter ....

... you're really GOOD!!

You should really join the infamous triumvirate Blue, Monster666 and SpectreT!

Oh my, I *have* to print this out ... you shouldn't do that though. It'll just make him think he's *really* that good.

Still laughing ... :p
Okay artful!

That DOES it! You have won your "Spit-Take" wings! Actually they look like pursed lips with a tornado of atomized KoolAid coming out of them.

Wear them in good health! And don't choke on the "paybacks". You're in with a dangerous crowd now. You might want to consider taking all your fluids intravenously from now on. It could save you from a tortuous death. Drowning in your own saliva may SOUND like fun, but it isn't really.

"Wired" Services,indeed!

i'll getchya,
Re: B..b..b..but i'm not REALLY a Doctor

DRxBlue said:
You people...i guess i HAVE been among the missing lately. i know that when i left it was with a bit of sadness, but i found SO much joy in the world outside of Lit that i forgot for a moment how many DEAR and wonderful people i'd stopped playing with regularly.

i haven't even congratulated artful and His dream on their wonderful discovery on each other. Having had a taste of the "dream coming true" myself recently, i can really feel your joy. and wish you both the very best.

.awww Dr.My Master was JUST what the DR.ordered for me tyvm sweety...and mmm yes He had more than just a TASTE " of me!!:devil: thak you for your wishes and kind thoughts sweety

:heart: Dream
Re: Shaking with laughter ....

SexySusan said:
... you're really GOOD!!

You should really join the infamous triumvirate Blue, Monster666 and SpectreT!

Oh my, I *have* to print this out ... you shouldn't do that though. It'll just make him think he's *really* that good
AHEM... HE IS really that good ..mmmmm ROFLMFAO@ my Comedian/Master or is it Masterful Comedian ..I am soo proud of you and SO rolling with laughter baby!!:heart: omg lmao:D
I *meant* ...

... it'll make Blue think he is that good.

Artful's just the BEST!

Sorry, I didn't make that clear ...
Re: I *meant* ...

SexySusan said:
... it'll make Blue think he is that good.

Artful's just the BEST!

Sorry, I didn't make that clear ...

awww ,sorry Susan,my bad!! hehe but Dr ISSS GOOD BUT YES Master IS BEST!!! and to think He's all mine....mmmm so lucky I am...(Yoda impression):D
Re: Re: I *meant* ...

Artful's dream said:

awww ,sorry Susan,my bad!! hehe but Dr ISSS GOOD BUT YES Master IS BEST!!! and to think He's all mine....mmmm so lucky I am...(Yoda impression):D

Yes you ARE lucky ... ((hugs)) if I may? Reading your posts always makes me wanna do this, because you seem so awfully happy and you sososo deserve it.

come to think of it ... I'm not that worse off either ... but psssst ... no-one knows yet!
Re: I *meant* ...

SexySusan said:
... it'll make Blue think he is that good.

Artful's just the BEST!

Sorry, I didn't make that clear ...

Awww,...Thanks Susan,...I am the BEST for Dream, doubt,...but"The Blue" is the BEST for SOOOOOOOO many others. I truly am *HAPPY* to see him taking care of his devoted followers.:rose:
A realization

I must say that I didn't realize how lucky I was that "The Doctor" was posting a positive reply about my AV when the APB (All Points Bulletin) went out looking for him.

And here I thought he was "just" another Lit member!

Ahhhh, the ignorance of some of us newbies

Re: No, I'll keep you in suspense for a little longer ...

SexySusan said:

Alright, I'll show you mine. It's only fair, you showed me yours too ... ;)

And thank you for your concern. Usually I don't trust doctors, you know ... you're just the exception that makes the rule.

Actually, I'm honored my 100th post is in reply to you ...

Welcome SexySusan,

I am Blue's sister Ebonyfire, but please call me Eb everyone else does. Blue speaks very highly of you!

Welcome to our little pervfest!

Ever seen a blond tomato?

Ebonyfire said:

Welcome SexySusan,

I am Blue's sister Ebonyfire, but please call me Eb everyone else does. Blue speaks very highly of you!

Welcome to our little pervfest!


