"The Forgotten": A post-apocalyptic tale

“Gimme fifteen Captain. I need to shower and dress.” Ty responded before grabbing a shower and putting on a clean uniform.

Knocking on Alaina’s door he opened it slightly and looked at Marcia. “When you’re ready. The Captain is waiting on Level Six.”

Stepping back into the hall he waited for her to exit, then escorted her to Level Six and the Captain. The room had been ‘sanitized’ removing evidence of what had been done to him, including cleaning him up, redressing him in clothes, washing walls and mopping the floor. The man had liked to spit his blood everywhere.

In the room was the tray with the impliments he’d used. They’d all been returned. Except the one that contained the truth serum. That he’d kept. Just in case it was needed.
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After getting off the Comms with Ty, Alice sat in silence for a long moment, contemplating what was ahead of her. She'd seen people die before, during her time in the Air Force in the UAE, before Space Force. The attack on her convoy had resulted in 9 dead, many of which Alice had handled to one degree or another as she attempted to get the men and one woman out of and away from the burning vehicles.

Despite this experience, Alice had never killed another human being, let alone made the decision to have a human being executed. Yet, she was determined that Greg's life had to end. She had no qualms about signing his death warrant. If anyone on this planet deserved to meet their end, it was Mister Young.

She rose finally and headed downstairs.


Laying in Alaina's bed, surrounded by the deceased woman's scent, Marcia flinched in surprise at the knock on the door. Her first thought was one of annoyance, but when she realized why she was being pulled from her reminiscing of her lover, she sat up quickly with excitement. "Come in."

“When you’re ready. I’m ready," Ty told her. "The Captain is waiting on Level Six.”

Marcia stood and, without concern for the male in the doorway, ripped her sleeping tee off over her head, revealing her beautiful, firm bosom. She snatched up an athletic bra, donned it and a pair of coveralls, and slid into her slip-on shoes. Without another word, she headed for and out the door, saying, "I'm ready."

Two levels later, they arrived at the entrance of the Generator Room to find Alice standing there; the Captain hadn't wanted to enter alone, not because of a security issue but because she'd feared that she might kill Greg before Marcia had her chance.

"Are you sure about this?" Alice asked Marcia. When the woman nodded, Alice unlocked the door and led the pair inside. She closed the door behind her, activated the electronic lock, and again led the pair across the room to where Greg was once again shackled to the welded-down chair. She studied him a moment before saying, "Senior Airman Gregory Young, you have been found..."

Alice stopped, staring at the man a moment before shaking her head lightly and saying accusingly, "You know what the fuck you did. As I told you earlier today ... you're going to die tonight."

She stepped closer, pulled his gag from his mouth, and asked, "Do you have anything to say before we carry out the sentence?"
Senior Airmen Gregory Young, Aka “The Prisoner”:
Chuckling The Prisoner looked at Alice through one eye, the other swollen shut. Jo looked small, but she packed a hell of a punch. “You’re a joke El Capitan. You have someone that’s supposed to be watching over you and she’s a fucking drug addict! Do you even know where the airlock is at? Haven’t you wondered why you have vehicle mechanics on your staff manifest and no fucking vehicles? Snipers and heavy Weapons experts.. with no Sniper rifles or heavy weapons? Hammond would be so disappointed in you right now. You've lost control!"

“Stupid bitch, there are layers to everything... and you’re in the middle of the fucking onion. You should ask your Security Chief About Operation Snowball. But why bother. You don’t even know what fucking day it is! Bertha was so easy to get into. As long as you got the correct codes. But you don’t have those do you? No... you don’t. But I know who does.”

Leaning forwards Ty looked at Marcia. Under the towel is a hypodermic needle. It will inject air into his blood stream. As well as potassium cyanide it’s painful, violent, and not pleasant to observe. I don’t know what the captain had prepared, but you always have options. And if you need me to do this for you, I will. All the options are open until the needle is in the arm.”

Laughing like a maniac Young jerked at his restraints. “You should be happy I didn’t do more! So easy to manipulate the lot of you. Do you know why you woke up these particular people Alice? No, you don’t! I told you to wake them Up!! ME!! So easy. Easy easy. So weak. You’re all so weak. Only I was strong.”

Glaring at Maria he smiled. “Why do you think that mousy fucking slut wanted you?! ME! I told her to want you. I told Rita to be a prude. Every time I talked to her I reinforced it. Oh I can’t wait to see the looks on your faces when you understand the truth!”

