Jobs that are sexy to you, and why

Tour guides <wink, wink>, kayak and ski instructors, lifeguards (naturally), also waiters and waitresses in a lodge (the lodge creates a more relaxed feeling of freedom unlike in the city - and the workers are kind of trapped in the forests/parks).
Taxi drivers. Yes I was propositioned and had some brief encounters. The one that sticks in my mind was a trans girl. Great kisser.
WD 40 makes a great cologne. I remember the girl that wanted me to spank her! And I am a sub! LOL
Mmm, no, has to be used motor oil. Different scent. WD40 isn't a gross smell or anything m, though, just not the mechanic smell I like (which also has a hint of gasoline to it.)
Mmm, no, has to be used motor oil. Different scent. WD40 isn't a gross smell or anything m, though, just not the mechanic smell I like (which also has a hint of gasoline to it.)
I am going to change my daughter's motor oil. Then I will be right over or you could stop by.
Working in an auto assembly plant isn't the sexiest job but I do get a lot of looks directed toward my ass, especially when I wear leggings to work. Some comments border on an HR report but most are just playful. 😊
I have taken a liking to one fella but that's strictly after work hours!! Neither of us want to get fired. 😉
I am going to change my daughter's motor oil. Then I will be right over or you could stop by.
*Points to married* Also, I imagine two subs would get real bored with each other quick.

Though that could make the most irritating erotica ever... "What would you like to do?"

"Whatever you want to..."

...Motherfucker you ain't winning this... "Oh, I'm up for anything, just tell me what you'd like..."
*Points to married* Also, I imagine two subs would get real bored with each other quick.

Though that could make the most irritating erotica ever... "What would you like to do?"

"Whatever you want to..."

...Motherfucker you ain't winning this... "Oh, I'm up for anything, just tell me what you'd like..."
*Points to married* Also, I imagine two subs would get real bored with each other quick.

Though that could make the most irritating erotica ever... "What would you like to do?"

"Whatever you want to..."

...Motherfucker you ain't winning this... "Oh, I'm up for anything, just tell me what you'd like..."
I have switched from time to time. There was the girl that wanted to be raped so we arranged it. I went to her house as a service man. I pulled out a knife then dragged her into the bed room. Then she said "Wait Wait! I better call my sister so she doesn't come over!"
Office jobs

I write about that a lot. I mean, a lot. It's to the point where people have commented on that, in a good way.

The actual job title isn't important, but the outfit, the professionalism, that discipline, ect...
Office jobs

I write about that a lot. I mean, a lot. It's to the point where people have commented on that, in a good way.

The actual job title isn't important, but the outfit, the professionalism, that discipline, ect...
Same for me.

I've spent most of my career working as a professional in offices and I'm attuned to the style, decorum, dress codes, expectations of conduct, politics, ass-kissing, etc. that takes place in the office setting. What makes it sexy is that it's not SUPPOSED to be sexy. When sexy happens it's deviant. There's that constant "you shouldn't be doing this" quality. My first two stories were set in a) an office holiday party, and b) an office building where a man and woman from two different business firms met in the hallway. There's something about that environment.

The old time stereotypical Stews of the 60s and 70s when appearance was a key hiring point and the uniforms were designed accordingly. That all hid the fact that they were well trained and highly competent and talented. Then the added jet set lifestyle traveling the world and being paid for it.

Some airlines still feature that type of uniform, but a Flight Attendant today is likely to be of any physical size or appearance. The job is the same, probably even more stressful and complicated, but the mystique is gone.
What few stories I did often featured office jobs in some way and I did the whole Executive Style titillation of fitted suits and high heels. But in reality any office I've been in over the last 20 years, the common dress code is very casual, jeans and Tees kind of thing. Not a suit or skirt to be seen.

Another common fantasy type theme is the waitress. Not the neighborhood bar or club, but the casino or dinner club style Playboy Bunny, Cigarette girl, Cocktail Waitress type. Almost evening wear, but cut shorter and lower, maybe with flared petticoats.
Yep, the corporate environment for me, which I've been in my whole career, both private sector and government sector. The hottest, most capable and intelligent women I've ever known, fellow managers, junior staff, hot Mary from Accounts, the swift walking young woman in the street who inspired both my Madelyn and Madeleine series. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, every last one of them. And of course, cafés for morning coffees and lunch, the cute pony-tailed barista...
Hmmm. Entertainers--not all of them, but some of them. Mostly because they're actually trying to be attractive, and some are very good at it.
Park rangers - specifically, interpretive/naturalist rangers, not the LEO ones or the construction/maintenance ones.
personal trainers, military men, construction workers (men, of course). I guess I like them because they are in shape and can be aggressive.
Ironworkers probably take the most risks in the construction trades. I've heard that they won't go up if they get a bad "premonition" on a certain day. One has to give them a break on that. "Sandhogs" (tunnel builders) take a lot of risks too.

I get dizzy just looking at this. The guy with his arms folded looks as calm as if he was standing on the ground.
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I like adventure guides and outdoorsy people - fun and energetic, creative, especially if they are also musicians.

Also skilled craftspeople, artists, renewable energy geeks and techs, environmentalists, inspiring teachers, compassionate social workers…