July 2015 Challenge: The Imitation Game

i'm sending an older piece just to make sure i've sent something, but INTEND to write new for the challenge. intentions don't always pan out, so ... just in case. :rolleyes:
The response count is now ten. I may post this batch tomorrow.

Or not. It's really hot here and I'm feeling lethargic. :rolleyes:
Note of clarification: If you submit a response to me and want to change it, or even delete it, even after I've initially posted it, just send me a PM with the changes (either an edited version of the poem, a description of what you want me to change about the poem if it's a pretty straightforward change/fix, or that you want the poem deleted). I will make the changes as soon as possible, though that might be in a couple of days as I have family issues that could take me out of town at any time.
I think I have thirteen responses at this point. ("Think," because some are being revised by their authors.)

I am Hungry for more.

RIP Paul Revere.
Trying to meet this challenge and so far coming empty, empty...
Don't feel bad, Mer. If something strikes you, I'd love to have a response from you, but not all challenges appeal to, or work for, everyone.

I currently have fourteen responses, though some are being revised by their authors. I am proofreading what I have so far and may be contacting authors if I see something questionable (formatting, punctuation, spelling, etc.). As author, your intent is what counts, so if I ask about something that doesn't mean you need to change it.

I'm also waiting for someone to write a sestina. Elizabeth Bishop's is a good model, or this one by Dana Gioia.
I am less interested in who knows I wrote it and more in whether I can produce a reasonable (by my standards) imitation of the poem I pick. It's a lot of fun to try. I do like knowing who wrote what, but I always look at these challenges as the "win" coming simply from writing a poem and learning something in the process. :)
I am less interested in who knows I wrote it and more in whether I can produce a reasonable (by my standards) imitation of the poem I pick. It's a lot of fun to try. I do like knowing who wrote what, but I always look at these challenges as the "win" coming simply from writing a poem and learning something in the process. :)

Me too. These challenges make me think about writing. I'm on board, Angie. If I write something people on PF&D(that's most of you BTW), whom I respect, enjoy or don't my work, that's great. They'll say so in either case, and I'll think about it.

You're right. It's about the process.
Is this the thread to discuss the "imitation" poems? That Whitman imitation is a wow; it took my breath away.
Is this the thread to discuss the "imitation" poems? That Whitman imitation is a wow; it took my breath away.
Yes. Or, if it makes more sense, start a new thread to discuss the poems. I just want to keep the comments out of the thread where I've actually posted the poems, to make it easier for people to read them without having to wade through comments.
Yes. Or, if it makes more sense, start a new thread to discuss the poems. I just want to keep the comments out of the thread where I've actually posted the poems, to make it easier for people to read them without having to wade through comments.

I vote for using this thread cause if we add one more, that's three. I'm not opposed to new threads but it could get confusing.

So now do we guess who wrote what? Do we wait till the deadline? I'm more interested in hearing what people did to try to carry the original into their own poems and if the new poem differs, how and why does it?

Sorry. I sound like Roseanne Rosannadanna. :rolleyes:
I'd love to play but Magnetrons sigs are breaking the thread for me making me have to use my slider to read each post. he change his sig line as soon as I discovered why, and how it was effecting my viewing, I consider it a personal attack and will not be responding in any threads where he posts so I suspose that means goodbye to lit. have a nice day :eek:
I'd love to play but Magnetrons sigs are breaking the thread for me making me have to use my slider to read each post. he change his sig line as soon as I discovered why, and how it was effecting my viewing, I consider it a personal attack and will not be responding in any threads where he posts so I suspose that means goodbye to lit. have a nice day :eek:
whoah there! :eek: not so hasty!

ok, i'm not getting my pages stretched so we need to sort out the issue for you: are you seeing his sig as links or pictures appearing on screen? you can turn sigs off if it comes to it.
i absolutely love Down in the Troldrums! had me grinning from the very first line :cool:
I'd love to play but Magnetrons sigs are breaking the thread for me making me have to use my slider to read each post. he change his sig line as soon as I discovered why, and how it was effecting my viewing, I consider it a personal attack and will not be responding in any threads where he posts so I suspose that means goodbye to lit. have a nice day :eek:

I don't see a problem with Mag's sig. It doesn't stretch my screen.
I don't see a problem with Mag's sig. It doesn't stretch my screen.

I believe I have partially fixed it, changed skin to firestorm fixed, now his is the only one that runs off the page, I can work with that. I have a screen shot if anyone is interested
I vote for using this thread cause if we add one more, that's three. I'm not opposed to new threads but it could get confusing.

So now do we guess who wrote what? Do we wait till the deadline? I'm more interested in hearing what people did to try to carry the original into their own poems and if the new poem differs, how and why does it?

Sorry. I sound like Roseanne Rosannadanna. :rolleyes:
You're welcome to guess who wrote what anytime. I still have some more responses to post, though, and don't feel you need to try and guess--I only left the names off because people seemed to enjoy guessing who authored each piece. The main object of the challenge is to try and emulate a poem or style.

So comment about anything you find interesting about the poems. One thing I've found very interesting is the different poems/poets people chose to imitate. Some seem like fairly obvious choices, some do not.
OK, I think all of the poems I have received so far have been posted to the response thread. If you've sent me something, please check that it is there (i.e., that I didn't lose it) and that I transferred it correctly (I've already screwed one poet's work up by chopping off the end of their poem). There is still plenty of time to give the challenge a try and there is no limit on the number of entries, so feel free to send me another hack at it even if you've already sent in one, or two, or seven. :rolleyes:

Thanks again to everybody who has participated so far. The poems are excellent, the choices (of what to imitate) interesting, and it's been a lot of fun.

I might even try writing one myself.
I'd love to play but Magnetrons sigs are breaking the thread for me making me have to use my slider to read each post. he change his sig line as soon as I discovered why, and how it was effecting my viewing, I consider it a personal attack and will not be responding in any threads where he posts so I suspose that means goodbye to lit. have a nice day :eek:

If you don't put a stop to all that complaining coming out of your tater hole, I'll throw you right out the door into summer and you'll wish it felt like anything but spring.
OK, I think all of the poems I have received so far have been posted to the response thread. If you've sent me something, please check that it is there (i.e., that I didn't lose it) and that I transferred it correctly (I've already screwed one poet's work up by chopping off the end of their poem). There is still plenty of time to give the challenge a try and there is no limit on the number of entries, so feel free to send me another hack at it even if you've already sent in one, or two, or seven. :rolleyes:

Thanks again to everybody who has participated so far. The poems are excellent, the choices (of what to imitate) interesting, and it's been a lot of fun.

I might even try writing one myself.

I hope you do. I always read your stuff.
If you don't put a stop to all that complaining coming out of your tater hole, I'll throw you right out the door into summer and you'll wish it felt like anything but spring.

LMAO, thank you for fixing it, you don't have to take the sig off just break it up so it's not a continuous line with no breaks between links