Jenny In Wonderland

Job At The Swingers' Club

“So far so good, Mr. Baron.”

Jenny is already 29 yet still living with her mother. Yeah, she's had jobs. Each of her odd jobs has been somewhat odd. The one before this swingers' club was at a porn studio office as a secretary. And one before that was at a bar doing whatever needed to be done for the owner's personal self and for the bar business. … Here and there. Years and years. She either gets kicked out by the employer or by the employer's wife.

Was raised by a tough mother too, Jenny seems to have learned how to maneuver her way through by now.

She even goes on sex sites online and posts sexy photos to seduce older men. For some odd reasons, she's been hanging around with older men since she was old enough. Her mother's companions were the earliest ones that taught her how to be sexy.

Now, this swingers' club, she should feel at ease after being in the life style all these years. It's the manager here, not the job or the work place that makes her feel intense.

“So far so good, Mr. Baron.” She gives him another sweet smile.
The two attractive women who exchanged a few words with Mr. Baron are looking this way now.
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Slightly amused by the tremble in her voice that she tries to gloss over by bending down and picking up his empty glass, Baron smiles as gets a generous outlook into Jenny's cleavage.

As she straightens up again, he leans back in the big plushy armchair. Their eyes meet and Baron smiles again as Jenny turns looks down, avoiding the gaze from this man, about 25 years her senior, in his tailored suit.

He leans forward again and reaches out his hand, his fingertips slowly grazing along her inner thigh, feeling Jenny's skin through the sheer stockings. A bold move, even in these surroundings, but he does so with poise, as if Jenny shying away would be competely put of the question. The two attractive women are still watching, now whispering something to each other.

Just as Baron's fingertip reach Jenny's stocking tips, he stops and looks up at her. "I think you can get very far, little Jenny", he says.
(continued from

I am impressed by Mr. Baron's offer, the best so far in my life. A generous salary, a live-in facility and expenses plus travelling, attending social events.... Luxury! Passing another milestone further into the Wonderland !

Oh, training?....a big question mark. He didn't say anything about it. Am I plunging into something unknown? Well, I have nothing to lose because I have nothing.

“Your training will be conducted by me and the Miss . You will be reporting to the both of us.” Mr. Baron said to me.
The Miss。At least she didn't frown when she first saw me entering the office. She looked as foxy as I am. I have no ambition to compete with anybody, I have no problem reporting to her or respecting her as Mr. Baron's Miss. Who knows, I might become the MISS myself someday.

“Mr. Baron, it's very nice of you. I really appreciate your offer. I'll be happy to take on the training. Would you allow me to keep my week-end part-time job at the swingers' club before you formally hire me ?
Baron smiles at Jenny's naive enthusiasm. "I'm happy to hear that. Yes, you may keep your job at the swingers' club, as long as it doesn't interfere with your duties here. Maybe it's even helpful for your work here if you continue to be of service in the club."

Baron gets up from his big leather chair to shake Jenny's hand, looking deep into her eyes as if trying to look into her mind. He has her hand in his, with his other hand on the back of hers. "Welcome aboard then. Can you start right away? Oh, and regarding your housing, you can pack the things you want to take with you tonight. It will be picked up tomorrow and brought to your new quarters at my mansion."

He smiles at Jenny paternally. "Just one formality before we sign the contract: As you have no references for a position like this, we have to hedge against financial loss if you quit prematurely. There will be a clause in your contract obliging you to pay back your salary and compensate us for any losses we may have until we've found and trained a replacement, should you decide to leave us before your training is finished. I'm sure that's OK with you?"
So he thinks I am naive? It's a mansion! Dame! Not just a house but a mansion. Seriously, I've never seen a real one with my naked eyes. How many people have seen a real mansion? Finally.

It's a common sense, there must be at least a maid, a gardener and got to be a chef in the kitchen. Im pretty sure somebody would bring me coffee and food. They'll call me 'Miss Jenny‘。To be Mr Baron's # 2 Miss is very good to start out. It would be foolish of me if I complain. He thinks I am naive?

I know my duties would definitely include sucking Mr Baron's cock and spreading my legs for him whenever he has an itch on his balls. I have no problem doing that as long as he doesn't put me on a collar or a leash to walk me around. I'd even be happy to go to the hotel room arm in arm with his business associates to make his business easier. I wonder what kind of business he is in. It doesn't really matter. Hope it's legal though. He doesn't look like a bad guy, seemingly able to see through my heart 。

“ Mr Baron, not to worry. Everything should be fine. I'll go home now to pack my stuff and will be ready to be picked up before the sun goes down."
"Wonderful. Just let's not forget the formalities", Baron replies and produces a multi-page contract from a desk drawer. He hands Jenny an expensive fountain pen and opens the contract at the last page. "Just sign here!" After she and him have put their names under the document, Jenny is ready to start her new life. "I'll see you at my place tonight. Let's celebrate your new career then", he says, seeing her out of his office.

