Jobs that are sexy to you, and why

Skilled workers of all types. In particular female caregivers (including psychologists, medical professionals, and spiritualists of all good alignments). They have their lovers’ pleasure in mind as well as their own. Female warriors and defenders also, same reasons as above plus they’re usually in great shape physically. Also a fan of fantasy sorceresses and secret agents.
I have a few recurring tropes in my fantasy life, some of which emerge repeatedly in captions I make on another platform, and some of which have or will make an appearance in my stories

- bad CEO - he exploits his staff/secretaries/interns horribly. He's a bad bad man, luckily he has the support of

- corrupt HR lady, she has very odd ideas about company culture, it's probably not wise to complain about bad CEO to her, she's got his back

- pervy teacher, pervy professor, always with an eye on slutty college girl, slutty college girl is a closely related to

- slutty college babysitter, middle-aged age dad is going to enjoy driving her home and her special tip isn't unreasonable

- bad mom, did you girls never wonder why your new boyfriend has no apparent sex drive? Bad mom keeps him too drained for you

- good mom, she eases the path through life of her children. Did you never wonder why you always did so well in grades and interviews? It's almost like you had a cocksucking angel on your side

- the bullies, they're not nice to innocent girls, not nice at all

- bad girlfriend, each time you wake up with a hangover and strangers cum in your hair, you will tell yourself to stop drinking with her

- good girl, she is, she really is, she's so ashamed of what the bad white men made her do, she doesn't enjoy it at all, don't listen to her orgasms and drooling cunt. They lie!

- reluctant lesbian. She sure seems to eat a lot of pussy for a girl who says she's straight

- other than that, the slave master, the slave girls in their chains, the pets in their kennels, the corrupting older sister and policemen and women with very odd views of public duty.
Ironworkers probably take the most risks in the construction trades. I've heard that they won't go up if they get a bad "premonition" on a certain day. One has to give them a break on that. "Sandhogs" (tunnel builders) take a lot of risks too.

I get dizzy just looking at this. The guy with his arms folded looks as calm as if he was standing on the ground.
I get dizzy too. I recent wrote a story about these guys.
Drive thru fast food window girls.
I have a series where a guy is intrigued by his girlfriend working for a while behind the counter of a fast food restaurant. He sometimes goes in to order from her just to tease her and have some good-natured joshing with her. She, oddly enough, feels aroused by it too. "If young guys came in and noticed me, as they often did, I would flirt with them shamelessly. One gimmick was that I would shake my ass at them when I went to the back counter. Of course, I was a pure tease and I never accepted any offers for dates -- or simply sex -- although I got plenty of those."

She also says this, which her boyfriend does eventually find out about. "Initially, I didn't reveal to anyone that every time I went to work I wore a thong, either black or white, under my ugly brown trousers. That way I still felt like myself, a woman with some juice, not merely a drab fast food-serving schlub."
Taxi drivers. Yes I was propositioned and had some brief encounters. The one that sticks in my mind was a trans girl. Great kisser.
From my first-hand experience, female passengers propositioning male drivers are pretty rare. Their social status is too low. Other combinations are more probable. I once was inadvertently approached by a prostitute who got into my cab. The experience (quite brief) was definitely not in any way erotic. It is described here.

"How much money have you got to spend?"
Hmmm, I don't see accountants getting mentioned, did I choose poorly (well the pays good). Actually one of the sexiest women on here is a CPA, and no I'm not outing her (and she's just a friend).
I don’t know, you tell me?

Al wasn't happy with his entire life. I never could figure out why he didn't get along with Peggy. All right, she couldn't cook, but so what? I guess it would have gone against Al's preference for negativity. (Arguably he was dealing with depression.) Or does familiarity simply breed contempt?
Rocker girls.

Women like the Wilson sisters from Heart and Suzi Quatro were attractive to begin with, but they looked even hotter on stage, rocking out.

Rocker girls.

Women like the Wilson sisters from Heart and Suzi Quatro were attractive to begin with, but they looked even hotter on stage, rocking out.
Just curious, how old is that photo? Age catches up with all of us. Ann is 74 and and Nancy is 70. Well, I'm getting up to 70 myself, but I still doubt they'd have anything to do with me.
Just curious, how old is that photo? Age catches up with all of us. Ann is 74 and and Nancy is 70. Well, I'm getting up to 70 myself, but I still doubt they'd have anything to do with me.
It's from the mid seventies, I think. When they were doing their best stuff.
Barber/stylist. My barber shop is owned by a woman, who is very attractive and has hired three other women. I've always enjoyed my hair touched and I find the act of getting my hair cut, very intimate when it's done by a woman. I don't get an erection and start panting like a pervert, but it's very enjoyable. It'll likely end up in a story some day.
What about Realtor? What do they do to make the sale?

I keep seeing signs for a realty group around here featuring a young blonde. Always thought she was just a model for the sign. Then one day I decided to look up the agency. Nope, she's the owner. And the entire staff, from other realtors to office clerks are all young women.
Professional women golfers and tennis players. Lexi Thompson’s legs are top of the list.
Barber/stylist. My barber shop is owned by a woman, who is very attractive and has hired three other women. I've always enjoyed my hair touched and I find the act of getting my hair cut, very intimate when it's done by a woman. I don't get an erection and start panting like a pervert, but it's very enjoyable. It'll likely end up in a story some day.
Depends what hair is getting cut for me.
My physical therapist is extremely sexy to me. Something about the way he looks when he's demonstrating for me. Not the type I would ever go for but I can't explain it.