“HAHAHeHE Ha,” Breaking into laughter he just kept going, laughing at Marcia, Alice, and Tyrande. Was he totally insane, or telling the truth and laughing at how fucked they were?
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Marcia, with Alice, Ty, and Greg:

No sooner did Alice remove his gag did Greg start his ranting, chastising Leslie about her drug use, saying the bunker had secret entrances/exits, claiming he'd easily manipulated the facility's AI, and more.

Ty moved closer to Marcia, telling her about the hypodermic needle hidden nearby. "And if you need me to do this for you, I will."

"I got this," she said softly, trying to sound more confident than she actually was. Marcia couldn't help but remember how she'd failed to kill Greg two days earlier. That time, she'd had a needle full of toxic cleaning chemicals that would have sent him into painful convulsions before ultimately killing him.

He continued his ranting, then looked directly at Marcia and claimed to have been behind the romantic situations involving her and Alaina. Marcia had heard enough. Before she realized what she was doing she surged forward, stopping to one side of Greg, reaching out to push his head back, and punching him in the throat.

The cracking sound of multiple trachea bones sounded through the compartment, followed by a gruesome gurgling sound; Greg struggled to draw air through the smashed breathing tube while blood from lacerations in his throat began flooding his lungs. Marcia stepped back a bit for a better view; a smile slowly spread her lips as she realized how desperate his situation was.

Greg gurgled louder, then coughed, once, then twice; blood shot from his mouth, splashing all over himself and Marcia. She looked down at the mess covering the front of her coveralls, seemingly unaffected by the horrific mess. Tracing her right hand's index and middle fingers through the mess, Marcia reached up to paint her right cheek, then her left with the fluid of Greg's diminishing life force.

As the man began to show signs of approaching his end, Marcia stepped closer again, this time parting her feet to straddle his knees before sitting down in his lap. She took his face in her hands, leaned in, and kissed him on the lips. He gurgled again behind his closed lips, his body twitching for a final time before finally going still.

Marcia leaned back to study the now dead man; her lips, chin, and one cheek were painted with his blood nearly as bad as were her clothes. Standing and backing, she again studied the man for a long moment, then -- without a word -- she turned and left.


The facility's CO was shocked by what she'd seen, not specifically because of the ruthlessness of the attack but because of who'd committed it; Alice would never have suspected Marcia of being capable of such violence, even taking into account the man she'd attacked and the reason she'd attacked him.

As the woman passed between her and Ty, Alice simply stared with surprise in her eyes. Once only the two of them remained, Alice looked to Ty and, after a moment of considering a variety of responses, simply said, "Okay ... wow..."
“I think I need to re-evaluate her threat level,” Ty commented. “I’ll wait and confirm he’s dead before I bag him. I’ll put him in an underwater pod. It will stop him from floating.”

In truth he was tempted to just bag him and let him drown if he wasn’t dead yet. But he’d probably be dead by the time he got submerged. Though from the carotid strike and the crunch of bone, survival would be an act of the Devil at this point. Cause God certainly wasn’t helping him.

“Unless you have other orders, Captain?” He asked raising an eyebrow.
Alice and Ty:

“I think I need to re-evaluate her threat level,” Ty commented.

Alice wasn't certain whether her Head of Security was being serious or sarcastic; his tone and expression told her nothing. She responded, "I don't think she's a threat to any of the rest of us." She hesitated, then added, "But ... maybe just keep your eyes open, Lieutenant."

Ty talked about dealing with Greg, finishing, “Unless you have other orders, Captain?”

"No ... that's fine," she said. "Get Mac to help you if you need."

After watching Marcia depart and turning back to look at Greg, Alice hadn't been able to take her eyes of the man. She'd expected the cook to use the needle Ty had offered, perhaps even taking some joy from ending Greg's life, as opposed to simply doing the deed. The woman had surprised her; the blow had been stunning, but then to sit on the man's lap and kiss him as she did had truly been unbelievable.

"I'm going to go check on Miss Weathers," Alice said, turning for the exit. She stopped short of the stairs, hesitated, then looked back to Ty. In a serious tone, she said, "I don't think we need to tell the others about this ... do we?"


Her ascent from Level 6 to Level 4 was casual and unhurried; Marcia had shut off her brain after departing Alice, Ty, and Greg, moving as if on autopilot. As she was stepping into the Berthing Area, on her way to the Hygiene Room to strip out of her blood-stained clothes and wash Greg from her, she almost ran head-first into Jo Lupo.
Ty, Jo, marcia:
"I don't think we need to tell the others about this ... do we?"