She heads home and packs her belongings into two small suitcases. At 8PM sharp, a young, muscular chauffeur in a dark grey suit arrives and picks her up in a black limousine. He puts her luggage in the trunk and opens the door for Jenny. After quite a long drive, they arrive at a tall metal gate. The chauffeur taps a code into the keypad and the gate opens. At the end of a long gravel driveway, there is a huge mansion, English country house style. In front of a wooden double door, Baron waits for Jenny to get out of the car.

"Welcome to your new home!" He hugs her tightly, rather inappropriately for a boss. The chauffeur gets Jenny's luggage out of the trunk and drives off. "The house staff has the evening off. It's best if we have your first night here in private. Let me show you your room."

Baron turns on his heel and enters the mansion. Jenny has a hard time following, especially as she has to carry her suitcases herself. At the end of a long corridor, Baron produces a huge key, unlocks a door and opens it. He makes an inviting gesture. "You'll stay here."

They both enter the room. There's a huge four-poster bed in the center, made of dark wood, with lots of pillows and satin bed linen. On one side of the room are shelves full of shoes - pumps, sandals, mules, boots -, all high heels and expensive looking. The other side is full of clothes rails - business outfits, evening gowns, lingerie, even some leather, PVC and latex. A big flatscreen is laced next to the door, the only modern looking item in the room.

*There's an en suite to your left, if you want to freshen up. You're expected in the dining room in 30 minutes sharp. Just down the corridor. Don't be late." Baron turns on his heel again, heading out, but leaving the door open. Jenny is alone in the room that will her home from now on.

I took the multi-page contract home. It looks like the kind of contract any bank would show you when you open an account there or when you buy a computer online you see the same thing. Who would read or understand what's in the contract? Who would? The good thing is that they just say "sign here" . Clear and simple. Nothing ever gone wrong. Mr. Baron is probably worried too much that I might misbehave while staying at his mansion. I am basically a good person and have never done anything terribly wrong.

I signed the contract in my room with the door closed while my mother was out in the garden.

I knew it in the bottom of my humble little heart that a limo was coming to pick me up. I was right. It came out true. I knew I was good at knowing common sense. So i was dressed sexy and somewhat formal in one piece to meet the occasion. I had the chauffeur call me 'Miss Jenny‘ already at the first sight when I greeted him at our front door. My mother came up to shake her head. Her face showed a mix of complicated emotions. I am already 29. what could she be thinking?

"Welcome to your new home!"
The mansion stands still and strong. It's very quiet. Nobody else is around. My 3inch high heels suddenly feel too high and my luggage suddenly feels too heavy. I did manage to walk the long corridor to the end.
"You'll stay here....You're expected in the dining room in 30 minutes. Just down the corridor. Don't be late."
I opened the large walk-in closet. Business outfits, evening gowns, lingerie,... Mr Baron's collection of lingerie is out of the ordinary. Each piece of those would make Victoria's secret no secret. I am pretty sure I'd get to wear some of them.
It's taking me 30 minutes to just pace around this room and trying to absorb what's pouring into my eyes.
It's time for me to go to the dining room.
“ Here's the contract I signed.... Everything should be fine..................... Mr Baron.”
In the dining room, Baron is sitting alone at the end of a table that seats 15 people easily. As he hears Jenny's heels clicking on the stone floor, he turns around and smiles warmly, looking the sexily dressed young woman up and down. Taking the contract and putting it aside without looking at it, he says: "Enough business for today. Let's celebrate."

He fills two large glasses with ruby red wine. Jenny is about to sit down, but Baron raises a hand. "Mm mm, little girl. Please get our dinner from the kitchen first." He points to a half open door. Behind it, two plates, covered with domed silver covers are visible on a counter. "Never forget that your new position requires you to be always on duty."

“Mr Baron, First and foremost, I am not a little girl. You are mistaken. I am Jenny. I'll be happy to help you find a little girl. As your personal assistant, I'd help you go online to find one. Would you like me to do that? If so, please give me some idea of your standards or expectations. When I find one, I'd reserve a table for 3 at Chez le Marquis"

Jenny goes to the kitchen and brings the two plates to the table. Napkins , silver ware and the beverages are all in place. She raises her glass of wine to Mr Baron and says, “Cheers, Let's celebrate."
Jenny is back to her weekend Job At The Swingers' Club.

She smiled at the man in the cocktail lounge who asked her for taking a photo of her.

She later went up to him, "Hi, sir, my name is Jenny. Let me know when you need something."