is there a glitch?

I would have to agree. There are times when poems aren't posted as fast. People actually find the time to get off the internet and to be social is my guess. My question to you is what makes a thread popular and gets lots of comments over a thread that is not and doesn't get much responses or none at all?

It's difficult to engage poets in conversation about anything but themselves and even then we find plenty of shy poets who won't even do that.

Before the days of near universal literacy, poets were the main form of public entertainment. Poets were the most outgoing and personable people to be found. Any poet worth his wine could recite from memory for at least an hour or more. They were celebrated and welcomed where ever they went.

I am not sure how we lost that status, but somewhere along the way, we went from gregarious performers to brooding introverts. Our social status is just above that of street mimes.