Ive had this idea....

BooMerengue said:
wowie zowie! I'm feeling almost famous. I sure wish I coulda seen you walkin around in that apron and nothin else, though. Hearin it was one thing; seeing it woulda been another.

It was nice almost bein there for supper. Thank you. I'll almost have y'all over for catfish next week. We'll make the salad fresh, ok?

I have to go write a poem. Its been nagging at me. About bodies. Thumping. A storm of bodies. A New Age Sacrament. But I have to figure out which god. Well, maybe I don't. He wasn't there. He isn't here. It'll make more sense without him. It always does.

Don't lose this thread anymore. You have a select audience. Do you want to be booed?

Booed?? That sounds dirty. Fun dirty. Hey- its not a pass- its a Nuther poem!!

G'night and sweet sleeps, you two.

Now you know he was wearing shorts and a t shirt.

He doesn't have an apron. Oh wait he does. But I've never seen him wear it....maybe later,

We loved being Booed. It wasn't dirty at all--it was sweet. ;)

Nighty night from us both (we're sittin together at the only working computer lol.)

Sweet dreams.

In the still dim of the dead end street sitters, it was nothing less than a long necked kinship swaggering in my adjacent shadow. Pie smeared about the thin-lipped narc'd-out mask he wore. The colors faded fast, so telling the type of pie that lingered like athin moustache was not possible. Either way, I knew the squirrels would chase after such a man.

My eyes were tight slits as I brought this unordinary form into focus. I swear I could smell a faint salt water...fishy, no no, that wasn't it. It just made me shake my head as we were now toe to toe, his extra wide 13's making me long for a boat ride. Nah, see, it wasn't even pie in the first place; probably just some jam or preserves of some sort.

On any other night, I would've offered anyone in my path a cigarette. But I didn't have a light.
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Angeline said:
Now you know he was wearing shorts and a t shirt.

He doesn't have an apron. Oh wait he does. But I've never seen him wear it....maybe later,

We loved being Booed. It wasn't dirty at all--it was sweet. ;)

Nighty night from us both (we're sittin together at the only working computer lol.)

Sweet dreams.


Dang!! Y'all forgot to sing to me! I wanted to hear it, too, and I plumb forgot! lol

Next weekend. While I skin cats. And whip puppies.

BooMerengue said:
Dang!! Y'all forgot to sing to me! I wanted to hear it, too, and I plumb forgot! lol

Next weekend. While I skin cats. And whip puppies.

I think being Booed may be scary :eek:
Skinning catfish and whipping up hush puppies! lol

You know? Being scared is how I've gotten my greatest thrills! Walking the steel on bridges. Hanging off the side of a 200' retaining wall taking out bolts.(I'm a form carpenter) Riding motorcycles off the bluff into the quarry. (I was a biker chick for a brief moment) Riding the thoroughbreds at Shenandoah Downs for their morning blowout. (pony girl) Climbing saplings in the woods til just before the breaking point and then catching a buzz as they bend to the ground and spring back up. (psychedelic experimenter) Hitchhiking on I-95 outside New York and wondering where you'll be when you wake up in the morning. (idiot) Sneaking through the woods in West Point, MS to take pictures of KKKers relaxing after burning a church or a cross or a hangin. (righteous fool)

I've had some pretty wild rides!

Bein Booed can be a good thing! lol
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