“No, Ma'am. We don’t” Ty replied, already thinking about how to maneuver The Body alone. He didn’t want more people involved in the unpleasant business. He’d have preferred disposing of The Prisoner himself, but Marcia needed the closure. "The Prisoner is deceased. The Matter is resolved."

Once Mr. Young was in the bag, and submerged in the icy waters. Shoved into another pod with an unwilling, and unknowing, roommate, Ty exited the water and dried off with towels he’d set aside before getting Marcia.

Going to his own quarters he slid into bed and got what sleep he could. The Nightmares were getting worse, but nothing could be done for it.

Stepping to the side as she went about her rounds to avoid walking into the Cook Jo paused. After quick assessment of injuries, and realizing none of this was her blood she contacted Ty. Once she knew that it was safe to get Marcia to a shower she guided the young lady there. Washing off murder evidence would have been bad. But justifiable execution residue was allowed..

The girl was in shock, autopilot. She’d seen it a lot - usually rape or violent trauma victims. A few car wrecks on and off base. Getting the girl undressed she stripped as well and joined her int h hot shower, washing her off, and making sure any residue was out of her hair.

Once her shower was over Jo got her dried off and checked for any previously unseen injuries. Her hand was red, probably from hitting him. But otherwise she was physically ok. Wrapping a towel around her for modesty, Jo dressed quickly and got Marcia back to the room she’d been in. She was certain this one was Carmichael's but wouldn’t stop her from sleeping here. That wasn’t her call, and causing more grief at this time wouldn’t help anyone.

Once Marcia was in bed Jo shut off the light and started to close the door. This Alaina must have been one hell of a lady to have affected everyone so much.
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(OOC: I'm absolutely positive that the nude image below is fake, but it was fun to use it.)

(OOC: Also, I'm causing a bit of a change from my writing partner's previous post, just a bit. Let's see Weeping does with it, shall we?)

Alice and Ty:

"The Matter is resolved," Ty commented about Greg's death.

It was such a ... casual way of referring to the man's horrific death and the drama for which he'd been responsible, Alice thought. But then, was emotion necessary? Greg had been a horrible human being, at least during his time walking and talking within the bunker. They still didn't know much -- if anything -- about his life prior to his period of suspended animation and subsequent reanimation. They likely never would now. But again, Alice wondered, Is it necessary ... knowing?

Alice, Marcia, and Jo:

Alice left Ty to deal with the dead man's body, heading upstairs again to check on Marcia. She found the cook in the Hygiene Room, stepping into the shower; while the rest of her deep ebony body was perfect in every detail, Marcia's arms were caking with Greg's drying blood.

As she watched from the doorway, Alice saw Jo stripping as well. She understood that the second woman was going to help the first clean up; Alice was confident that the intent was not to initiate a sexual encounter. Alice could have turned and departed right then and there, but seeing Jo's perfect and incredibly shapely form being exposed feature by feature kept Alice right where she was until there was nothing yet for the captain to wonder about. She wasn't into other women, of course, yet looking at Jo stepping naked into the shower stall with the equally naked Marcia caused Alice's pussy muscles to yearn for immediate attention.

She did finally turn, heading back out into the Commons of the Berthing Area, where she paused for a moment simply to listen. Other than the hum of the very distant generators and overhead vent fans -- once again operating at intended, thank goodness -- there were no other sounds emanating from any of the rooms: no conversations, no sex.

She looked to the door of Mac's room, unsure of whether Ty had retrieved or would retrieve him to deal with Greg. Either way, Alice didn't suppose that Mac was in his room anyway; she presumed that he was a level down in her bed already. What she didn't know was that her earlier comment in the Saloon about people going to their own beds had been interpreted by Mac as being her rejection of sex with him tonight.

When she arrived at her room a minute later and didn't find her lover, Alice was disappointed but not at all surprised. He's working ... good man, she thought as she undressed and slipped in between the sheets.

Marcia and Jo:

After putting Marcia to bed, Jo turned to leave the room that was actually Alaina's and still smelled of her. Before the door closed, though, the cook asked softly, "Will you stay with me?" Seeing Marcia paused in the doorway, Marcia reached out a hand. "I don't want to be alone."
"Will you stay with me?" Seeing Jo paused in the doorway, Marcia reached out a hand. "I don't want to be alone."

“Let me.. check. I’m on duty and it’s my first night. But considering the circumstances I might get a waiver.”

Turning to the side she double tapped the com. “Bertha give me Ty, direct connect.”

She could hear static in her ear for a second then he asked. “What’s up?”

