Jokes in stories that no one got (or commented on)

AO3 has a way to make co-authored content work and be listed under the names of all authors involved, if you’re interested. Privately message me for further details.

I loved watching PofI back in the day. Finch and Root were my favorite characters.
Anyhoo, trying to get this critter back out of the paddock and onto the roadway...

I managed a double joke in my Halloween story I'm not sure too many people picked up.

"And Stacy is staying here for a few nights. Did you know she's broken off her engagement with Kevin? I knew that boy was no good. Imagine, him going off with Stacy's mom. Mrs Lovejoy said she was sure there was something going on, her wandering around in nothing but that red bikini while he was mowing the lawn. Obviously, the poor girl can't stay at home in that situation."
You can’t - at least not easily.

Had this issue with Traffic, which I co-authored with @Djmac1031

There are some labirynthine things that can be done with Laurel’s help, but it’s not really supported.

Okay, so my only co-authored one won't be on here then. :( I blame Millie for not letting me take full credit for it.

To be clear: you CAN publish a co-authored story here.

You'd just have to decide which author gets to publish it under their profile.

In our case, @EmilyMiller was the one who started the story, then suggested, for fun, I write the next segment.

So I did.

The story was still a bit short, so Emily wrote a third part to finish it out.

We didn't really debate about "ownership" much. Emily had the initial idea, started it, and wrote most of it, frankly. I had no objections at all to it simply being published under her profile. It made the most sense.

She of course gave me a writing credit mention.

It was a short, simple, fun and not overly complicated story. I suppose something much longer where two authors are collaborating multiple ideas and equally responsible for plot and characters etc, it could be more difficult to decide who actually gets to publish it.

Only real way around that I suppose would be create a third profile clearly listing each Author as equals.
In on-topic matters, Michael Phelps is mobbed by crazed fan girls whose sexual stamina exceeds his in my story “Beijing Streakers”. At least he has a good time. An easy joke to get, but not one readers have specifically mentioned in feedback yet. Maybe it’s too obvious. I like to think it was inspired. ;)
We have no need to publish it here. It isn't good, I only enjoyed the part I wrote, and I don't want it here. If you want it here, do so without my name on it. It can't be published for sale to many references to the TV show.
Okay, so my only co-authored one won't be on here then. :( I blame Millie for not letting me take full credit for it.
I’m a total whore for including silly jokes or references in many of my stories. These are often so recherché that they will amuse no one but me.

I mentioned on here recently that the many of the supporting cast of Teaching Eden, are gender-swapped versions of cast members from The Haunting of Hill House. I have quotes from Raiders of the Lost Ark and Star Wars all over the place.

But one I thought people might have got was The Giant Squid of Cumatra (a story the world was clearly not prepared for) in Caputpedes. It appears not 😊.

It’s deeply silly and kinda childish, I know 😬.

Is just me who includes such Easter Eggs?

If you do, do readers notice?


Rumor has it that in order to understand your Easter eggs, the reader has to be wearing a pair of fairly thick glasses... :geek:

I put an Easter egg or two in some of my stories, but yeah, I am yet to see a reaction to them. It is no wonder, though. My cultural references are often based on books, comics, and shows I grew up on, many of them not belonging to the Western culture.
Rumor has it that in order to understand your Easter eggs, the reader has to be wearing a pair of fairly thick glasses... :geek:
Like these?


Sorry - not a being a good girl today 😈.

Easter egg in “Two Cats in Heat”- Cat Reddick is marrying into the Whitehill family- which happens to be the same family from certain short stories by Brazilian writer Rita Maria Felix de Silva. For her sake, I hope it’s not one of the crazy branches of that family which include vampires, mad scientists, and other supernatural fiends! She’s also wearing a ring similar to a certain creation of Dark Lord Sauron in its intent! Maybe she’ll fit right in!
To answer the original question:

I've worked in movie references, song lyrics, etc in plenty of stories.

Star Wars gets mentioned a lot. But others as well.

My funnest Easter Egg though was in The Devil And Angel Em. A story Emily is of course very familiar with, but:

One of the main characters is a She-Demon named Cozbi.

In her past, she's used an alias: Randi.

Chose that name for two reasons.
1: the obvious double entendre.
2: an homage to Randall Flagg, a human / demon hybrid that first appeared in Stephen King's apocalyptic novel The Stand, and has gone on to feature heavily in several other King novels including The Dark Tower series.

But I didn't just stop at the name. At one point my character shows up in an outfit that matches the description of Flaggs attire in The Stand; denim jacket adorned with some specific pins, faded jeans, dusty, well worn cowboy boots.

I pointed out the reference in the Afterwards and acknowledged King and his character Randall Flagg because I didn't want King fans accusing me of plagiarism.
Easter egg from “Rekindled”. Due to excessive narcissistic tendencies, Scarlett Johansson is dressed for Halloween as a vampire version of herself. This is also a nod to celebrity vampire fanfic stories by another writer whose non-vampire fanfics I have enjoyed. And a way to make Joanna Dark (the other FMC’s costume) hook up with a vampire vixen in an acceptable manner. ;)
Ok this thread is hopelessly distracted. Never mind.

One last chance. In Passion 5 when Tom Cruise is seduced by his (temporary) reawakened hot wife Katie Holmes, he says she “had him at hello”. This is of course a nod to Tom’s film Jerry Maguire and an obvious reference.
In the first chapter, of The Price Of Embezzlement

I included this:

"That's...! That's...!"

"That's sexual harassment," He finishes for me. "Yes, yes it is. Quite definitely. And you don't have to take it... although, from my position, it seems infinitely preferable to the other option..."

That was a reference to the old sexual harassment PSA:
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