I've Never Had a Spanking

I just wanted to say, I adore this thread.

I probably won't be posting on this board much (bdsm clueless), but I appreciate a good spanking thread when I see one!

And Cym, Thank you! I soo needed that! :)
Savage Kitten said:
Does that mean I have been extremely lucky or am I missing out on something? *mischievous grin*

Alright SK, bend over! :)
I'm jumping i here to make sure another perspective gets represented.
I am a man who loved to be spanked. My earliest erotic fantasies were about spankings, and the interest has never faded.
To be helpless over the lap of a beautiful woman (or man) and having my bare bottom reddened......oh yeah, there's nothing like it.
James Blandings said:
I'm jumping i here to make sure another perspective gets represented.
I am a man who loved to be spanked. My earliest erotic fantasies were about spankings, and the interest has never faded.
To be helpless over the lap of a beautiful woman (or man) and having my bare bottom reddened......oh yeah, there's nothing like it.

Hmmm,i've never tried it myself.
James Blandings said:
I'm jumping i here to make sure another perspective gets represented.
I am a man who loved to be spanked. My earliest erotic fantasies were about spankings, and the interest has never faded.
To be helpless over the lap of a beautiful woman (or man) and having my bare bottom reddened......oh yeah, there's nothing like it.

What other perspective? I'm, like, a dude, dude.

Unless you pay attention to TheSpark.com's "Gentertest". Lying thing was 80% sure I was a woman. :rolleyes: :D

Not like I'd ever "pass" dressed, or anything.
SpectreT said:

What other perspective? I'm, like, a dude, dude.

Unless you pay attention to TheSpark.com's "Gentertest". Lying thing was 80% sure I was a woman. :rolleyes: :D

Not like I'd ever "pass" dressed, or anything.

Please forgive my ignorance. I saw nothing in your post that indicated your gender, and all the other perspectives I read before I posted were female.
SpectreT said:

What other perspective? I'm, like, a dude, dude.

Unless you pay attention to TheSpark.com's "Gentertest". Lying thing was 80% sure I was a woman. :rolleyes: :D

Not like I'd ever "pass" dressed, or anything.
Teehee TheSpark is 86% sure I'm a man. :D

James Blandings said:

Please forgive my ignorance. I saw nothing in your post that indicated your gender, and all the other perspectives I read before I posted were female.

'Scool. I don't think I did post anything about my sex in the post. My gender is a whole other can of worms that doesn't quite belong in a spanking thread, so I'll shut up now.....:eek:
Savage Kitten

I just had to comment on the link you posted with the spanking picture. I just cracked up! That was so funny. It reminded me of the look on the girls face on the banner that flashes above the chat rooms. So funny and not all that sexy! Thanks for the laugh!

Have they convinced you to get a spanking yet? Those who enjoy them certainly have fond memories (and great descriptive powers, Cym);)
cellis said:

omg... Me too, Monika... that is too funny...
Well... now... how do we break this to any male we're involved with...
<looking down at myself> those big boobs on a man? WOW :D

Monika :devil:
Frouwa_Aph said:

Well... now... how do we break this to any male we're involved with...
<looking down at myself> those big boobs on a man? WOW :D

Monika :devil:

LOL... you can see from my AV that I am definitely not male...:D
I'd have to agree with everyone else and say you're missing out...
Kitten if we had been able to get together in November when I was in Atlanta, I would gladly have helped you experience your first spanking.

I would have told you to get over my knees, wearing only a thong, so your buttocks would be free for me to play with. I would start with gently letting my fingers caress them, over and over again, occationaly lifting my hand, and letting it fall down on a new place everytime, each time putting a bit more force into it. Now and then I would stop, and let my soft hands caress your red and warm buttocks, and your things, making you wonder when you would feel the nest stinging blow on your sexy ass.

Depending on how you behave, you might even be handcuffed and blindfolded as well during the process.