Awwww ... Eb, I blushed like a schoolgirl. Thank you so very much. I guess I need to have a word with Blue though ... He seems to be talking about me an awful *lot* lately ... :cool:

I'm having so much fun here!

And that's Sue for you too :D
Re: Ever seen a blond tomato?

SexySusan said:

Awwww ... Eb, I blushed like a schoolgirl. Thank you so very much. I guess I need to have a word with Blue though ... He seems to be talking about me an awful *lot* lately ... :cool:

I'm having so much fun here!

And that's Sue for you too :D

Don't be angry at him. blue is a gentleman through and through. he would never betray any confidences, not even to his Sis! I love that boy dearly!

Re: Re: Ever seen a blond tomato?

Ebonyfire said:

Don't be angry at him. blue is a gentleman through and through. he would never betray any confidences, not even to his Sis! I love that boy dearly!


Naaa, don'tcha worry, I'm not mad at him ... I don't think I could be, even if I wanted to ...

Only I have reason to believe that man is kinda deluded regarding me ... It was the part about him speaking highly of me that made me wanna shout: "Don't believe him! He's totally utterly out of his mind!"

Re: A realization

zipman7 said:
I must say that I didn't realize how lucky I was that "The Doctor" was posting a positive reply about my AV when the APB (All Points Bulletin) went out looking for him.

And here I thought he was "just" another Lit member!

Ahhhh, the ignorance of some of us newbies


Here is more confusion. Some of us are related! Artful and Blue are my brothers, but who is the eldest, we will never tell!

The warmest of welcomes to you, my friend. Light has returned to my life, laughter to my heart, and heat to my loins.

Always here for matter how many times they try to pull me away...

Your Q-unit
Quint said:
The warmest of welcomes to you, my friend. Light has returned to my life, laughter to my heart, and heat to my loins.

Always here for matter how many times they try to pull me away...

Your Q-unit

Quint when you get 1000 posts take for your title HOT LOINS
This is really Blush making...

a "Blonde tomato"...that's silly (he he)

Zipster! Thanks for stopping by this "roast". Stop at the bar and have whatever you can afford. (sorry..i'm broke)

i'm not really famous or nothin', i just kinda raised my apparent value here, temporarily, by making myself more rare.

(That is NOT bait for any kinda compliments, i've had enough of that gooey gunk..hmmmph)

It's kinda easy to make friends when you sincerely love just about everybody, but it does get complicated when some people become truly essential to your happiness.

Some people you can sort of adopt and keep close to you that way (like my dear and beautiful sister Ebony).

Some can be the very closest of friends.

Some just step out of all the possible classifications, through all your defenses and end up right in your heart.

People like this just seem to violate all your plans and the decisions you've made. They make you break rules you carved in stone after hard, cruel

Much to my amazement this has happened to me... unbelievably TWICE since May. First with my very much beloved Freya, (superlittlegirl) who defrosted me and resuscitated me i a way i would not have believed possible. i still love her dearly...moreso everyday!

Within the past few weeks i discovered that my heart, now that it's quite functional again is capable of what i would have thought impossible!

i started a conversation with SexySusan a few weeks ago, thinking i had found a wonderful new friend. Within hours we were exchanging the deepest secrets of our hearts and sharing amazement as we were almost thrust together.

This surprise and welcome assault on my heart has blossomed into a love that has also been growing at an ever increasing pace. It really is wonderful, exciting and scary as HELL! i expect to explode any second, but i'm too interested to leave now.

i'm no longer "physical" in my relationships, but there was an aching space in my heart for many years. i needed to love and be loved. When i first came to this forum, for some reason i felt that this was the place where help could be found. It was TRUE!

These two both fill me with love, seeming to care more about me than i ever have. And they both can accept the FLOODS of love i produce, which is just as important to my happiness.

And there's STILL enough to slop all over YOU guys.

i'm really glad to be back here. Even to see the cold, hard as nails MzChrista who only stops by to hit on my other "almost girlfriend" Q-unit.

She never notices me cuz she thinks i worship her...well... well, so what?

i close with a souvenir photo of me and my beloved Freya, i HOPE to get a pic of me and my NEW beloved Susan very soon! (Life is SO weird! The GOOD stuff is almost more of a strain than the bad stuff)
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