It's not just smut, it's an adventure! (Rant)

It's a very nice butt, indeed, katers although the gun kinda grabs my attention. Thank god she likes me.
That Lauren is a clever one--something for everyone in that AV. LOL
about chapters in short stories

i wrote a little stroke story that i intended to write more of if i recieved good feedback, so i put a 1 in the title not meaning to make it look as though it were a chapter, but to simply state that it was unfinished and that there was a possiblity of more. when it was accepted the chapter part was added for me.

just a small note so you know that not all of us have any illusions about our writing. i wrote a stroke story, not the beginning of a novel. perhaps others did the same thing.
Well KM, I certainly enjoyed reading your rants and plan on referring back to them when I'm writing. Thanks for words that guide.

Trina T.:rose:
Actually for those of you who haven't had the pleasure of reading anything besides this if you or new or somehow have evaded KM' stuff before, she is a great person. I was teasing when I said I feared her critiques or anything from now on. Hell I would take it as a compliment if one of the best writers on here decided to slam Me privately. Although I do enjoy praise a little "bitchslap" every now and then keeps Me in place.

I say that considering I got that earlier this week and realized I am not above reproach at times. I think, and KM feel free to correct Me if I am wrong. A lot of KM's rants and ideas on the boards are not only to get out the frustrations of poor writing sometimes done on this site but to also help us all out. To prevent us from making mistakes as writers that she sees some of us doing.

I could be wrong but with an ass like that I don't care what she rants about as long as she posts often where I visit. lol.
That's not really my ass, darlin.

I'm not trying to "critique" anyone here. I just got really, really frustrated. Some of the things I bitched about are things a lot of people don't like to see. Some of the things I bitched about are just things I don't like to see.

Rather than rain unwanted nasty mail down on the bevy of stories I found irritating, I brought a general rant here. I'm glad I did. No one deserves that kind of email. Just a case of I gotta bitch or blow up.

If ya don't like me anymore, stick me on ignore you'll feel better. Of the rant, it's like anything else. Keep what ya find valuable. Throw away what ya can't use. I won't attack anyone's writing. In public or in private.
Damn I was hoping I would find in My email one day a little note that went like this.

MasterV, you are an idiot, what the hell are you thinking even writing a story. You shouldn't quit your day job. Your writing is unispiring and didn't make me tingle at all. Due us all a favor and stop.

P.S. Come over and have a muffin on me.

Signed, Muffie the destroyer.

Sighs, well I will keep hoping. Until then though I will keep Myself amused reading your rants. They provide some insight and I for one try and follow your do's and don'ts carefully. Well somewhat carefully anyway.
Pandora's box

I believe I was the one 'guilty' of using the Pandora's box reference. Honestly, I just write what I'm thinking at the time. I'm not a writer. I don't get paid for this. I've probably referred to sex as an adventure and or an epic also. I call this overstatement, which of course is meant as an attempt at humor, for which some ranters obviously lack. Oh, and one more tip, avoid any writing by a certain '' he's the worst offender of all that is rantworthy.
If it was your story, testingiq, you'll notice I said that reference only bothered me because it was an exceptionally well written piece. Things like that jump right out at you, and are signs of amateurish work, no matter how talented the author may be.

Everything is rantworthy. Ranting is fun. :p
KillerMuffin said:
These are just things I don't like to see in writing because they annoy me. Your mileage may vary. If you disagree with me, that's your perogative, may you enjoy it in good health.

As far as the protagonist describing his or herself. That usually comes in first person stories. This is where you have to balance the needs of the story with the needs of what you think the reader wants. I rarely describe my characters and still I get feedback saying "What wonderful detail!"

When you get into description of characters, it's usually less important to describe what they look like and more important to describe how they feel about it or how the other characters react to it. Visual description gets dry and you see it here over and over and over and over and over. "She had a 38DD chest" or "She felt like a pair of tits. Men never seemed to notice anything else about her except for the monsterous cleavage. " Which do you like better?

When it comes to first person, that's a different kettle of fish. In some stories, it's perfectly natural to describe the self. The "I" character is talking directly to the reader--a locker room style confession. Mostly, though, it's out of place and disruptive.

How to judge? Read it out loud. If it doesn't further the story, minimize it. If you've got 1,500 words (avg story length), don't spend 500 describing your characters. It's wasted space.

If you must describe them in first person, then change it from descriptive narrative into something else. How does your character feel (realistically) about his or her appearance? How do others react to it? Describe that way.

I have blonde hair, blue eyes, and a figure to die for. Read that how many times a day? I hate my blonde hair and blue eyes. Everyone thinks I'm California girl stupid and I'm not. Add the perfect surfer girl bod and big tits, and it's instant bimbo. Nevermind that I have a PhD in mathematics and I'm a fucking rocket scientist. See the difference?


I have a theory about description of the narrator in a first person story, and that is that for many readers, the more readily they can adapt the point of view of the narrator, the more they will enjoy the story. Therefore, a detailed description is counter productive, as it inhibits the reader from putting themselves in the characters place.
That's just my thought on the subject, I don't know how valid it is overall, but I have written all my stories in first person and received very good response to them, so it's a rule of thumb that works for me.
What I see beginning writers often do is to have the narrator describe themselves in glowing terms.

I examined my first rate ass in the mirror. Damn, I looked good. And that wasn't even taking into consideration my perfect tits, showcased in a low-cut tank top.

When I see a character with such a high opinion of him/herself, I usually backclick. I want to like the characters I read about, or at least sympathize with them. Self-absorbed people bore me.

A character can describe himself in a story, but it has to be done in character.

After getting dressed for work, I went through my brief make-up routine. A little mascara. A quick brush through my short brown hair. Oops, there was an eyebrow gone a bit bushy. I plucked the offending hairs and looked myself over. As usual, the uniform made me look like a neuter. Although I didn't have Pamela Anderson's figure, my tits weren't bad, and my ass...well, no one ever complained about it.

I don't know. Maybe the narrators who think they're God's gift are supposed to seem narcissistic. All I know is that it's off-putting.