Cym...nice. Very very nice. If that description doesn't get her twitchin I don't know what would.

I posted a technique for repeated GSpot orgasms in the HOW TO thread. I'd just like to expound on that a bit. One of our favorite things was combining a spanking with stimulating the GSpot.

She'd be drapped over my lap getting a spanking and every few whacks I'd insert a thumb (as per my post on the other thread) and give her a massive GSpot O. We'd go back and forth switching between spanks and GSpot orgasms until she was almost insane. I found with the described tecnique I could "administer " orgasms almost like a punishment. A helluva a variation but when she's BEGGING for a break and I'd say, "I'm sorry. Three MORE (orgasms not spanks) ...quit wiggling or it'll be FIVE !!

Just a thought....
Spanking here/a spanking there

Spanking your So is more than erotic.

You can spank them as part of regular lovemaking.

You can spank playing daddy daughter

Than there is spanking...Dom spanking subbie
1) as a reward
2) as punishment

God this horny making. <grin>

EvilBrat74 said:
Hmmm,sounds like i need to get a little rougher with my SO.
I have never left red marks.From the way ya'll describe it it sounds like it's better to make it sting more.

Yes please :D
This thread has made me horny....honny is not the word....<grin>

Spanking increases intelligence also......checkout the thread I started this morning......

Who has more discussion of this subject? Any other first person recollections? Any other questions about the experience or insights into what you like or don't like about it? Positions? Implements? Recovery time? Possible complications? What do you do when you're out in your normal everyday life and you can't sit properly?

Step right up with your real-time flavored discussion of this most elemental and basic of BDSM play!

All y'all who want to who want to pretend you're getting or giving spanks right here in front of us, well, that's what chat rooms are for, right? PM's even. Go and get you one of those, honey child! Do some play spanking! It'll be fun. It's not really appropriate for here.

Let's try to keep chat room type stuff out of here. There are lots and lots and lots of chat rooms you can go to in order to play at BDSM. There are far fewer places such as we've built here, places in which to discuss in a really supportive and open-minded environment the various ramifications and dark alleyways that BDSM can lead us into and through. Let's guard our integrity in this, okay?

getting spanked

this is just a wild guess...but I believe.....everyone here is going to fall out of their chairs reading this..or at least maybe?

ok ok,..I am a submissive slave....collared-owned-registered.
no..I have not seen or met my Mistress ..yet!..it is coming soon.

as to getting spanked??? hmmm. let me ask this pretty please???

is this different than when the ole' man or ma used to beat my ass when I was a young boy? I mean..the relationship and meanings are different..between Mistress and slave...yes yes...
but it's the principle here that bothers me. just this idea of getting spanked bothers me. no I'm not making sense. in my mind I can handle the whips and paddles...it's Her way...
but a spanking???? hey hold it! I just cannot see in my mind's eye how it relates...

will someone..anyone?? help explain how it is different???
I mean hey..it hurt bad enough then and i hated it. I do not see how I would ever..be able to withstand it from Mistress either!

thank you thank you....

mad dog in iowa\
For me, i don't like to get spanked but i do.Mabe this will help a bit.
I used to get whipped alot as a kid(well deserved LOL).
I didn't like it.After a while the pain wasn't an issue.I didn't feel it as pain.I felt it as attention, or love.I knew i did something wrong and expected to be spanked.Not as a sexual gradification.But to be shown that i was loved.

I'm not one to require spankings though.But this is how i look at it .Spankings give me a sense of inner peace after it's over.
Come to think about it, i haven't had a spanking in a long time.

I'm weird, i know....nevermind.I probably don't see it as others do.
Mabe some others in here can help ya out iamaddog.
I feel like I am turning into the board's most shameless plugger, but I wrote a story about my first spanking, and my feelings about it are pretty well expressed there, so I'll link it again. (Besides, it's rated at about 4.45, so if a few of you go and give it a 5, maybe I get can one of those cute little H's)
