Just a Thought

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Just a Thought

Desdemona said:

Yep. There is something definitely wrong with the relationship.

I'm full of opinions tonight. :)

We need more Des opinions, we need more Des opinions (it's a chant...) ;)

I agree (surprise!) with Des.

Although -- there are times when I've seen people be affectionate in a very, very different way with their pet than their S.O. There's a degree of silliness and freedom with an animal that is staring up at you with adoration in it's eyes that just makes you want to pick them up (okay, not with big dogs...but you get my drift) and grab them and cuddle them. Coo to them.

They don't criticize you for it.

My cat's a male whore for attention, petting, belly rubs.

Now, my cat might be in a bad mood and fussy. But he's not going to tell me to stop being so clingy I'm trying to watch the game, read the paper, finish my lunch, etc.

With humans you have to take into account mood and timing a lot more carefully. Also some people are PDA people and some aren't. I am one -- a PDA. But I've been involved with men who aren't. It's negotiable to me. Doesn't mean I like them any less -- but we just keep it behind closed doors. They like restraint in front of other people. Fine. I genuinely don't mind as long as the affection, desire, attention is there in private.

But my cat doesn't make those demands. :D

Perse :rose:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Just a Thought

Persephone36 said:

Although -- there are times when I've seen people be affectionate in a very, very different way with their pet than their S.O. There's a degree of silliness and freedom with an animal that is staring up at you with adoration in it's eyes that just makes you want to pick them up (okay, not with big dogs...but you get my drift) and grab them and cuddle them. Coo to them.

They don't criticize you for it.

My cat's a male whore for attention, petting, belly rubs.

Now, my cat might be in a bad mood and fussy. But he's not going to tell me to stop being so clingy I'm trying to watch the game, read the paper, finish my lunch, etc.

With humans you have to take into account mood and timing a lot more carefully. Also some people are PDA people and some aren't. I am one -- a PDA. But I've been involved with men who aren't. It's negotiable to me. Doesn't mean I like them any less -- but we just keep it behind closed doors. They like restraint in front of other people. Fine. I genuinely don't mind as long as the affection, desire, attention is there in private.

But my cat doesn't make those demands. :D

Perse :rose:

I agree (like anybody's surprised) and will take it a little farther. My dogs are completely dependant on me for their needs. I like having creatures around that I can care for and nurture. Not all humans like the amount of nurturing I sometimes need to provide. The dogs wallow in it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Just a Thought

Desdemona said:

I agree (like anybody's surprised) and will take it a little farther. My dogs are completely dependant on me for their needs. I like having creatures around that I can care for and nurture. Not all humans like the amount of nurturing I sometimes need to provide. The dogs wallow in it.

Oh wow Des -- is that ever the truth. Nurturing is a big part of my personality that I don't get to indulge that often. But with "The Studmuffin" lol -- he gets the whole shebang. ;)
I have a cat who has been more affectionate towards me than any man in a very long time...he is happy just sitting beside me while I'm home. If he doesn't want attention, he goes off by himself. I take care of his needs just as I take care of my daughter's... I don't plan on giving him up but have taken into consideration that I seem to be developing allergies to his long fur in the last year. This indicates to me that if anything were ever to happen to him that I would not replace him with another cat. I haven't been put in the position to make a choice between him and a life partner so I really can't say that I would choose him first.

Years ago, when I was younger and before my daughter was even thought of, I dated this man who didn't like my cat...it never failed when we decided to get a bit "frisky" (no pun intended), she just had to be right there with us...imagine having to throw the cat off the bed because she decided to park herself in the way of our bedroom activities....unfortunately, I had no door on my bedroom to close. She was an indoor/outdoor animal. Once I made the comment that I wished she would leave us alone for a couple days.....just a joking comment!! Then she disappeared... he finally admitted that he took her away after I lamented her absence one time too many. I was so hurt that he would do that to my pet without confirmation from me!! Needless to say, that relationship ended shortly after that....I couldn't bring myself to trust someone who could hurt me in such a callous way. I found out later that he wasn't the man I thought he was anyway so I assumed that my cat had sensed something I hadn't and was trying to protect me. I know that may sound funny but I tend to pay attention to animal and children's reactions to people...they seem to be right more often than not.

I hope that this makes a little bit of sense to someone...as someone before me stated, it's a real commitment to have a pet of any kind...I take that commitment seriously enough that whomever I choose to be with should respect me and my choice. I would never tell a man he had to choose between me and his Great Dane....even tho I can't begin to explain why I don't care for large dogs. Love him, love his dog....comes to mind. So it should be with any animal....(JMHO)

Ok, I'm not even going to pretend to have read this whole thread, but people are WAY more disposable than pets.

I mean, you throw a person out, they can take care of themselves (usually) but a dog depends on you.

You don't throw a dog out.

Anyway, dogs are better than people.

As for cats... well, yeah, I GUESS that applies to them, too.

(I'm a dog person, can you tell?)

Uhm, just kidding, btw. I'd kill someone who "took" one of my cats. I'm not kidding about that.
WD, your baby is quite handsome. He has a puckish look about 'im. Or her. Can't tell from the photo.

Here's one of mine.
Verypowerful said:
Couldn't resist posting a picture of subbie cat...


wow!!......what a sexy-looking submissive You have there!!......but does he know how to do laundry, Mistress??...(uummm....licking the clothes clean doesn't count!! :D ) :::feigning jealously, [or at least trying to control it!!]:::

...to all who have posted so far. I would still like to hear opinions on how people can put SO much effort into caring and nurturing their pets,...yet abstain from giving true affection toward their s/o. Any stories out there?:rose:
I have had many pets and most were more loyal and loving then the humans I knew. My oldest had a cat that was so devoted to her that when she married my son-in-law who is severely alergic to cats and had to leave her cat, the cat starved itself to death and would not eat unless my daughter came over and sat on the kitchen floor with him while he ate. I believe most animals form loving attachments to the humans they live with and the ability to love makes them part of the family. Just my 2 cents worth on the subject.
Boo Boo Kitty

My kitty and I have been together for almost 11 years. When I was a starving college student he always had plenty to eat. I've turned down some great apartments because they didn't take pets. I've spend hundreds of dollars on vet bills, flea control and cat toys. He is my baby. He has been with me longer than any SO. There is nothing I wouldn't do for him.

He is always happy to see me. Never dissappoints me. Never hurts me or withdraws his affection. He always has time for me and never fails to come when I call. He always listens to my problems and responds by curling up in my lap and purring. I wish I could say the same for some of the human relationships I've had.

And if it ever came down to a choice between a man and my cat...

Well, let's just say I love my pussy. :heart:
Well it's like this..

We USED to have guinea pigs,but they died:(
now my 10-yr-old has a pet garter snake that is 2 and a half feet long and it's really cool ,i love it's coloring and little for-tongue however when it comes to Tongues"' ,I believe I prefer my Baby's the best!! lol

By the way I am simply LOVING all the kitty-cat pictures!! my Gram had 23 cats she raised on her farm I grew up on.:)
Ack! My Achilles heel!

My command of All Things Coherent has just been destroyed by the one power that I cannot resist....pictures of adorable cats!

*clutches at her chest feebly*

There is an animal shelter that Hunny and I visit regularly. Inside are two Cat Rooms; you just go on in and there are about 10 cats per room for you to play with and love on. It makes them happy and gets them used to human companionship which makes them more adoptable.

T is highly allergic to cats. I'm not going to so much as try to compromise on this issue, despite my fervent affinity for felines. However, the one person I know who tried to put her love of animals above her love for her SO wasn't exactly the most rational of people, and so I don't really have much of an answer to you, Artful.