Just a title

A pun sequence riffing on "Laying in Wait" (which is also a title):

Laying in Weight
Sleighing in Wait
Playing in Wait
Beer Goggles for the WIN!

She Ain't Pretty, She's My Sister (I know Neil Diamond will sue)

Mars Needs MILFs

Stranger's Things

Sexual Adventures in Babysitting

Game, Set, Snatch.

Grabbed By The Pussy

This one probably wouldn't fly here on Lit:
"It Takes A Village"
Oh, I know that I could do something with this that would fly. :devilish:
Vaginatown. "Forget it, Jake. It's Vaginatown."

When Hairy Met Salty

The Whore Whisperer

Gone Down Girl

The Kinkin' Lawyer

The Usual Sex Pics
The Usual Sex Acts

No Pussy For Old Men

Saturday Night Beaver

Strangers in the night exchanging panties
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Help me step-witch! I'm stuck in your pumpkin! (a love story)
Too Many Cooks

Slippery Slope
(note: no racist interpretations, please, unless you mean the story to be about someone who fetishizes racist insults)

Hot Under the Collar ... and Leash