“That Girl Marcia, she’s back in her room, cleaned up. But she doesn’t want to be alone. She asked me to stay. Should I stay or try and get someone else?”

“Go ahead and stay, my call. I doubt anyone doing anything tonight. But you’re taking any emergencies, so don’t get into any complicated, or sweaty, situations.” Ty told her. “And she’s been through a lot, so.. be careful.”

“Yes, Sir.” Jo replied turning back to Marcia as she stepped into the room. “Yeah, I can stay.”

Dropping her gun belt on the desk, she made sure the taser was secure, but angled towards the bed for fast response. Locking the door she looked at Marcia. “Do you need me to just be here? Or should I join you on the bed?”

In the case of Trauma you didn’t know what level or presence was needed, and you never knew what could set people off. Sitting on the bed could freak her out and start her stabbing everyone, or make her break down and cry herself to sleep. Or it could do nothing. Everything was kid gloves and baby steps.
Marcia and Lupo:

“Yeah, I can stay,” Jo said in response to Marcia's request for company. “Do you need me to just be here? Or should I join you on the bed?”

The traumatized cook answered by scooting in the bed toward the wall and lifting the bedding; Marcia was wearing an oversized tee and unseen panties but nothing more. She responded softly, "Please."

After Jo joined her, Marcia laid her head upon the front of Jo's shoulder, her face close to but not quite making chokehold with that particular breast. It was comforting to have a warm, beautiful, female body against her, even if it wasn't Alaina. She whispered, "Thank you."

One might have thought that the trauma and memory of what had happened that day would prevent sleep. Yet Marcia -- now more relaxed than she had been in days -- slipped off in less than a minute.
Day 18: 16 April 2185:

awoke alone. It disappointed her but didn't surprise her; Jo Lupo had a job she'd had to get back to. Rising to sit on the bed and collecting her wits after yesterday's events, the former-Overseer-turned-bunker-cook remembered that she, too, had a job.

She didn't mind her current occupation. She'd always enjoyed cooking. She'd never cooked for so many at one time unless it had been a holiday, and she was helping feed the family; or a get-together for a major sporting event, from the Superbowl to the World Cup to whatever.

She rose, padded her way to a quick shower, dressed, and headed upstairs to the Saloon, only to find that breakfast had already been cooked and, for the most part, devoured. She looked to the last pair of people sitting together with plates, bowls, glasses, and mugs before them and asked with surprise in her tone, "What the fuck time is it?"
“0934,” Mac told her. “Should you be here? I thought you were off for the next few days?” Looking at Rita for affirmation he raised an eyebrow. “Grab some food while we start washing, and I’ve been volunteered for the task, so no you can’t take over for me.”

Moving dishes to the kitchen he consolidated the food down to a single hot station and tidied the buffet station as the sinks filled with hot water.

Once he was washing he he moved quickly and efficiently. He left things to dry and didn’t put anything away until after he was done with everything, only then did he start hunting down probable locations for everything. Stepping out he retrieved dishes from The Monitoring station where john and Adeline were. The new Hacker/cyber tech had wandered off with coffee and plate to work. Forgetting to bring them back.

That wouldn’t happen again, they didn’t need plates growing in a corner somewhere. Washing them he collected Marcia’s as well. “Lupo’s making chili for lunch. I’m not sure if she was joking but she did ask if we had a fire extinguisher cause she ‘makes it hot like the sun and my bed’. Beans are already cooking.”
Marcia, Alice; time for a day off:

The not-today-cook listened to Mac talking about his and the others doing her job and followed it up with a snarky, "Bullshit, this is my job ... and I don't need a couple of days off."

"It is your job," a female voice sounded behind Marcia, causing her to turn in surprise; Alice strode through the Saloon's doorway on her way to her office from wherever the hell she'd been previously. The Captain stopped at the table offering the carafe of coffee to fill her mug, saying, "And you will take a couple of days off."

She looked around herself to the other faces; most of the Community was still there, despite the hour, per Alice's earlier orders. To Marcia, she repeated, " You will take a couple of days off..." And looking to the others, she continued, "In fact, you all will. Today is the 16th of April ... a Saturday. I confirmed the day of the week with Bertha."

With a formal voice, Alice announced, "Starting now, we will pay attention to what day of the week it is. We will have workdays and weekends. We will have work shifts and time off."

Scanning the group and with a softer voice, Alice explained, "The stress level around here ... it needs to decrease. I firmly believe that the lack of ... normalcy in this place ... I think it has a lot to do with that stress. Yeah, I know: Greg, rape, murder, power outages, floods ... all that. Never knowing whether the lights might go out permanently ... or the flooding will return, and we'll all drown in our sleep. Those fears are always present, and they don't help with that stress.

