Jack Smith’s Case Against Trump Appears to Be Falling Apart

The Mar-a-Lago documents don’t bother me in the least because of the documents in Joe Biden’s garage next to the Corvette that the irresponsible Hunter Biden had access to, a thing/circumstance/crime that concerns the Left not one little bit. So, if I have to except the lowest possible standard that is held by the Left so that we can be on common ground in this discussion, then Trump easily meets that standard.

No harm – No foul

“When a low standard is as good as a high standard, then any standard will do and a low one is just as good as a high one.”
Kennedy Sensei
The Mar-a-Lago documents don’t bother me in the least because of the documents in Joe Biden’s garage next to the Corvette that the irresponsible Hunter Biden had access to, a thing/circumstance/crime that concerns the Left not one little bit. So, if I have to except the lowest possible standard that is held by the Left so that we can be on common ground in this discussion, then Trump easily meets that standard.

No harm – No foul

“When a low standard is as good as a high standard, then any standard will do and a low one is just as good as a high one.”
Kennedy Sensei
The difference is, Trump actually shared some of those classified national security documents with at least one reporter, and more than one guest at Mar-A-Lago. He is a threat to national security.
The difference is, Trump actually shared some of those classified national security documents with at least one reporter, and more than one guest at Mar-A-Lago. He is a threat to national security.
And Joe shared classified information with a ghost writer. :eek:
The difference is, Trump actually shared some of those classified national security documents with at least one reporter, and more than one guest at Mar-A-Lago. He is a threat to national security.
Joe Biden shared a classified document with his biographer, only he wasn't President when he did.

From the Hur Report: "Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen,"

But no charges.
Joe Biden shared a classified document with his biographer, only he wasn't President when he did.

From the Hur Report: "Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen,"

But no charges.
It should also be remembered that Biden, as VP, committed a crime by the very removal of the material.

Further, Biden was adjudged mentally incompetent to stand trial.

AND there is NO evidence that the 'secret' document the DOJ is chasing even exists.
The Mar-a-Lago documents don’t bother me in the least because of the documents in Joe Biden’s garage next to the Corvette that the irresponsible Hunter Biden had access to, a thing/circumstance/crime that concerns the Left not one little bit. So, if I have to except the lowest possible standard that is held by the Left so that we can be on common ground in this discussion, then Trump easily meets that standard.

No harm – No foul

“When a low standard is as good as a high standard, then any standard will do and a low one is just as good as a high one.”
Kennedy Sensei

Biden surrendered and returned them upon request while Trump denied and concealed them - causing action to be taken to secure them after which he again tried to conceal more and denied their existence again. ✅
Biden surrendered and returned them upon request while Trump denied and concealed them - causing action to be taken to secure them after which he again tried to conceal more and denied their existence again. ✅
Under the law it doesn't matter if he returned them, He willfully stole them and possessed them illegally. His surrendering them doesn't mitigate his guilt.
Under the law it doesn't matter if he returned them, He willfully stole them and possessed them illegally. His surrendering them doesn't mitigate his guilt.
Ummm that kind of applies to Trump and Pense as well. Fuck do you like slamming your dick with a door?
Ummm that kind of applies to Trump and Pense as well. Fuck do you like slamming your dick with a door?
No it doesn't, Trump was President and was entitled to those documents. He declassified those documents and in the end, I will be proven right, just as Bill Clinton was right when they tried to accuse him of the same thing and he beat them in court. I've already posted the applicable court findings a couple of times. Look them up.
No it doesn't, Trump was President and was entitled to those documents.
Trump was president when he moved them. Pense was VP or Senator when he got the files and Biden was VP or Senator. It's not like Biden took them after he was out of office, nor did Pense, or Trump...*SLAM* did that feel good???
Trump was president when he moved them. Pense was VP or Senator when he got the files and Biden was VP or Senator. It's not like Biden took them after he was out of office, nor did Pense, or Trump...*SLAM* did that feel good???


Which means you just destroyed your entire list of excuses by admitting that he took them when while VP and a Senator.
Here's something none of you idjits seem to understand about the Mar A Lago case:

If Trump can be prosecuted for showing the docs to others who weren't allowed to see them under a theory of "mishandling" them, then Obama can be prosecuted for GIVING the docs to Joe under the same theory since Joe wasn't cleared to possess the docs outside a SKIF.

I look forward to both Joe and Obama being indicted and prosecuted if Trump's motion for immunity fails and Trump is reelected in Nov.
How do you know? Trust me, I'm not taking your dumbfuck opinion on it. ( no mention of Pense eh?)

Read above....

You should stop relying on a porn board for current events information and instead do your own dam research.

Unless you're too busy (or too stupid) to use google and/or read any of the bazillions of newsfeeds which are available.
You should stop relying on a porn board for current events information and instead do your own dam research.
You made the claim, not me. You know the rules, go get the citation, or STFU....Try and keep up with the class.
Unless you're too busy (or too stupid) to use google and/or read any of the bazillions of newsfeeds which are available.
I don't need to research your claims, I can disregard them if you don't offer up proof.
You made the claim, not me. You know the rules, go get the citation, or STFU....Try and keep up with the class.

I don't need to research your claims, I can disregard them if you don't offer up proof.


Apparently in your world doing the googie is too difficult to understand or use.
If what you said was correct, you should be able to use a citation, but you can't, so now you have entered deflection mode...

I looked - found nothing.

There was a caution issued to Judge Merchan by some court, involving Merchan donating 15 DOLLARS!!! to President Biden, but the larger case was DISMISSED.


👉 Derpy 🤣

I looked - found nothing.

There was a caution issued to Judge Merchan by some court, involving Merchan donating 15 DOLLARS!!! to President Biden, but the larger case was DISMISSED.


👉 Derpy 🤣

Actually this was about Biden and having documents he shouldn't have.


Which means you just destroyed your entire list of excuses by admitting that he took them when while VP and a Senator.