It's A Matter Of (Mis) Trust.....

Ok, so… you know what, I’m just going to say you’re in the middle of a depressive spiral.

Stop doomscrolling social media shit. It’s not good for your mental health. Go out into the world. Try out a new hobby. No one here can or even should try to convince you that you’re wrong, only you can do that. I suggest something like pickleball. Good to keep active and keep that cardio going.
This vague litany of gloom and doom contains nothing that would cause society to collapse in five years. Saying "everything sucks" isn't bold or prescient. It's lazy and self-indulgent.
Believe what you wish, as I said. Just don't whine when I turn out to be right. It's a long list of things that likely could work together to bring society down, but the crux of it is that when the social contract is broken and trust is gone, civilizations don't tend to endure. That's just the way that history has turned out so far, and I don't expect us to defy those laws or principles or patterns, if you will. Calling me names, such as "lazy" or "self-indulgent" is only the use of ad hominem insult, which reflects that on some level, you must fear that I am correct, even if you cannot accept it yet.
Ok, so… you know what, I’m just going to say you’re in the middle of a depressive spiral.

Stop doomscrolling social media shit. It’s not good for your mental health. Go out into the world. Try out a new hobby. No one here can or even should try to convince you that you’re wrong, only you can do that. I suggest something like pickleball. Good to keep active and keep that cardio going.
Dude, do yourself a favor and touch some grass yourself. If you don't see how crazy the real world is these days, I can't help you. It's not social media alone that convinces me of the disaster awaiting us. It's everything going on around me. Are there good things? Sure. There will be, even in the midst of the tragic demise of our civilization. That doesn't prevent the collapse from happening or being imminent.
Believe what you wish, as I said. Just don't whine when I turn out to be right. It's a long list of things that likely could work together to bring society down, but the crux of it is that when the social contract is broken and trust is gone, civilizations don't tend to endure. That's just the way that history has turned out so far, and I don't expect us to defy those laws or principles or patterns, if you will. Calling me names, such as "lazy" or "self-indulgent" is only the use of ad hominem insult, which reflects that on some level, you must fear that I am correct, even if you cannot accept it yet.
I know you're wrong because I know more history than you do.
I don’t understand half the crap you’re complaining about. I do know though that if it’s sumfin wat is signing on to then I should mosey my simpleton ass fast in the opposite direction.
Dude, do yourself a favor and touch some grass yourself. If you don't see how crazy the real world is these days, I can't help you. It's not social media alone that convinces me of the disaster awaiting us. It's everything going on around me. Are there good things? Sure. There will be, even in the midst of the tragic demise of our civilization. That doesn't prevent the collapse from happening or being imminent.

yeah, I worked, went to a cafe for lunch, went to the gym, and went grocery shopping yesterday. I saw lots of single folks, couples, and families going about their business doing stuff. Didn’t see any immediate signs of society breaking down and dooming us all.

What do you want here? You want to keep arguing with random strangers about how bad things are gonna get in some vague, we are all doomed way? Like… ok?

We don’t think we are doomed, and even if we are, we’re going to go down fighting. What are you bringing to the table?
yeah, I worked, went to a cafe for lunch, went to the gym, and went grocery shopping yesterday. I saw lots of single folks, couples, and families going about their business doing stuff. Didn’t see any immediate signs of society breaking down and dooming us all.

What do you want here? You want to keep arguing with random strangers about how bad things are gonna get in some vague, we are all doomed way? Like… ok?

We don’t think we are doomed, and even if we are, we’re going to go down fighting. What are you bringing to the table?
Believe what you want. If you miss the forest for the trees, so be it. I'm trying to sound the alarm so that people can prepare themselves. If they choose to ignore me, that's on them.
Believe what you want. If you miss the forest for the trees, so be it. I'm trying to sound the alarm so that people can prepare themselves. If they choose to ignore me, that's on them.

This isn’t a warning or alarm, this is just doom-mongering. This is just an electronic version of the hobo on the street screaming about corruption and the fall of society. Even if someone 100% believed what you are saying, they would go about their lives unchanged because you’re just wildly pointing at the sky and saying, “don’t you see??? We’re all fucked! We’re all fucked!”
This isn’t a warning or alarm, this is just doom-mongering. This is just an electronic version of the hobo on the street screaming about corruption and the fall of society. Even if someone 100% believed what you are saying, they would go about their lives unchanged because you’re just wildly pointing at the sky and saying, “don’t you see??? We’re all fucked! We’re all fucked!”
Again, believe what you wish. I wash my hands of you. I don't really care. I did my part. I issued the warning, the forecast. You can ignore it if you wish. My hands are clean now.