"Those sorts of things are always going to be there," Alice continued, still scanning the faces around her. "But we can deal with them. We are smart people. We are experienced people. There's a reason each of us was reanimated..."

Alice hesitated a moment, recalling Greg's claim that only he knew why these particular people were brought out of stasis. She knew that that wasn't true, of course; she'd personally selected each of these people during her alone time with Bertha -- well, except for Adeline, of course, which had been a result of Greg's rape of the woman, and even that reanimation hadn't been directly his cause.

She continued, "...and that reason is that we are the right people to be here at this time. We have the talents and skills to make this place work. But ... before we do that ... we are all taking the weekend off." Glancing to the plant lady, then gesturing toward a distant table, Alice informed the others, "Rita dug out some games from the closet next to my office--"

Adeline cut in, correcting, "You mean from the pile of stuff in the corner that used to be in the closet that is now your office, Captain."

Alice laughed, confirming the woman's words. "We have playing cards. We have poker chips. We have dice. We have Monopoly, Uno, checkers and chess ... some French game called Carcassonne. There's the gym for working out, obviously--"

"And sex," Adeline cut in. There were mixed reactions to that, from laughs and dirty comments to the flooding of Rita's face with a fiery blush when she first glanced at Ty, then at Lupo, then down to her own feet. The French woman laughed, saying, "Je dis juste ... just saying. Is that not how you Americans say that ... just saying?"

"Maybe a century and a half ago," someone said, leading to an exchange of words and laughs about what may or may not be contemporary for today.

"My point is," Alice cut in, clarifying, "And what my orders are...!" She waited until she had everyone's attention again before finishing, "We need some of that normalcy about which I spoke ... and I think the first thing we can do to gain it ... is to establish schedules. Work time ... play time ... and yes, Adeline, sex time, too."

Again, Alice let her gaze shift for a quick moment to Mac, hoping that he realized that she was telling him with her eyes I want to fuck you! "So, right now ... if you have something in the works--"

She looked to each person as she mentioned them: "Rita, the farm ... Leslie and Spencer, the Infirmary and all those tests Spencer was asking for ... Adeline, John, whatever it is that you're doing to connect us up to the outside world ... Ty and Lupo, Security ... Mac ... hell, you're involved in just about everything, so...

"Whatever it is that you're doing," Alice continued, looking about to one and all, "finish it up now ... and take the rest of the weekend off. I mean it. If by noon I find anyone working on anything that doesn't have to be done right now ... I'll have Ty shackle you to a pipe somewhere--"

She looked directly at Ty, clarifying, "--and that means you, too, Lieutenant." She looked around again, asking, "Any questions?"
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Ty and Lupo:

Going over the reports from yesterday Ty and Lupo talked about the facility and staff. Mostly getting Lupo up to speed.

“What’s the deal with the Cheerleader?” Lupo asked.

“Who?” Ty asked confused as hell. They didn’t have any cheerleader, not even anyone awake with that in their background that he was aware of.

“The cheerleader. The Hottie that grows stuff. The Farmer’s Daughter? Rita.”

“The Horticulturist, Rita?” Ty asked. “What do you mean? What’s up with her?”

“Well her and I were hitting it off, and then she ghosted me like I picked my nose and farted in her face.”

“Did you?” Ty asked raising an eyebrow.

“Nah, I haven’t even had a date with her yet.”

“Don’t know, maybe stress? I thought she was a straight player. From what I know she’s straight, and a virgin. Maybe she chickened out?” Ty said.

“She suggested.. well never mind.” Lupo sighed.

“Go ask her yourself, she’s always tending her plants. I know she goes for a run in the morning, then tuns into plant lady except to eat.”

Giving a look at him like he was no help at all Lupo signed her report and saluted him before leaving.
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“Not myself of course, but what if someone likes be shackled to a pipe in a dark wet corner?” Ty asked glancing at Lupo. “Should I still shackle them to a dark wet corner?”

“Yes,” Lupo replied. “Preferably with a cute accomplice.”

“I will have what I’m actively working on done by noon. Though I am waiting on test results which may change that. They are rather urgent,” Mac said.

“I can finish by one, we’re waiting on the satellite to pass over head so I can upload a file and receive the latest data package.” John told her. “Then I’ll step away from the computer.”
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Rita with Jo Lupo:

As she stood to take her dishes to the kitchen sink, Rita overheard Ty and Jo Lupo joking about bondage, with the former asking what if someone likes to be shackled to a pipe in a dark wet corner? and the latter suggesting he should do so preferably with a cute accomplice.

