Is there a plural form of..

/What's the plural form of Nemesis/

Nemesis is singular
Nemeses are plural

Just as

Dress is singular
Dresses are plural.

If encountering one bottle of rum can be called meeting your nemesis, encountering twelve cases of rum must be encountering your nemeses.

Merely because these forms have been so abused that they sound "unnatural" in someone's ears is no reason to call then into question.
The newsletter was scrapped in the "Should we have a newsletter?" thread, for many and varied reasons the 2 main ones being dissent on including the word news In Newsletter because the content wouldn't necessarily include news and the word news in at least four other languages means 'guitar', which would lead to far too much confusion.

The second main reason was that inclusion of the word letter in Newsletter would leave it open to humourous asides and hairsplitting such as, if it was sent across the world then the Lit members in France would be receiving French letters and the literalists would receive only a single alphabetic character.

gauchecritic said:
The newsletter was scrapped in the "Should we have a newsletter?" thread, for many and varied reasons the 2 main ones being dissent on including the word news In Newsletter because the content wouldn't necessarily include news and the word news in at least four other languages means 'guitar', which would lead to far too much confusion.

The second main reason was that inclusion of the word letter in Newsletter would leave it open to humourous asides and hairsplitting such as, if it was sent across the world then the Lit members in France would be receiving French letters and the literalists would receive only a single alphabetic character.

You done did good on that one, Gauchecritic. Two points and a pint for the Gauche-man.

Rumple Foreskin
Re: Pick me no ......

MathGirl said:
Dear Photog,
True, but we try not to split hairs around here. That's why nobody mentioned it.

I hope you didn't mind me calling you by your first name.
Ms. Girl

Eh? First name? I'm confused.....
Re: Re: Pick me no ......

raphy said:
Eh? First name? I'm confused.....

Let me help you out a bit, may I? ;)

Photog-raphy: photography. It made me smile! :D

Lou :rose:
And there's me thinking his first name, on this site, would be Pornog.


Well, you all sure do live up to being writers (not that I'd ever have doubted otherwise - I read stories on lit, I know how talented you all are) ..

I've gone under varying versions of the name Raphael (Raph, Raphy, etc) online for a long time - No one's ever done that to my name before...

I guess I should have expected it - Being that you're all masters (or mistresses) of the written word, and all that......

raphy said:

Well, you all sure do live up to being writers (not that I'd ever have doubted otherwise - I read stories on lit, I know how talented you all are) ..

I've gone under varying versions of the name Raphael (Raph, Raphy, etc) online for a long time - No one's ever done that to my name before...

I guess I should have expected it - Being that you're all masters (or mistresses) of the written word, and all that......


If I ever get my 'big break' and become a published author (yeah, right!) You might even be lucky enough to get a copy of my autobiog...

Enough yet? :D

Loulou :rose:
and for the record

When you finish your book, I want to be referenced in your bibliog...

:rose: b

ps WELCOME, raphy!
Really Dumb Ass Question

If someone who shoots photographs is a Photographer, and someone who writes dirty stories is a Pornographer, are the dirty stories called Pornographs?
raphy said:
I've gone under varying versions of the name Raphael (Raph, Raphy, etc) online for a long time - No one's ever done that to my name before...
That will probably not be the only "first" if you stick around here.
*grins* ... I don't see any reason to be leavin' just yet..
Sure, Jenny, don't we have an audio section where you can listen to pornographs?
I suppose if I made an erotic recording, it would be a porno-raph.. Very punny.. I guess.