JD Vance Fired by Trump Watch Thread

i truly hope that this stirs enough republican-voting Springfielders, Ohioans across the state, to take a good hard look at trump and the damage he's happy to do to their lives.
In addition to being a total assclown, JD Vance is also human slime.

JD Vance Confronted on Putting Constituents 'at Risk' With Haitian Claims​

Later in the interview, Vance seemed to claim that he and Trump have to "create stories" about migrants eating cats and dogs "so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people."

Bash asked him, "Once and for all, can you affirmatively say that the rumors about Haitians eating dogs and cats have no basis with evidence?"

"If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that's what I'm going to do," Vance responded.

Calls for J.D. Vance to resign after he admits that he created pet-eating story about immigrants​

Ohio state representative Casey Weinstein tweeted that Vance, an Ohio senator, should resign. Hundreds of other similar demands were made on social media.

“In the wake of JD Vance admitting he ‘created’ the pet-eating story, and as a result of the very real threats the communities and people he has targeted are now under … I am calling on him to RESIGN as our Senator,” Weinstein posted on Twitter/X.
I don't see the Dems admitting the couch fucking, pee tape, Russian collusion, and many more lies are lies and shaming the liars who started them. Until then, they can all STFU about the pets.
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I don't see the Dems admitting the couch fucking is a lie and shaming the liar who started it. Until then, they can all STFU about the pets.
"If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that's what I'm going to do," Vice-President Candidate Vance responded.
i watched mike dewine speaking out about the issues being caused since the disinformation spread; he did a great job of pointing out that the Haitian people there were legal, invited, valued and depended upon by the strongly-growing city and the few problems were stuff like needing to train Haitian drivers better and infrastructure trying to keep up with the growth. He was very very clear about the stories being nonsense. Having said that, his weakness on directly addressing the blame attached to trump and vance was both disappointing and expected.
I don't see the Dems admitting the couch fucking, pee tape, Russian collusion, and many more lies are lies and shaming the liars who started them. Until then, they can all STFU about the pets.
What American communities and demographics are being targeted for and actualized with racial/sexual/physical hatred by couch fucking and pee tape rhetoric being deliberately broadcasted by elected officials?

What American communities and demographics are being targeted for and actualized with racial/sexual/physical hatred by couch fucking and pee tape rhetoric being deliberately broadcasted by elected officials?
The most obvious target is the guy who was almost assassinated twice.
i watched mike dewine speaking out about the issues being caused since the disinformation spread; he did a great job of pointing out that the Haitian people there were legal, invited, valued and depended upon by the strongly-growing city and the few problems were stuff like needing to train Haitian drivers better and infrastructure trying to keep up with the growth. He was very very clear about the stories being nonsense. Having said that, his weakness on directly addressing the blame attached to trump and vance was both disappointing and expected.
I worked at the mall there in the 90s. The town had been collapsing by that time already. The mall closed up shop in the early 2000s as did most of the area.

It's been fairly run down for decades.
I worked at the mall there in the 90s. The town had been collapsing by that time already. The mall closed up shop in the early 2000s as did most of the area.

It's been fairly run down for decades.
that's why the locals are so happy about the reinvigoration of the area, the new jobs, the money moving about from wages to services and commodities
j.d.vance 2012:

The argument Vance made in the article, titled A Blueprint for the GOP, asserted that Republicans ran on unrealistic immigration policies in the 2012 election and that the party had alienated voters of color.

“A significant part of Republican immigration policy centers on the possibility of deporting 12 million people (or ‘self-deporting’ them),” Vance wrote. “Think about it: we conservatives (rightly) mistrust the government to efficiently administer business loans and regulate our food supply, yet we allegedly believe that it can deport millions of unregistered aliens. The notion fails to pass the laugh test. The same can be said for too much of the party’s platform.”

Vance reportedly added that the GOP was relying too heavily on the turnout of white voters while scaring swing-vote minorities away from the party by running candidates like Sarah Palin.

“You can’t actively alienate every growing bloc of the American electorate—Blacks, Latinos, the youth—and you can’t depend solely on the single shrinking bloc of the electorate—Whites,” Vance wrote.

he had former undergrad professor remove his blog post after receiving blowback from the GOP—it was impacting vance's plans to enter politics. The professor agreed but the archived material remains.

so what changed? his own desire to become a politician... he traded convenient integrity for the skin he wears now. no doubt that, too, will change over time as his ambitions switch allegiances or likelihoods.

j.d.vance 2012:

he had former undergrad professor remove his blog post after receiving blowback from the GOP—it was impacting vance's plans to enter politics. The professor agreed but the archived material remains.

so what changed? his own desire to become a politician... he traded convenient integrity for the skin he wears now. no doubt that, too, will change over time as his ambitions switch allegiances or likelihoods.


JD Vance hates Donald Trump and everything he stands for. What a remarkable candidate.
mike dewine must be banging his head against the wall by now
Sen. JD Vance on Wednesday insisted that he will keep calling Haitian immigrants living in his state “illegal aliens,” telling his rally crowd that he does not consider immigrants who legally settled in the United States under programs managed by the Biden Administration—and Vice President Kamala Harris—to be lawful residents.

Vance: Americans should 'pay a little bit more' for basic needs to fight 'woke' companies

Vice President Kamala Harris' official campaign X (formerly Twitter) account posted a video of Vance on Thursday, from a 2021 interview the Hillbilly Elegy author gave to far-right outlet Breitbart. In that interview, Vance said that companies distancing themselves from right-wing politics should be punished economically by consumers motivated to shop elsewhere. The eventual Ohio senator even suggested that Americans should expect to dig deeper than they'd like to in order to further conservative ideological goals.

"We are heading to a place where you have to do what woke corporations want you to do to be able to live a decent life in this country. That's not freedom, and so we have to chose," he said. "Do we want freedom, do we want and American way of life, or do we want short term satisfaction for every little thing?"

"I think we are increasingly in a situation where we are going to chose between one or the other," he added. "We're going to have to get a little uncomfortable on some of these things, or maybe you're going to have to be willing to pay a little bit more for certain consumer goods. We may even have to be willing attack some of the companies financially that are waging war on the American people."
while accepting he has benefitted from it, vance blathers on about how we shouldn't have to get certain 'credentials' to be taken seriously or respected

while I agree that goes for normal human interactions, it sure as hell doesn't go when applied to being a doctor, a lawyer, a fireman, a scientist, a teacher, a baker, a detective, a vet, an accountant... just about any job you can name that means you need to get those credentials before your opinions, offered under the profession you're representing, can be accepted to being right (or at least better informed than the person without them.

J.D. Vance wants to destroy universities... says college makes "worse people"

great for him but not for others... right.