Rita turned her face away from the pair as a blush flooded it; she was pretty sure Jo was speaking about being bound up with her! She gave Jo a glance before disappearing into the kitchen, and on her way out gave her another glance accompanied by a friendly smile. Rita headed away to the farm to ensure she had nothing more that needed to be done -- there wasn't -- before heading down to the Level 4 berthing area to shower, something she had skipped this morning after waking up late.

Dressing in her workout clothes, Rita headed to the gym for stretches and yoga, not wanting to sweat too much and have to shower yet again. At some point, Jo Lupo wandered by; Rita didn't think the woman was on duty and hoped Jo was actually looking for her. She called out, "Hey! Jo!"

Once she got the woman's attention, Rita tempered her delight a bit, asking more softly, "You got a minute?"

Standing from her yoga position -- which could have been seen as a bit erotic in another context -- Rita padded across the mat on which Ty had been teaching self-defense and Adeline had been performing a variety of dance, acrobatic, and gymnastics moves. Arriving close to Jo, Rita smiled, then timidly but bluntly asked, "Would you let me shackle you ... to my bed ... you know ... for sex?"

Instantly, Rita blushed again, then laughed nervously, then apologized, "I'm sorry. I, um ... I just--" She drew a deep breath, causing her already impressive bosom to swell even more noticeably, then let it out as she explained, "After the whole Greg and Adeline and Greg and Alaina things ... I'm ... I'm having a hard time ... trusting anyone ... and ... I just thought ... maybe ... if I was in control..."
Alice and Mac:

“I will have what I’m actively working on done by noon," Mac told Alice after she'd dismissed everyone from the late morning meeting. "Though I am waiting on test results which may change that. They are rather urgent.”

"Fine, do it," Alice responded, quickly adding, "But I'm serious about everyone taking the weekend off." Then, in whisper, hoping that the others couldn't hear her, she told her lover, "I'd like to see you in my office sometime today ... to, um ... continue with the ... discussion we had yesterday."

Alice was referring, of course, to the very satisfying quickie in which the two of them had engaged while he sat in a chair opposite her desk, and she sat in his lap. Again whispering, she said, "I ... I sensed some tension between us and ... I was hoping it was only a misunderstanding ... that ... you know ... that we're still on ... for ... you know."
Adeline and John:

John had told Alice he'd be done with his work by one o'clock, then headed for the Monitoring Station. Adeline was already there and spun in her rolling chair to face him as she looked him up and down. She said without shame or concern of impropriety, "Alors, mon truc doux et sexy ... you up for a little afternoon delight in my room once we are done here? We could invite Spencer. A little ménage à trois. I'm désespéré to have you inside me again, chéri.""

Leslie and Spencer:

"I wanted to apologize to you again," Leslie said upon Spencer's arrival in the Infirmary. When he responded with a slightly confused expression, she explained, "About having you reanimated ... for sex."

"Forgotten," he responded with a polite wave of the hand.

"No, no!" she reacted firmly. "You can't let me off that easily. I ... I was ... stressed, to use a word Alice likes to throw around to explain all the shit going on here. I ... was conflicted over my feelings regarding the baby and Ty and his place in the baby's future."

"And you aren't anymore?" Spencer asked as he sat on a stool to face her.

Leslie smiled, considered her response, then told her friend and former lover, "No. No, I'm not. I'm having this baby. And ... I think Ty wants to be involved. He, um ... he had had some issues with commitment. You know how The 42 affected him and about his girl--"

"Yes," Spencer interrupted. "Yes ... I know all about it."

Leslie, of course, knew about Spencer's experience with the worst terror attack on American soil since 9-11; they'd talked about it often. Spencer hadn't known any of the victims personally, thank goodness, but he had lived in one of the affected cities and had worked the trauma ward on the day of the attack. He'd done his best to save lives, yet he'd had to pull the sheet over the faces of 3 students and one teacher.

"He's not ready to commit to me ... to this baby ... to his baby," Leslie said softly, speaking more to her own self than to Spencer. "But ... I know I can depend on him to be there when and if I need him. I ... I don't need his commitment ... you know ... in the traditional husband-wife/father-mother role. I only need him to be there for me when I need him."

As she'd been talking, Spencer had stood again and crossed to take her in his arms. He hugged her tightly, and she wrapped her arms around his torso and hugged him back. After a long moment, Leslie asked bluntly, "So, how were Adeline and John...? Who did what to whom and how many times?"

By the time Leslie went quiet, Spencer was already laughing. He pulled back to look down into her face, asking, "How did you know?"

"I didn't, until now," she said. They laughed together. "I was passing by John's room on the way to pee and heard ya'll in there. I, um ... I have to admit ... I listened in for a bit. Sounded ... fun!"

Spencer laughed again, pulling Leslie to him once more. He reminisced about the encounter a moment, then confirmed, "It was. I, um ... I enjoyed it ... very much. Made me very happy."

"Good," Leslie said. "You deserve to be happy. We all do."

They separated, getting back to work. They set up tests to satisfy Mac's needs, then -- letting the man know they were ready for him via Bertha -- headed back to the Saloon to play Gin Rummy."
Marcia and Alice; Leslie and Spencer:

After realizing that she wasn't welcome in her own kitchen -- even if it was just playfully so -- Marcia headed back down to berthing. She plopped down on her bed for a while but quickly became bored. She headed for the stairwell to return to the Saloon, contemplating a game of cards or a maybe a board game once some of the others were available and willing.

Stopping at the stairs, though, she headed downward instead of upwards. She entered Level 6, crossing the noisy room to the corner where Greg had lived his last moments. Unconsciously, Marcia rubbed her left hand over her right -- the one that had crushed the rapist-murderer's windpipe, poking bones into his arteries and causing him to drown in his own blood.

Marcia could still feel the pain in her fingers from the blow. She would never have imagined that she was capable of such violence. It had happened so quickly.

Heading upstairs again, she found Alice in her office, the door wide open to encourage interactions with the others. Stopping just barely inside, Marcia asked, "You mentioned that maybe you were going to reanimate a counselor ... a psychologist?"

Alice studied the woman a moment; she, of course, had been there when the woman had first threatened Greg Young with a syringe full of toxic drain cleaning, only then to kill him so brutally with a punch to the throat. She nodded, "We'll do it tomorrow."

"No, no ... you said we were on a weekend," Marcia said. "It'll wait until Monday."

Alice watched as the woman departed, then contacted Leslie via Bertha. When the doctor responded, Alice said, "Doctor Hawkins, please come to my office right away."

When Leslie arrived a couple of minutes later -- with Spencer in tow, quietly chatting in graphic detail about his sexual encounter with Adeline and John -- Alice told them they'd be reanimating a mental health professional bright and early Monday morning

"You sure you want to wait?" Leslie asked.

Alice considered the question and the woman for whom the counselor would be the greatest priority. "No, you're right. Let's do this now."

"You have a candidate already?" Leslie asked.

"No," Alice answered. "I'll have Bertha filter the list for an appropriate name, then have her make it available for you. When you've narrowed it down to one or two or three names, run it past Ty if you can find him for his input. Do not interrupt him is he is taking his R&R."

Rest and Recuperation -- or Rest and Relaxation as some called it -- wasn't exactly a proper term for their situation in the bunker, of course. It was a phrase that dated back to the 20th century's World War 2 and referred more accurately to when troops would be sent far behind the battle lines, away from the greatest danger of war, to ... well, rest, recoup, and relax. Here, of course, no one was going anywhere. Thankfully, there wasn't much a war from which to escape, though.

"Well, if anyone is going to check in on him," Leslie said, smiling, "it should be me."

The pair spun and departed, leaving Alice to tap at her tablet and -- with the AI's help -- find someone to head shrink the Community members.
Wrenching the weights with enough force that they clanked together leaving the floor, reaching their apex and then smacking the floor Ty ripped through ten reps before he moved to the bench and started on the bar above his chest. He was clad only in boots, shorts, and a lot of sweat. After dealing with the body he’d cleaned the room, not even a forensics lab would find evidence of what happened there.

He wished he’d been the one to kill Greg but understood the need that Marcia do it. He wished he could have saved her that trauma, but she needed the act of revenge for Alaina.
Adeline and John:
“What if Spencer would rather just have me?” John asked with a smile. “I am Prettier, and have a tighter ass.” Though yours is remarkably beautiful, for a girl.”

Grabbing her chair he leaned in and kissed her. “Maybe we can convince him on that three way,” he said, before he leaned down and kissed her throat. “I smell cologne.” He whispered in her ear. “Spencer’s”
Alice and Mac:
“Misunderstanding? You sent everyone to their own beds, and quite pointedly looked at me when you said it. I figured you didn’t want me at least for the night, perhaps longer. Maybe we were done, maybe we were done for the day. Been busy, both of us. No time to talk. If you still want me, I’m here.”
Lupo and Rita:
"Hey! Jo!" Once she got the woman's attention, Rita tempered her delight a bit, asking more softly, "You got a minute?"

Stepping to the doorway Jo listened ass Rita started and stopped a few times, trying to explain what she wanted. “...in control..." she finished.

“Is that why you ghosted me yesterday?” Jo asked, still slightly annoyed at Rita. She got stood up and then ghosted, not even a note saying she was sorry. Yeah, Rita was a virgin, and nervous, but rude was rude. “No shackles, I’d rather not have to explain a key or scrape marks to Ty. How about socks, to tie my hand with?” she suggested, as she took her shirt off, baring her chest to Rita's gaze.
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Rita with Lupo in the Yoga Studio:

(OOC: It occurred to me that they needed a quiet exercise area away from the exercise machines and free weights. Let's say its on the opposite side of the shower room from the weight room, yes?)

“Is that why you ghosted me yesterday?” Jo asked, still slightly annoyed at Rita.

"Ghosted?" Rita responded quickly. "I didn't ... I mean..."

Had she ghosted Jo? She didn't think she had. But then, Rita hadn't been in a relationship before, so her experience with how or how not to interact with a mate or potential was, obviously, quite limited. She'd never ghosted a non-intimate friend before either, as far as she knew. Oh, this was all just so new to her.

“No shackles," Jo told her. "I’d rather not have to explain a key or scrape marks to Ty."

Rita was conflicted as to whether she should be disappointed or not. Shackles...? She was still kind of embarrassed that she'd even asked that of Jo ... of another woman ... of anyone as far as that goes. She had no idea what she would have done with Jo once she'd had cuffed to the bed anyway.

Then Jo ripped off her shirt after suggesting, "How about socks, to tie my hand with?”

Rita simply stared at the other woman's breasts for a moment. Oh, she'd seen breasts before, of course. Hell, she had an impressive pair of breasts herself, of course. But these breasts were being presented to her as a prelude to a sexual encounter with a beautiful woman, not just some casual flashing as two women changed in a locker room or stood under adjacent shower heads spraying them with water.

Stepping closer, Rita looked up into Jo's eyes and said softly, "I don't need to shackle you ... or tie you up. I ... I just need you to ... I need you to..."

Rita couldn't find the words, so she concluded with actions: she ripped her top off over her head as Jo had, her firm D-cups rising with the top's elastic band, then -- once freed -- falling to bounce a couple of times before settling out before the other woman, her nipples already swollen and hard with excitement.

She moved forward again their tits pressed together and wrapped her hands around Jo's torso, pulling their bodies and mouths together.
Alice, in her office:

After Leslie and Spencer departed to prepare for reanimating a mental health specialist, Alice had spent ten minutes of so working with Bertha to find a suitable candidate before sending the name to the two medical doctors. Alice thought back to what Mac had said to her, about the misunderstanding about not wanting to share a bed with him anymore.

If you still want me, I’m here, he'd told her. Well, she most definitely still wanted him. Alice got on the Comms again, telling Leslie and Spencer, "We're putting this off until tomorrow. Look at the names I sent you, and we'll get back to this tomorrow. Take the day off. We all need some time."

With that taken care of, Alice went on a search for Mac. Oh, it wasn't a difficult search, obviously, since all she'd had to do was ask Bertha where the man was. When she caught up to him, she asked without hesitation, "Do you want to be inside of me ... as much as I want you inside of me?"

She contemplated whether or not to tell him this was their last time to fuck before they had to take some time off. The facility's Administrators -- heavily influenced by the Garden of Eden Program staff -- hadn't provided birth control, in an effort to ensure that no seed or egg went to waste.

Leslie had told Alice earlier during a conversation about pregnancies and their prevention that she had what was necessary to prevent them -- abort them were Leslie's exact words. But she'd warned that with her limited resources, there was the possibility -- slight, but still worth being concerned over -- of lasting negative effects, potentially even dangerous ones.

"They wanted us to have babies," Leslie had told Alice. "Sometimes I wonder if the horny drugs in the cryo cocktail had been intentional, not incidental."

The point was, Alice didn't want to get pregnant, and if she and Mac were going to continue having intercourse, it was going to have to be during what she'd declared was the weekend. Come Monday morning, Alice was going to have to find another way to satisfy Mac's needs, as well as satisfy her own. That's what oral's for, she told herself as waited for Mac's answer as to whether they were going to fuck now.